Today I decided to try LFR raz

Wait, wut!? Who told you that?

I was in a run tonight and we had max stacks and wiped 9 times after that I left players making the same mistakes over and over
I know its not every group in lfr but wow is all I had to say

I dunno man, I did lfr raz, took 3 attempts

Explain. My mind goes places with this, but I want to know for sure. lol

You’re with 24 other people with zero desire to play the game correctly or to improve themselves. What do you expect the result is going to be? LFR should be deleted.

I dont necessarily agree with that. Most times your gonna have stacks of determination, so as long as a tank or healer dont go down, a few dps are expendable. I enjoyed the fight. Felt good to take down a fight with that wasnt a forgone conculsion.

Every time LFR raiders are presented with a boss that’s more than a simple tank and spank, a large portion of them behave like they’ve never set foot in an instance before, which might be true for a few of them.

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Wel when I leave LFR it’s because I’m there for the convenience of not having to adhere to a raid schedule. And 3-4 super early/bad deaths shows me that it’s going to be a waste of time and I can do something better with my time (like join that next wing of LFR that’s ready lol)

And if it takes carry DPS to explain the fight and do enough damage to not hit the enrage timer…and they’re suddenly no longer in LFR…who’s going to explain how to do the fights and who’s gonna push the DPS checks? Det stacks top out at 10 regardless of 20 attempts r not

Right! Can they atleast give me the teal color then? I love it but cant roll need… not that id really want to.

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Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Let’s see… trying to think of what else was said.

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And that sounds like a personal problem.

I meant the rescue on the druid :stuck_out_tongue:

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OH lol

So apparently if I bring them over and I’m standing in it… they can be right on the edge and not standing in it so it lets them loose.

The druid then got yeeted off the edge while I was perfectly safe.

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Seems like someone missed lfr sylvannas/jailer :joy:

so how many stacks of determination did it take? :rofl:

:milky_way: :blue_square: :milky_way: :blue_square:

LFR is punishment detail for not raiding…

Sounds like fun. What can I say, I guess you’re not the kind of person that goes down with their ship.

Wish we had LFR here in Lich and personally I would have stuck it out with my LFR crew. I don’t ever leave a single random BG unless it’s a RL emergency.

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With each passing raid tier, we stray further from the casual player and focus more on the elite 1% that and the sweaty + toxic mid playerbase that can hardly get halfway through heroic.

Does the mount skin even drop from LFR? This is an honest question.

One of my favorite funny moments in WoW was marking myself to run the Durumu maze with a whole LFR following me like ducklings. We won because I could run the maze and they were willing to follow. :joy: I’m not in LFR much, but the few times I have been, it seems one calm and knowledgeable person CAN help in some cases. :slight_smile:

yes from wow head some one got it

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