Today I got the virus

Sadly seems to be what happens. Tis why I personally refuse to go in unless its a life or death situation. If I can find some home remedy for something I’m doing it. Places like urgent care are nothing but giant petry dishes right now.

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I’m sorry to hear that! Wish you and your family the best! Luckily, nothing bad happened to mine yet.

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What is your deal? lmao

Now is a good time to quit smoking

While I certainly can’t blame you, I just wanted to say this. My wife, in fact, as an ED doctor. Now, more than ever, there are dozen of people a day coming to the ED and they are all sent home UNLESSS you can’t breathe.

At my hosp (i work in healthcare too), we aren’t even admitting anyone whos O2 stats are higher than 80. There are about 1,500+ ICU beds in north florida across all health systems. We are at full capacity. My ED specifically, we have admitted patients lined up in the ED in the hallways because there are no beds available upstairs. Just last week, sadly, there was a patient with an actual issue, but due to lack of space, he passed away.

Nonetheless, stay home. But make sure to go to the ED if you have shortness of breath. D/V is now a little different that OG’19. Yes, it is true that D/V can present with nausea and vomiting. Don’t go to ED for testing. It is not a testing site. While you’re there for 10 minutes, for us, people who work there, it is a lot more work :slight_smile:
I am not trying to be rude, I am just trying to shed some light on this for people who are not familiar with the inside outs of ED :slight_smile:

About 96% of all admitted patients are NOT vaccinated
About 1% are under the age of 25.
The average age with the OG covid was ~70.
The average age with D/V is ~55.
There are more and more younger adults who get critically ill.

Please, don’t listen to Karen. Please listen to science. This is not a scam. No one is tracking you.


I know people in Italy that have had it more than once, however there doesn’t seem like there’s much reporting of that, as with the problems and associated deaths.

I don’t know, what’s yours?

Is it really? In Western Australia it’s business as usual, its mining revenue supporting the country as it often does, yet being ignored equally as often.

You really haven’t done a lot of research on Polio…

It peaked in the US in 1952. The total number of cases? 57,879 with 3,174 deaths. About 5.2% roughly.

COVID-19? 37 million cases in the US, over 620,000 deaths. So sure that 1% mortality rate sounds small, but when you look at total populations and how quickly COVID spreads? It’s far more deadly than Polio ever was.

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MY sisters family tested positive a week ago, 3 days after I spent 2 days in 90+ degree heat moving them into their new place with kids who hung all over me stealing my food and my drinks.

Still neg at this time, but who knows, If there was a perfect storm to get me that was it.

Every heard the phrase there’s no cure for the common cold?

Guess what family of viruses the common cold is from?

There might be a reason why there’s working vaccines for polio and small pox but not the common cold.

I legit wanna know what kinda uprising you all spoiled white boys had in order to resist this vax by just playing video games all day in your room.

Individualism, so many think only of the individual it makes it impossible to see the large picture. :frowning: America in a nutshell.

If you vape your not healthy, most likely the reason you caught it, your synthetic immune system couldn’t protect you bruh

Pls stop spreading disinformation. I want to know how many people died of actual covid not how many people died with existing terrible conditions… magically just started putting covid on death certificates as cause even know it’s been around for 20-30 yrs… it’s like if someone died of a heart attack but had the flu virus on them at death and then saying they died of the flu….

They just announced they are forcing people to wear masks to drink wine.

And are also going to force parents go vax their kids of they’ll get taken away from them and force vaccinated. They said there’s around 24,000 they will arrest and vaccinate.

Australia is getting dangerously close to what happened to the you know who before a you know what event that caused countless deaths.

Some rando that won’t stop replying to my comment they took out of context… You?

COVID might be from the same family as the common cold, but it is not the same as the common cold. In the same way a house cat is from the same family as the African Lion but isn’t one.

H1N1? H5N1? (Swine Flu and Bird Flu) Remember those? We dealt with pandemics for both of those years ago, when was the last time we dealt with them again? For the Bird Flu the last outbreak that affected humans was in 1997. For Swine Flu the last outbreak that affected humans happened in 2009.

We beat both of those, and while those flus still exist, recent cases haven’t affected humans at all and have been solely located in the animals they originated from. We effectively ‘beat’ both of them and don’t live in fear of either one coming back to bite us. We can do the same thing with COVID.

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Same, some smooth brain that makes worthless comments in reply to my posts.

It’s not the same as in covid is man made lol you are correct… sorry I mean tweaked by man to attack man.