Today I decided to try LFR raz

Lust on D stance

I finally tried Razadeth on LFR.

So much easier.

Is this your first time seeing an end raid boss in LFR?

Usually it’s Normal<Heroic<LFR<Mythic.

Potentially for spark drops. Next week is the final spark and with it comes the ability to get sparks from random content. “On par with legion legendaries” is the term I’ve heard. So potentially, we may see an uptick of people doing lfr if there’s a high chance of sparks dropping.

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There are no hills in the raid?

Bro you’re not wrong. I’m aotc 411 ilvl and I was doing LFR for the mog ( I like the color scheme) and now there isn’t really any reason for me to go near it with the newer loot rules.

DF S1 LFR wing 3 is my least favorite thing they have ever added to WoW. 2 bosses with split phases and the menu you have to use to organize groups is always on top of the raid frame, and the organization menu doesn’t show specs, and the group comp changes by like 30% to 60% every pull. It’s just useless beyond measure. It has literally put me in a WoW catatonia, I haven’t done anything this week and probably wont finish any weekly or vault for the first time since like 9.0.2.

The way LFR works is a wipe per each mechanic. That’s how lfr peeps learn since it’s first time seeing it. So bosses with a lot of mechanic = a lot of wipes heh

My LFR groups had an easier time on raz than broodkeeper :sweat_smile:

tunnel boss, ignore adds whole fight.

That had to be the worst LFR fight ever. I forget exactly, but that fight got nerfed like 3-5 times on lfr and it never got any easier or better :expressionless:

I did lfr raz and we made it to phase 3 the first try, and our second attempt we walked all over her.

final bosses of raids are always like this on LFR, especially in the first week of it’s release. (or is it the 2nd, I have lost track). There are lots of other examples I could give; Archimonde, Kiljaeden, N’Zoth, G’huun - anything that requires any sort of group co-ordination is difficult in LFR.

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EVERY final boss with more than 2 mechanics is an LFR fail. Either people are afraid of getting kicked for asking what to do OR they are used to a “WTB M+ carry” and despite having the gear, expect to stand still and pew pew IMO :stuck_out_tongue:


Is that a common thing or were we in the same LFR?

i got there at 7am and no stacks. killed boss at 8:16 and 8 stacks.

first few pulls were lost to people learning the shoot off the edge ability but then we started wiping to p3 not having enough people to break shield. Stack #6 was to the big add healing from little adds.

Stack #7 was from people being airbursted the wrong way into last phase. 23/25 alive getting there.

Stack 8 was the kill.

overall players did basic learning and by the end weren’t dying to same things anymore. it was quite a good fight for LFR, i think. A few players might have learned a thing or two.

Think we had 4 pulls for my paly, 3 pulls for my DK and 8 pulls on my priest.

Not all that different from a N/H/M group having to explain everything, put down markers, wipe some, get to the next phase to see the fight, etc. Biggest difference is LFR doesn’t use voice, doesn’t have a dedicated raid lead, doesn’t have a dedicated group.

Y’all can talk crap about us LFR heros all you want and whatever but it still gets done in the end. It’s perfectly fine.

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The group I was in hit 10 stacks of determination lol.
I watched 2 full episodes of The Walking Dead on Netflix. Took the group over 2 hours, 5 tanks, and an untracked number of dps and healers.
The amount of brain dead players that couldn’t stop getting knocked off the platform in P1 was incredible to watch.
Like how do you miss the blue goo 6 times in a row?
Anyways I found it hilarious and hope they don’t nerf it. It’s perfect, leave it alone.
The fight isn’t even hard if you have 2 brain cells to rub together.

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it would’ve been fine for pugs if the telegraphs were colored better. every ability being a light-blue circle is confusing.

it brings complexity but not difficulty to LFR. but it’s not clear enough in some cases which circle you’re looking at.

someone who did not set up his DBM prior to the fight might struggle.

I am still not entirely certain that glowing orbe with swirls (the one in some of my 5 man groups) is a friendly move or something I should avoid.

Hasn’t killed me yet, so I will try to keep baddies in it at least.

How to 2 shot Raz in LFR.

Ask the Raid Leader for Raid Lead or Assist. If they cannot figure that out, your run might be doomed.

Make 3 Macros:

/rw -- {Skull} BREATH INCOMING {Skull} --

/rw BOMBS TO {Triangle}

/rw {Circle} <-- STACK ON MARKERS --> {Star}

/wm 5 (drops a star marker)
/wm 6 (drops a circle marker)

Set up Triangle at the back, set up Circle and Star on the right and left. On the pull.

Phase 1: Hit your “Breath” macro whenever the beam comes out AND when the boss is doing a fly-by on any platform. hit your “Bombs” macro whenever bombs go out. People will hopefully get knocked into the bombs naturally and figure it out. You can take 2 seconds to explain “get knocked into the static zones” and 1 wipe will hopefully be enough to figure it out.

During intermission hit you “go to circle/star” Don’t worry about group splits, ppl will figure it out and you can change platforms if one gets behind. Before the pull make sure the tanks know which markers they are going to. Also use your “Breath” every time the boss lines up on either platform (again people will figure it out).

Phase 2. Relocate your Circle and Star Markers to the point where the last knockback brings you back to the P3 platform. Just stack them on top of each other.

Intermission 2: Use “Breath” macro every time the boss is lining up for a Flyby.

As the intermission ends, you’ve already moved your Circle and Star markers, so spam your Goto Circle and Star macro.

In P3 all you need is “Breath”

You’ll wipe ones on platform 1 and then 2 shot boss :slight_smile:

Edit: you may also want an /rw INTERRUPT-STUN SPARKS macro as well, but usually people are ok at this one and in LFR having a few sparks pop is fine.

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