Today I decided to try LFR raz

I was like, sure everyone is saying its bad but come on, come on

It can’t be THAT bad, surely the forums are going crazy with how bad it is, I went in to try for a shot at the mount skin and again was like: really man? that bad, really? REALLY

And then I got in and holy…a bunch of curse words after this is it BAD im not sure if its over tuned, trolls in the group, no one having a clue or a combo of everything but this is FAR from a lfr boss or even a learning boss this was such a crap show I had to leave after three attempts: I NEVER SEEN RAZ MOVE FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE PLATE FORM! how does one even do that!

and blizzard is at HQ like:


The trick is to make spongebob jokes.

Trust me it worked out GREAT on the boss. We had a few wipes but least we were all laughing and having a good time.

Also do NOT use rescue on an evoker on the knock back from raz. Your druid will hate you.


I find that kicking the puntable marmot at Raz’s face tends to help.

Give the witto dragon-wanna-be a squeaky toy to distract her.


It’s a mechanic heavy fight for LFR. Same problems with N’zoth. Asking LFR players to do more than one or two mechanics is asking for trouble.


The fight is acutally fun.

Kinda shock they took plus/minus out, went in there trying for raszageth skin since no luck on other modes and suprised to see that


Well doesn’t help the fact a lot better or over gear players aren’t doing LFR anymore since they can’t roll need on mogs anymore


I’m going in to try at the raz skin and maybe the trinket chances but I don’t need anything off brood. I have the zappy staff.


Yeah, I don’t think people realize the impact of removing the ability to roll for mog items will have on LFR participants. Why would geared players run the raid for zero reward? And that just leaves those who run LFR for the gear, which can range from actually trying to play to not at all caring.


It wont have any lol.

it did it yesterday and it was fine. we only had to try it 5 times, mostly caz people kept screwing p p1, mostly getting yeeted off by the wind and ones caz someone put the lighting pool on top of ras. the only other fail was when we were going to p3 and people didnt know you had to be in X spot to get yeeted to the first platform

so you must of just got unlucky op and i must of got lucky, lol


I think it’s good.

Better to have just one boss finally that isn’t just a target dummy in LFR. Makes it less boring.

It’s funny, I’ve been seeing all these posts all expac from LFR players saying stuff like “Make more challenging content available for LFR players plz” … lol. The first boss that has a real possibility of wiping if you don’t do mechs is already too much even on LFR difficulty though

It is such a s*show though I agree lol the group I was in was dropping the puddles all over the place and then pretty much everyone went to the same platform instead of splitting


Mind you I have done this on normal and cleared some heroics, so I am just saying as someone who knows the raid and that fight, be it on normal regardless LFR is a hot mess.

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Why leave?

I never understood why some folks leave. If you are done trying for the day then cool.

But you all know that raiders die way more than 10 times to a boss before they get the kill regularly right?

LFR will be better without them.

I’ll die on this hill


I just bring my undergeared alts to roll on my mogs in lfr now :smiley:


Very true. My friends who have been running non LFR now wont bother at all with LFR. Even I’m prob going to skip it myself.
We really were just running to get some mog.
Sucks because people like my friend are really good and any time they join LFR they really help get the LFR group through, like when they’re tanking.
So now LFR gonna be down not only just geared people but also important roles like tanks.

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The trick is to not do it.


I ran lfr Razzy today too.

I explained the fight briefly, only mechanic people royally screwed up was stacking to get back to the main platform in the final phase. We wiped once from the main knockbacks, people didnt do it again, and then we died from the second knockback.

Killed her on the third pull.


Just got out of a Raz group.
All things considered, it didn’t go that bad.
The biggest issue was people would be explained the fight, we would ALMOST down her, then people would bail, you’d get new people , explain it to them, they’d wipe the first time while they were learning, others would leave, more would join, explain again…

repeat again and again, I left after 8 pulls because it’s almost 4 am and I have work tomorrow.

The LFR crowd will get it, it’s only been a few days.

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Sounds exactly like week 1 Normal …

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Wipes are normal for learning groups. I never did Raz ever and it was my first time last night in LFR.

Of course, I died on my first attempt when Raz blew me out of the platform. LOL. I learned something and I never died on the same stuff ever again on succeeding attempts.

Wipe # 2 is becoz of too many deaths. The leader asked the surviving players to wipe it so we could redo it again.

Wipe # 3 is becoz Tank is dying… We asked a super DPS Priest if he could heal and we made a progress afterwards.

Wipe # 4, The Even group got pwned… We have no Tank. So the leader yelled at the tanks and cleared out their group assignments.

Wipe #5, Uneven AoE DPS… Even groups melted their Mobs, the Odd group was too slow. We assigned the Top AoE DPS’er to switch to Odd group. On me, I didnt know what kind of mobs were coming… All my AoE nuke ability was on cd when the phase started… cd’s on bad timing. So I adjusted.

Attempt# 6, we progressed much and reach the last phase but many died on the transition to last phase. Most were on the wrong position including me. How would I know? My first time on that phase. So they marked where we would run when we transition to last phase.

Attempt # 7. Dead Raz. My AoE DPS timings was on point. My weaksauce geared MM Hunter outdps’d everyone… there were 5 BM Hunters in there who have 4 pc tier set vs me with none. I agree BM Hunters need help on AoE scenarios. But their Single Target DPS is very decent. We can have this argument on another thread.

The point is… LFR just opened this week. Most people is still on the learning phase. As per my experience, the Normal/Heroic Raid players always carry the LFR group especially on early weeks of LFR. It takes time to sync everybody on mechanics even on LFR.

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