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Wouldn’t shock me at this point honestly.

I think having people wait days for the allied race that was advertised as a perk with the purchase of the expansion makes everyone pretty patient! It was never clear that it was going to be time gated. Now most people have to wait even longer, knowing that a lucky few got access. We paid money for the expansion and we pay a monthly sub. This is ridiculous.

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More like The War Without amirite


the quest in the chain is disabled but there are people who managed to slip past and unlock them, whom are happily leveling their earthen as we speak. the rest of us have to wait.

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heh. got em


Not at this point it doesn’t.

the last few launches have been great lol

Not true my man, with the horrible writers and the lack-luster content, they had to time gate things in order to have people pay a sub for at least one more month!

Sure there will be those that will forever hold Blizzard up as the paragons of the MMO world, but sadly, that has not been the case since WotLK (Original version).

Other, much smaller MMO companys, have better graphics, better content, (sort of) and better writers. Sadly, there is not much options out there right now for NEW content in the MMO world.

Padding out game time. That’s literally the only reason, every time a company does something like this, it’s to pad out the time between resubscriptions.


I did it as soon as the server went up and had no scenario bugs. Only thing that bugged was final cinematic.

I’m Earthen now but forums won’t update.

They must have changed it since I last checked, daily is pretty much spammable but veteran gear is far less of an issue than champion.

Things like this happen because programming is a labyrinthine craft that takes time and energy no matter the scale.

Then the scale of this project is absolutely enormous.

Then the bureaucracy of running a company this big leads to the QA staff, that most of you people seem to think aren’t doing their jobs or even exist half the time, giving feedback that isn’t acted on by the people actually doing the programming. It’s not complicated but gamers are notoriously ignorant.

Please, can someone on the other end just confirm that no bugs were ever fixed, and it is meaningless to ever report bugs.


this launch has really been bad for me. never had trouble with any other launch. this one i have had so many dc bugs and stuff just not working. it has been really bad. i hope they get it fixed

And every single one has had more and worse bugs each time. Things have finally started to boil over and people are rightfully pissed off.

Bad news - During the supposed “beta” testing, Blizzard was still hiring people for testing @ Blizzard dot com


And that is exactly why I made this thread days ago… smh

There is literally nothing else going on in the game right now but for the max level campaign, it’s inexcusable to have not fixed it for so long and it has totally ruined the pre-season experience which was already mired by lack of content and a whole host of other bugs unrelated to this.

Now that Blizzard Activision is owned by Microsoft, those bugs are now features and therefore won’t be fixed any time soon.

So this how the non-EA people felt. Man this freaking sucks

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Was it because characters you race-changed to Earthen got the heritage armor without having to level? Also curious to see how they eat and drink.