Today's 9.2 stream predictions

Again, this has nothing to do with the degree to which they have suffered.

That’s fine. I didn’t write all of that to make people feel bad for them, just to point out that, objectively, I think they’re the race which has suffered the most in this franchise. That we know about, at least.

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They lost their resistance to diseases as soon as they lost their immortality. It had nothing to do with Teldrassil.

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If anyone is confused about Night Elf immortality, not saying anyone is, all it did was stop their aging and give them resistance to disease. It never made them godlike or unkillable.

That one male Night Elf joke where he questions whether a sharp object could hurt him, makes no sense, and should have been removed with the other jokes.

It had everything to do with Teldrassil.

Ysera and Alezstraza blessed Teldrassil in Stormrage, so their resistance to disease and blessings of life was returned to them. The reason they didn’t get their immortality back is because Nozdormu refused his blessing.


No not at all, and you’re just fooling yourself if you think that they’d restore Teldrassil.
What for, even? When the Night Elf souls are obliterated, they also don’t need a new Teldrassil.

The Night Elf story is over also, it ended with them being forced to forgive their abusers and their souls being obliterated so that the chance of them ever coming back is nullified.

The Draenei have a future. They have hope, they have faith, they have allies whom value and respect them. Velen is a mentor figure to the King of Stormwind.

The Draenei have suffered, yes, but they can rise form their suffering. The Forsaken never can. Again, positive emotion is something they rarely, if ever feel. Forsaken don’t get the comfort of hope or faith. Every moment of their existence is a battle against the nature of the powers which raised them and keep them functioning.

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Hm, interesting. I just couldn’t find a statement saying “The blessings of Alexstrasza and Ysera restored the Night Elves’ resistance to disease,” but it makes sense. Thank you.

Speak of the devil. That Vuldezi guy is back.

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Teldrassil was never blessed by all the aspects like Nordrassil was. Teldrassil was grown on top of Old God corruption by Fandral with the intention to spread the Nightmare as well as Yogg-Saron’s influence.

As a fellow Night Elf player I know Teldrassil is important and It’s loss is irreplaceable but it’s had a long and dark history. Maybe renewal at Nordrassil is a new kind of hope. Our protected Ancestral Home.

Imagine a future where the NE secure Winterspring, Felwood, Ferelas Ashenvale, Darshore and Azshara and secure half of Kalimdor. All from the defendable security of Mount Hyjal.

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Yea, those are 100% assumptions.

What, that the Forsaken don’t experience positive emotions?

Your predictions about the future of the races. Their future is irrelevant to who SUFFERED(past tense) more. Leave your “what if’s” out of it

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Predictions? All I said was that the Draenei have hope and faith to keep them going. These are things the Forsaken lack. The outlook for the Draenei is significantly more positive than it is for the Forsaken right now.

None of that is speculation. It’s fact.

It was blessed by Alexstraza and Ysera, which are the aspects primarily responsible for their connection to the Dream, their blessing of life and resistance to disease. Which is something the Aspects cannot do again after the Fall of Deathwing.

That cannot be renewed. The Horde took that from the Kaldorei and it can never be replace.

You focus so much on how Teldrassil started but you are failing to look at it from a Kaldorei worldview. The Kaldorei are the Children of the Stars, beads of light in the eternal Darkness. Adversity is part of their identity. Teldrassil, in spite of it’s origins, in spite of it’s Dark History, was a monument of the perseverance of life and the Kaldorei’s dedication to the preservation and protection of nature. It’s corruption doesn’t make it less important, it makes it MORE important. It makes it’s destruction MORE tragic. And it’s loss is something that irreparably damages Kaldorei identity, and and blessings that came with it are something that is impossible for the Kaldorei to regain.

Don’t talk to me like a fellow Night Elf player, you don’t have a clue, and you are trying to whitewash the issue to save face for Sylvanas and the Horde.


And the Forsaken have allies as well. The Horde still accepts them. They have a future with the Horde. So your point is moot.


Just because we didn’t save them yet, doesn’t mean that their souls were obliterated.

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That the Horde doesn’t reject them does not mean they accept them. The Forsaken still have a place in the Horde, but that doesn’t mean they’re liked or respected or that anyone is going out of their way to help them. I see Night Elf fans irate that Anduin didn’t send forces to Darkshore to help the Forsaken, well, I don’t see anyone in the Horde sending anyone out to Tirisfal either.

The Night Elves are infinitely more sympathetic and thus their suffering gets put under a magnifying lens, but that doesn’t mean the Forsaken haven’t suffered, or that their positive is significantly worse off.

As a race, the Forsaken cannot procreate. The countdown to their extinction is ticking again.

These issues are inter-connected and are inseperable. Yogg-Saron was an enemy to Sylvanas and the Scourge.

Unblessed Teldrassil was a threat to everyone before it was blessed in Stormrage aka Cata… that was like 10 years ago not 10,000 it’s still a pretty fresh threat.

Sylvanas burning Teldrassil had nothing to do with Yogg-Saron and you know that.


I don’t know that, actually.

I’ve actually speculated that there’s a connection and why she may have burnt the tree. Yogg-Saron’s resurgence in Shadowlands, as “The God of Death” is a huge prediction which may or may not prove true.

The stream is starting soon, lets see what happens first.