Today's 9.2 stream predictions

Odd that they didn’t turn to necromancy to begin with if that were the case, don’t you think?

Necromany is unacceptable to Forsaken.

Necromancy is forbidden. It reminds them of the Scorge. Necromancy rips your any soul from the Shadowlands and forces it into a decomposed shell. It’s traumatic and creates undead with incomplete souls.

Valkyr create Death Knights. Death knights are not the same as raised undeath through necromancy. Nathanos is the closest thing to a Forsaken Death knight. That was her plan for the Forsaken.

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Necromancy does have a history with the Scourge, so therre’s that bit of baggage. They also for some reason tend to have a low survival rate.

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So what exactly do you want the Alliance do about the forsaken? Go to war and try and wipe them out and in the process send even more Night elves to die in another war?

The Alliance stance(and there is no official policy aside from maintain the current armsacite) is best portrayed by Genn at the end of Before the Storm, we dont have to like each other, we don’t even have to work with one another but we don’t have to kill each other.

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Can unsubbed people like posts? I’m getting tired of people I’ve never spoken to or who can’t respond giving me likes. It’s artificial.

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I… don’t know? I think they can…


There are no Night Elves left to die anyway :woman_shrugging:

The point is that if the Alliance doesn’t want them dead under Anduin’s command, the Alliance didn’t even push for Ashenvale or anything because there’s nobody left to inhabit it in the first place.

Oh your toon is a blood elf. For some odd reason I thought your toon was human was a human due to that goofy helm.

I saw Kyalin giving a lot of likes in another thread, but not saying anything.

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And I liked your character’s look better without your new helm.


Speaking for myself, sometimes if I like a post and have nothing to add I will just give it a heart.


That is completely false. Have you done the quest in the Darkshore Warfront with Tyrande’s speech?

I do that too, but she hasn’t posted herself in months. I think she quit, but still lurks.


This is the first set I completed in SL so I am keeping it for now.

Looks at Boralus and Stormwind for such a dead race there are sure alot of night elves loitering around.

Can you at least wait until December after Exploring Kalimdor is released before we talk about Ashenvale. We dont know who controls it one way or another.


She doesn’t actually play. That’s the problem. She only gets her outrage secondhand from Nelf Fans sites. She has no idea what happens in game.

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…I should give the benefit of the doubt and say that there is of course a slim chance of something interesting enough to turn this most underwhelming of expansions around, but am having a very hard time imagining what it could possibly be. Aside from some decent questing, every single thing they’ve done has fallen flat as a pancake, be it a mechanic or storybeat. I want to make a serious, introspective post, not just a joke- but when the entire expansion IS nothing more than a bad joke, well, ugh.

Those handful of Night Elves have nowhere to go and no place to reproduce, the race is dead.

You mean the handful of Night Elves that are left to perish on the streets of Stormwind with nowhere to go?

We know who controls it from BfA, and unless something changed off screen, the Horde still controls it.

They literally moved back to Hyjal, to Nordrassil.

They went back to thier real home, to rebuild and re-populate.

They are on a theme of “Renewal”


Stormwind always had a large immigrant Night Elf community, before the Burning. It’s like how there were 10,000 High Elves living in Stormwind alone, before the Void Elves even joined the Alliance.

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I have no idea why Ethriel came back. You aren’t happy with the game. You aren’t happy with the writers. Your hope is gone. Why would you pay money to rant to the void and stir discord? We already got confirmation they don’t read these forums for feedback