Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

You are late, someone already said it.

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Many have said it because it’s the truth.

This is the price of outsourcing, but companies never learn.


dang i be glad when all this is fixed paying to much and more dern bugs maintence than any other exspansion ive ever played…i just want to finish war within campagain and get my Earthen unlocked… if this keeps up i never will be able too

When you’re drip-feeding your audience content, and the one little thing being released for the week doesn’t work, yeah people are gonna be angry. Just another week of doing nothing until season one starts. The release for the war within has been the most anti-climatic post-launch because of crappy forced time gating for no reason.


He used to work for Blizzard. Though not in QA or development, he was on the hacks team. And his dad used to be the cinematics director (his dad inspired the guy with no life from the South Park episode).

Anyway, I really like this expansion so far. But the sheer amount of bugs and issues is overwhelming. It should’ve NEVER launched in this state. I doubt I’m actually going to leave over it…I’ll probably switch to levelling alts or something in the meantime. But still, this has gone well past the point of ridiculousness.

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Of course the timegated unlock of an unpopular race is bugged to heck on release. Blizz are the L stacking champions.

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All of you saying they should’ve tested or what not. No amount of testing would’ve prevented this when there are so many different outcomes that you would need to consider.

LOL A lot of folk on these forums don’t actually have patience OR understanding.

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No, spammable champion gear before raid is released is not a good idea.

So maybe next time have the allied race set to go at launch instead of doing twentythousand other things, just to take this system down for the whole thing.

So we can expect this to ready jsut when . You told us Sept 3rd.

So how about you unlock Earthen for all who pre ordered and let us play something that’s now walled even more.


This isn’t a situation where there are certain edge cases where stuff doesn’t work. That’s expected with millions of players. This did not work at all, for anyone. It clearly wasn’t tested.


Really hope Earthen aren’t among all the stuff disabled.

This is what happens when dev teams are pushed to meet a deadline created by sales teams. This expansion wasn’t ready to launch when it did. It could’ve used this month of Sept. to polish it, still.


Any info on the fix for Hunter/Warlock/Mage pet agro being incorrectly assigned to the player character not the pet, or the lack of ability to break down higher tier to lower tear for Enchanting dusts due to the, some how missed, lack of green craftables in Tailoring?

Didn’t you know that pushing it live and letting us find the issue is part of their regression testing…

I just handed in the last quest before seeing this thread. I encountered no issues throughout the chain. What was this big bad bug and what exactly was disabled? The Earthen achievement literally popped two minutes ago.

M0s have a daily lockout, so not spammable. Also, M0 drops veteran gear, not champion.

Well isn’t that obvious, we do

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Good news. They didn’t test it at all. With or without AI.

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