Today I got the virus

Sorry, don’t take it personally, it gets like a wack-a-gnoll game here sometimes.

:cookie: :doughnut:

Unless you can read faster than most humans, there’s no way you read that entire article in the time it’s taken you to claim ‘no actual data’.

You’re like the person who watches 20 seconds of a 10 minute long youtube video then criticises the creator for points made later in the video.

Read first, then comment.

They’re not as they are not tested… asymptomatic show no symptoms so no need to test.

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wack me please. Im here, ready to be wacked

Maybe I’ve already been linked to it.


I can tell when someone is backpeddling. Don’t bother. Just read the articles, because if you did, you’d know there is actual data present in the Lancet journal, and the sources the Bloomberg article linked to are also credible.

Don’t try to lie to cover your own mistakes, just accept that you didn’t bother to read the articles and then actually read them before running your mouth.

I’m still not going to get the vaccine.

So let’s for the sake of argument concede that a portion is Asymptomatic and we can be generous here and drop off 1 million of those deaths. Reducing the death rate by a third.

That is still 2 million death, more then most wars. If a country was to threaten 2 million american souls. Would that not be worth military action?

Okay? Well eventually you’ll likely be told you ‘must’ vaccinate if you want to go to places like cinemas, restaurants and shopping malls, so, good luck with that.

Congratualations on being a part of the problem.

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I’m no problem. If anything, I’ll be here if things get ugly.

Or it could be less deaths.

Anyway, I’m out for the night as I know people love to go back and forth.

So, then what. 1 Million you happy with that number? That is now 2/3rds lower then the number you gave me. Still more then most wars. And likely would constitute military action if a country threatend that many american lives.

Of course you would. You know when you’re licked.

Enjoy having your taste come and go for the next 6 months or longer. I am just now at 95% taste uptime and it has been 6 months.

Also shout out to you southerners i never have to go back to office because of you.

622K People in the united states have died of covid.

407k American lives died in world war 2.

Yet, military action for covid people think would be uncalled for.

We are at war with an enemy we cannot see. Don’t fool yourself into believing otherwise.

the vaccine does nothing to stop from getting it or transmitting it. the effect of the vaccine is purely for personal choice

yup and kills around 2mil annually

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Hey i like to thank you if it wasnt for people like you i might be back in the office this morning​:joy::rofl:

I am assuming you mean world wide, because unless I’m reading this wrong.

Numbers don’t match.
-side note that the point that it’s still around is however factual-

Smallpox as far as I’m aware is the only illness that has ever been eradicated. Although my school may have done me wrong.