Today I decided to try LFR raz

The biggest problem with the LFR Raz fight is that people had unreasonable expectations. Personally I’m glad to see it’s a challenge and people can’t just faceroll to a determination stack win.

Yeah, the downside of never having that same group again in LFR, you have to do the learning phase every week

I think this is a bottom line thing even though we like to complain about it so much. I wish they added the stormsurge mechanics as well so people could see it but oh well. Fights that prepare people for normal are better than lfr fights design to just be rofl stomp.

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Its fine, the mechanics are simple. Its just that LFR is full of morons who wanna get carried or faceroll it with zero attention span. I can remember a number of LFR fights over the years that were far far worse when it came to killing people who refused to follow mechanics. Deathwing being literally the first (which was when LFR was introduced), then there was Durumu with his anti-tard beam.

Honestly every LFR wing should have a check fight like these in them, just to force players to actually research and improve instead of just going borderline afk for the entire thing.

True but as the weeks go on the pool of people not knowing anything about the fight will get smaller. It’ll be more alts just getting up to ilvl and re-runs for eq/mogs/skin.

I just hate when people say those who do LFR are idiots/suck/afk/etc. I’m sure some are in there that fit one of those and some trolls but the majority just want to get through the fight.

We might have been im the same one! I was on Onyxdragon

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It definitely gets better, but it never really feels like there’s an end to needing to explain the fight to at least a few places, even at the end of the season. (Which is to be expected, that’s just usually also the point where enough people way outgear it anyway so if s few due you still usually one shot it)

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I did it and it wasn’t too bad. I took the time to explain the fight, toss up a few marks, and gave tips after each wipe. It took us maybe 9 tries and a 35% buff but we did it.

I mean, I’m going to be blunt here. The average LFR player is a bumbling fool, and nothing Blizz does can fix that. This is the environment they cultivated.

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My problem with LFR is people like to make excuses to why they died. I did it once on my DK sherisal and I watched half the raid die to breath or knock back 5 attempts in a row and we had only 1 stack of determination by the end. After explaining the problem and how to fix it someone said “What do you expect from week one.” And I told them “I don’t expect a lot but after 5 wipes I expect people not to die to the same mechanic every time on que.” And left. Not only that but I was with a friend who was in the limbo of not quite geared for normal but better than a lot of other content. They joined, I told them nothing, didn’t give them any personal advice. They did not die at all to the P1 mechanics. They have never raided in WoW. The fact that they can do that and the other guy was trying to make an excuse is why Raz is so hard. There’s a lot of alright players but there’s too many happy to just be bad and make the same mistake over and over.

No, Patrick. Mayonnaise is not an instrument.

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Wait they made it where you can’t roll need if it’s not “an upgrade”? Lol I was going to do LFR today (401 resto), but I guess nevermind. That makes this original post even more hilarious. Congratulations to the people crying about people carrying them and then rolling for mogs. Now they get to try to kill Raz with a bunch of true LFR quality players and don’t get to roll on anything!

My raid needed 7 stacks of fail to beat it because by the final platform fight, one group was left alive.

I was considered over-geared for it and can’t imagine how brutal it was for players that were actually correctly geared.

Actually took 3 attempts just to get a glimpse of the different phases.

Devs got a little over-zealous with the mechanics for an LFR event.

We kept wiping and wiping, and I went back to being casual doing world grind, I can’t even imagine normal, and mythic must be insane I feel bad for raiders a little bit. no fun was had and wasn’t worth the time.

Great write-up but this is LFR and people do not listen.

Yes it does, someone did receive it.

This. I did the fight yesterday and it took 8 tries. Each time, we progressed a little farther. We had the benefit of someone who had a few basic instructions macro’d, so he would repost them in chat each time, since there was a bit of a resolving door (that will always be the case in LFR). Yes it’s a challenging fight, but certainly doable.

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This all started when blizzard change PL to GL. When people realize people who have higher ilvlnwete rolling need to LFR gear complain so blizzard made a bunch of bunch of changes last few weeks to loot. Basically if you have an item with a higher item level you can’t roll need. Basically killing anyone with experience and better item level to do LFR.

Blizzard should have left the loot as PL GL didn’t work before and still won’t work now.

It needs to be nerfed because LFR isn’t something we plan good groups to go into. If it was, like Normal mode, then fine. But it’s not. Adding this many mechanics to LFR would be like dropping a bunch of random bgers into a rated BG and things to be fine.

The fact that I went into a group the other day and the plan was literally ‘reach 8 stacks of determ and then we’ll explain the fight’ wasn’t a good sign lol.

6 stacks of deter before downing the dragon last night doing lfr on my mage. Nobody knew what to do during hurricane wing/pushback whatever it is called and got knocked off the platform. Finally figured out you had to be in front of the blue glob stuff on the floor lol. The lightning is what got a lot of us on the 2nd platform :crazy_face: Wasn’t bad after folks finally figured out what to do.