Today I got the virus

Dude like I never realized how bad it feels until I got it. I had pneumonia as a kid and it’s kinda like that.

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So you basically confirmed they aren’t gone, kk.
No cure for smallpox exists . In the event of an infection, treatment would focus on relieving symptoms and keeping the person from becoming dehydrated. Antibiotics might be prescribed if the person also develops a bacterial infection in the lungs or on the skin. – It can still come back, its technically still around hiding in labs coughcovidbatcough… and people now don’t have a good immunity to it.


But you cant say 100% either. Good deal.

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Thanks dude I’m hoping so too. Trying to stay on top of my symptoms too I’m low key scared to sleep


its your responsibility to take care of yourself. You dont get to force or reprimand others for not also taking care of you.

aka, grow up.


The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019. – Pretty much if it hits you hard, it acts like lethal pnemonia.

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Man I hope I’m gonna be okay

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While I agree, everyone should get the shot. Your facts seem to be a little off.

The shot does not make you non contagious, nor does it stop you from needing to go to the hospital 100% Of the time. A person can get the shot and still get severe symptoms and need a small level of medical assistance. The shot reduces the chances that you die, or need ventilation. It reduces the odds you will need to take up a hospital bed for a prolonged time.

End of the day, someone with the shot. Is still going to infect hospital workers if they go in and get tested while infected. Which they may do because even with the shot it can feel like bronchitis or something worse.


covid 19 = Corona Virus IDentification is what it stands for.

I think you are confusing cure and vaccine. There is indeed a vaccine for smallpox.

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The fact that you’re posting on the internet right now is a good sign given what this virus is capable of. You’ll be fine.


And your point? Other than trying to be insufferable?

We don’t deal with smallpox outbreaks anymore, because everyone got vaccinated when the vaccine became available and the virus has effectively been eradicated. Smallpox exists but only in controlled lab environments for research purposes.

We don’t deal with polio outbreaks anymore, because everyone got vaccinated when the vaccine became available. The only two countries that still deal with it have horrible health conditions with few people getting vaccinated. But countries where vaccinations did happen and were widespread? Well they don’t deal with polio anymore.

It’s almost like vaccinations help reduce the spread of a virus…


So you’re using the “baseball in my pocket” defense?

Good deal.

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They’re completely wrong. It happened because vaccinations, not because of "no evidence.


While not wrong, this is a bit misleading:,disease%20during%20the%2020th%20century.

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Just wear 12 masks, and you’ll be fine. Or some other safety rule, idk, they been going back and forth on what’s safe or not all year.

For all we know at this point breathing through a twizzler is the way to go.


I mean, he proved me wrong without being able to say 100% he was right.

So…whats the argument again?

i never claimed it did?

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No, I actually said what I meant… a vaccine isn’t a cure… and they aren’t 100% effective all the time.


This is correct, and I was honest about that. I did not assert anything untrue. Like “It was a human virus, so easier to deal with” Because this is not a known thing. Far as we are aware, it’s possible rats could have been reinfecting people. But there is no data capable of supporting such things in a substantial enough way for it to be anything more then speculation.

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