Today I got the virus

Get the vax if you have major health problems or are over the age of 55, otherwise just maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking/vaping, and supplement Vitamin D (especially in the winter or if you are black/brown and live in a colder/less sunny area)

Covid is a respiratory virus and is here to stay (thanks China), its best to keep yourself healthy, get infected and build immunity naturally if you are younger, the current vaccines arent going to make covid go away.


No, you’re the one who doesn’t get to be “free” at the cost of other people’s lives.


Only Sith Lords deal in Absolutes… is my point.

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Neat? What’s the point of a statement most people with a functional brain already know?

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It was implicit when you said people not getting the shot was selfish because they was spreading it.

If both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread it. Then this statement was unwarranted.


You’re using the “baseball in my pocket” defense.

It’s a weak debating point.

Someone says “I have a baseball in my pocket”. Another person says “Prove it”, and the first person pulls out a baseball.

Your defense is “I have a baseball in my pocket. Prove it. YOU CAN’T PROVE I DON’T HAVE A BASEBALL IN MY POCKET.”

You’re saying that because he can’t specifically DISPROVE you, that you aren’t wrong.

Except you are, and he proved it. Now it’s on you to come up with evidence to the contrary, which you haven’t.


The fully vaccinated are less likely to spread it.


?? Yeah you’re going to have to do better than that.

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Do better than what? I’m not the one judging others for making a choice.


It’s a choice that costs lives. The one “dealing in absolutes” is you, since you think it should absolutely be a choice, despite the consequences.


I had COVID for a month. I don’t remember much of that time, but then got long haul effects afterwards. I still have them almost a year later. I’ve been on medical leave for almost a year. I’ve lost friends and family to this virus. It’s no joke.

Stay safe, OP. I wish a speedy recovery and hope it doesn’t get bad. :blue_heart:


Every choice you can say cost lives… butterfly effect bubba

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if you refuse the vaccine you should sign an advance directive to withhold treatment in the case you get covid. but of course they won’t.

i never said that, you’re putting words in my mouth. i didn’t talk about contagion at all. what is selfish is expecting treatment when you refuse to listen to experts and get vaccinated, and as a result put a strain on the already overstrained healthcare system.


Actually, I didn’t disprove him from being right. I just disproved him from being factual. He could be right, or wrong. It’s not fully proven either direction. The only thing that was proven is the statement doesn’t have enough data to be a factual statement.

It’s subtle but important difference, although you are correct in the assessment of him believing he is defacto right due to the lack of evidence. Due to there never being any evidence that it was a human origin to begin with.


Oh wow, he really brought out that cliche statement huh

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y-you do realize that quote is hypocritical in of itself right? It’s not a good quote and often made fun of.


I understand your logic, but feel it’s too…not sure how to say it, but if this scenario were applied, what’s to stop the same logic from being applied to obese people, etc.?

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It seems you don’t care about lives. Highly irrational.

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It was a joke, ffs lmao

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If your choice is putting other people at risk, then it’s a stupid choice and you should rethink it.

The only people who shouldn’t be vaccinated are those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, and no, being anti-vax is not a ‘medical reason’.