Today's 9.2 stream predictions

In BFA the entire zone was a battleground with most of SI:7 Kalimdor missions focused on it. So no, the Horde did not control it and with the knowledge that the Alliance has Tirigarde Keep after the Fourth War makes me think the got pushed back.

Pretty sure there are still thousands of them. And if races like Gnomes/Blood elves/draenei managed to survive with 80/90% of their population wiped out, so will the night elves(my best guess is the night elves still have at least 50% of their pre War of Thorns population)

False. There was only 1 meeting, the zone is neutral.

“Renewal” means forgiving their abusers and having their souls obliterated.

These few Night Elves can’t live on the streets of Stormwind forever and since they have nowhere to go… :woman_shrugging:

  1. The Horde had full control of it during the War of Thorns

  2. The Horde had full control of it in 8.1 which also happened to be after the table missions

  3. The Alliance took until 9.0 (pre patch) to reclaim Darkshore, which is already after the peace treaty, they never even got to attack Ashenvale.

No way with their 3 zones being wiped out (and taken away or destroyed).


False, there was no information about Ashenvale aside from Mission tables and said mission tables had it as a gorrila warfare between the two forces.

And the draenei had all their zones wiped out by the Horde and a majority of its population killed off pre Warcraft 1 and yet it is still existing and even thriving. The night elves will be fine.

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The Alliance arrived in Darkshore in 8.1 by boat. They didn’t come from Ashenvale. The Horde had full control of Darkshore and Ashenvale then and they also must have had supply lines through Ashenvale.

The majority isn’t like 95+% like the Night Elves, and I’m pretty sure they also weren’t officially destroyed as a nation and as people. The Draenei also clearly had somewhere to go as opposed to the Night Elves that are only a handful left with nowhere to go.

It’s the same thing Elesana, and Etheriel, and every other NEFPA post says.

That is how they end up tipping their hand that they are the exact same Troll on different Alts.

It/They like to say outlandish and incorrect gibberish. Such as :


The forsaken participating in the GENOCIDE of the night elves will always be worse than the forsaken having to work for a villain or loosing their capital. This isn’t up for debate, just stop. And don’t get me worked up over how the worgen lost two homes to horde aggression. It’s like y’all just disagreeing because we’re either a Night elf or worgen fan

Homegirl, there is literally a Korthia artifact that is soil from Ardenweald that can regrow any tree in short amount of time

There’s plot mcguffins already to suggest a restoration of Teldrassil and those souls, is coming.

The Jailer’s impact on Azeroth was un-natural. It broke the laws of the Shadowlands…the natural order.

The player experience is the only thing that’s rrelevant. Becuse this isn’t a social studies presentation or a Ken Burns documentary it’s a game that people play first and foremost.

If you’re trying to make a judgement about which race suffered the most, then you can only look at what the race suffered in-universe. That does affect the player experience. That’s why Sorrowmoon and those like her are so angry about Teldrassil.

After Genn attacked the Warchief of the Horde in Stormheim, I would gladly burn what ever dog house they manage to cobble together. Where ever they go.

Genn’s actions in Stormheim were on Saurfang’s mind when he agreed with the War of Thorns.

I would chase them to the ends of the universe, and burn what ever jerks give them shelter, for justice - if the story allowed.

All Genn got for his warmongering and violence against the Horde was a stern rebuke from Anduin.

Maybe if Shadowlands ends like this :

Anduin : “Sylvanas. You were a mean girl. I sternly rebuke you. Well, now that that’s over, let’s have punch and cookies. Are we good Tyrande?”

Tyrande: “Not until we have dem cookies! Yum yum, gimme some!”

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The stream starts in an hour, and today is Veteran’s Day or Remembrance Day, not that everyone here lives in a country that celebrates one of those.

Though, I’m sure if you integrated those holidays into WoW, they would take on a different meaning.

I read this while eating a cookie and almost choked.


That would be an exercise in futility becuse

  1. Blizzard doesn’t develop the races to the level where we can identify them closely enough to actually get their experience.

  2. Blizzard doesn’t keep a consistent account of events. For example, The assault on Astrannar as played from the Alliance and Horde Player’s point of view are two completely different stories. There’s a heck of a lot of solipistic elements to the player eperience of the game.

It’s also 11/11 and with nods to Sacred Geometry that’s auspicious. 11:11 manifest your destiny… it’s cute.

And some people still think this game is not full of New Age religious themes.

I still think “Fate” is the Endboss of Shadowlands.

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Many players don’t read quest text on their first playthrough, so that’s not surprising.

I would have to give this one to the Forsaken to be honest.

For starters, they were once living humans who died during an apocalyptic event. Then they were raised into a state of undeath, controlled by dark magic, and killed their friends and loved ones. Once they broke free, there was no hope of establishing any kind of friendly contact with the living; all they could ever be, at most, were tools and weapons, just as Garithos used them for.

So, they fought tooth and nail to reclaim the lands they’d once had in life, forced to dwell in dilapidated hovels and ruins. Positive emotions become a rare occurrence for them, they were doomed to revert to a mindless state eventually and serve the Scourge once more, and their numbers were few and barely rising.

They joined a faction consisting of the very monsters that had terrorized them in life a decade or so earlier, because their own weren’t able to accept them. The one driving force that kept them going was revenge on the Lich King.

Now they’ve lost their homes again, their only means of reproduction are gone, their Banshee Queen just made them pariahs within the Horde, and they’re essentially leaderless while Lilian Voss vacillates on whether or not she can be their leader, and Calia Menethil, who has shared NONE of their trauma or burdens, tries to play guidance counselor so they place nice with the living for a change of pace.

The Forsaken story is consistently one of loss, betrayal, and solitude, some of it self-imposed, a lot of it starting from factors well beyond their control.

I cannot think of a race that has suffered more than the Forsaken. All they can do is suffer.

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The tree, perhaps. But Teldrassil was more than that. It held the blessings of the Dragon Aspects. It connected the Kaldorei to the Emerald Dream. It gifted them with natural resistance to non-magical disease.

It is difficult to know what all that means for Night Elves. After 10,000 years, how susceptible are they to illness compared to those who have gathered their immunity by more conventional means? What does this mean for Night Elf longevity and fertility?

Speculation aside, these blessings cannot be replicated. Not as they were, as the Aspects are not as powerful as they once where. The War of Thorns took something from the Kaldorei that is impossible for them to get back.

What about the part where they now love to inflict suffering on others? You kinda forget that part. :joy: You know “death to the living” and all that.

Doesn’t really change the extent of their own suffering.

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It makes them no better than the scourge. Thus they get zero sympathy from me. They are worse even, since they do it while having “free will” as opposed to the mindless puppets of the scourge.

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