Today I decided to try LFR raz

Lfr needs bumpers

I would always point this out every time someone would boo hoo about their upgrade being “stolen.” They didnt seem to realize that without those higher level players the LFR doesnt run smoothly because everyone else either has no idea how the fight goes or lack the ability to learn. They just expect higher level strangers to carry them for nothing, which is never going to happen. So I’m enjoying watching all the chaos because I can just sit back and say “Well, you WERE warned. Now learn to play on your own.”

Nope . I hope Blizzard keeps it just like it is. The LFR heroes griped, whined and moaned forever about higher level players “stealing” their gear rather than realizing that no one runs time consuming content like that without some expectation of loot. So I hope Blizzard keeps it just like it is and the LFR heroes continue to fall all over themselves while screaming for nerfs. At least their anger is directed at Blizzard rather than the players that actually finished the content for them. And I now know not to waste my time anymore in LFR with any of my higher level toons. It’s not worth the time.

It’s the biggest reason why auto-queue raids shouldn’t exist- raids aren’t meant to be brute forced. They are a lesson in patience and mechanics.

Everything that is an auto-queue feature WILL be brute-forced, and LFR is proof.

This was true during its addition during the end of Cataclysm with Dragon Soul, and it still rings true now.

Yes, people are learning the fights and it will get a little better, but for the most part, slamming your head into a wall is what LFR is fundamentally about.

You can’t expect randoms to do anything right.

Raiding shouldn’t be an auto-queue feature, like with Mythic +.


I’ve done it on three characters. It took 5 stacks of determination on my druid, 7 on my monk and 9 on my evoker I believe.

I got the mount skin on my evoker after 9 stacks (which I think was over 2 hours in that LFR total including the other boss which only took two attempts). The phases were pretty fast by that point. We easily had it on 8 but one of the tanks accidentally fell off and died or something during the phase 2 transition :man_shrugging:

Part of the issue is you lose like 5 people per attempt, so you’re constantly getting new people who haven’t done it yet since it just came out. I think it’ll become better over time as more people learn the fight. Edit: although the ilvl of LFR loot is so bad that there’s really no reason to keep running it besides things like the mount skin if you do any other content.

Agreed. Putting together 20 random players and expecting them to be competent, and able to work together is again, a joke. LFR is what I used because I do not have time to raid normal, and it was so frustrating this expansion, I think I only ran 1 wing twice, and I quit. It’s just horrendous, and I know the loot distribution is highly debated, and I personally don’t like group loot in LFR, but to be honest, LFR should just not even be played. If you raid normal, at least you’ll be in an environment where the group loot would function for progression, and is fair for the most part, but again since I can’t, I can’t raid, and that has a huge impact on my decision to leave the game.

Yep. They think that bosses should just be big loot pinatas that dont require any skill beyond standing around and wacking away. You really have to dumb things down to the point that all sense of challenge is taken away or else they will complain that the content is too hard. Heaven forbid that they actually have to think or strategize in a video game. Everything has to be a face roll or it isn’t fun.

We killed it with 7 stacks rofl the group was so chill

And the participants learned and improved each attempt. Eventually everyone knows the fight and it turns into farm mode. Pretty much like every other difficulty level……

easy way to beat the system, keep some lower level gear, wear it to the lfr, roll need, collect transmog

I’ll just go naked.

Took my group on Tuesday about 5 attempts after kicking the brain dead tank that kept getting pushed off from Hurricane Wing

Won’t work, AFAIK the rolling system doesn’t change until Tuesday either.

Drop the circles correctly…dont stand in them until she does the thingy…strife strife…etcetc…