Today I got the virus

Yeah, because it is true.

I’m sorry. I can be passionate about a lot of things.

Edit: I also came back.


Believe me, I feel like I’m in an eternal nightmare but at least I’m not fearing for my life like some civilians face everyday in certain countries

I do check my privilege.

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But remember, any complications you get from the vaccine you can’t sue for. You’re pretty much trapped.

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90% of the people, even the one that tells you to don’t go out and party, actually go and have their own party themselves.

I can guarantee you your government, your doctor, or even your president secretly have unmasked party behind the scene.


Even death!

Vaers reports are online. You can get the death list from there.

The death toll which isn’t necessarily connected to a vaccine.

nobody has any immunity to something which their immune system hasn’t met.


Someone does have a better immune system than others.

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Sorry to hear this happened to you. Hopefully it’ll be short lived.

Unfortunately antivaxxers not helping build up herd immunity means we’re going to get more variants than Loki and the TVA and increase the chance of breakthrough infections like yours.


I’m sorry you got it. I really hope you get well and better really soon.

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Way to take it out of context my guy
 Maybe look the post I replied to, the dude compared the two
 I only stated that they are basically the same symptoms when its really hitting hard.

– Ty Captain Tryhard

Oh and BTW
 That should imply to you, if you think you have Pneumonia or the flu it might be covid
 How tf is that even close to saying anything similar to being hit by a car?

actually they do, its called “natural immunity” – your body can quickly learn and adapt to certain diseases, viruses, etc.

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You take care .Op, I know you’ll be housebound but we’re here ,get some chuckles from Gd it’ll help.

But think of grandma! :clown_face:

Hey fellow vaccinated. I too have covid rn :slight_smile: feelsbad.jpg

Its gonna suck but it’d be way worse if you didnt vaccinate.

while the immunity isn’t 100% they kind of do. These people go on to be Asymptomatic carriers.

glad to hear you’re doing ok. I got sick too, got my whole family sick and wound up in the hospital for a week. My husband got both pfizer shots, he did test positive but he was sick for a couple days, no real issues other than a headache and feeling like he had the flu.

I was putting off the shot until we could get the kids theirs, since I could still pass the virus on to them vaccinated or not. Felt pretty stupid in the hospital thinking id have gotten them sick either way, at least with the shot I wouldnt have gotten down to 80- 85% oxygen and spent 2 weeks in absolute misery.

I agree you can compare it to pneumonia, but the after effects are still keeping me from breathing like I want. Apparently my plan of hiding us in the house for the last 2 years didnt work because of one freaking day I had to go to urgent care for an infection.