Today I decided to try LFR raz

You are not alone in the foxhole friend!!!

Yup, you are 100% correct. LFR is the absolute favorite thing for the forum trolls and wannabe’s to whip on.

The reality is that it takes a while to learn the fight but once people do it’s smooth.

How many times did the average guild group die on raz before they got it down? Might there be a learning curve?

How disingenuous is it to come into lfr and act all high and mighty when you did all your dying in your guild group? Due to guild moaning lfr doesn’t get to start at the same time as normal so lfr people don’t start the learning curve until later.

Forum troll is a real goober.


Another point is when LFR goes well/smooth and I would argue that does happen more often than naught, no one posts about it. You only really see the “8 stacks of determination” type posts.

And I think it is easy for people to forget that for most of the folks doing LFR this is their first exposure at Raz, at X boss. They haven’t been clearing raz for weeks on normal, heroic, mythic etc… heck they probably have not even watched a vid on how to beat X boss-that is the kind of mindset you have to have when going into LFR.


It’s what I’m doing. I rather bring a geared toon, than one that does 1/5th of the dmg but it is what it is.


It’s way too easy and apparently fun to just run other players down. I don’t get it.

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ok that twitter account is gold thanks for the gem.

Pretty much.

Also even Liquid and other top guilds wiped a few times on normal Rasz during their stream.

I’m betting no group of people attempting it all for the very first time 1 shot it.


see - universal translator needed post above.

sometimes the bads need to be reminded of their place in the world…

You didn’t really. My group did it in maybe 8 pulls. First phase is the hardest for pugs it seems. Once you get through there, it’s much simpler.

Any phase you’re fighting Raz, she shouldn’t be moved from the center of the platform. lol

Just did it.

Got in with 3 stacks of Determination, left with 10, but no “overwipes”.
Would have finished with 9, but it was the first time we got to p3 so ppl wiped on that.
no one died on the last try except for the new guy who promptly ignored mechanics, dropped a puddle on the boss and died to the pushback.

It’s not a hard fight, but it does have a lot of important mechanics and needs organization, unlike the other fights which are all pretty obvious/faceroll-y.

I’d change a lot of stuff to make it more accessible, but it’s completely doable, just like normal would be in RF (wink, wink).

What are you on about?

:person_shrugging: I did it Tuesday. Group downed her on 3rd attempt. Perhaps you just got a bad group. The fight is new and people are learning. Can’t expect everyone to do it perfectly the first time through.

There’s really only one change that needs to happen in lfr - don’t die if blown off the platform.
They did it for dathea.
That was pretty much 95% of deaths in my lfr group this week. In 5 wipes they either learned(RARE), quit(common), or died in all attempts (YUP) but we killed boss anyway because 5 stacks of determination.

Hate to break it to you but they are tuning up the encounter next week as too many lfr groups cleared it in under 2 stacks.

Many speak English, and sometimes better than those on these forums, however, why would they when some players treat them with ill contempt? I haven’t had any of the issues that that are often discussed upon these forums.

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Yawwwwnn uh huh. So again you are trying to take this someplace its not going but because you are trying: Raz requires everyone to roughly know what to do. Yes many speak english but but your own words “many” is not ‘all’ If you have 2-6 spanish speaking people in the raid who have not a CLUE what you are saying this is not me being toxic, not me being “some way” this is me saying there is a communication barrier between 19 other people and the 6 that do not speak english.

Again, Universal translator is needed: its hurts no one, it does nothing but improve the game when someone who speaks ANYTHING OTHER THEN ENGLISH is in a raid and does not understand: this also works vice versa for any English speaking player going to a raid and they are the odd one out and do not understand.

Its simple, it hurts no one, but it seems it bothers you.

Or by your suggestion I should go (Example only)
Do not stand in the fire, you need to move left when it spawns.
No te pares en el fuego, debes moverte hacia la izquierda cuando se genera.
Nu sta în foc, trebuie să te miști la stânga când apare.
Ne stoyte v ogne, vam nuzhno dvigat’sya vlevo, kogda on poyavitsya.
Não fique no fogo, você precisa se mover para a esquerda quando ele aparecer.
Hi no naka ni tatanaide kudasai. Supōn hidari ni idō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu.
Bùyào zhàn zài huǒ zhōng, dāng tā chǎnshēng shí nǐ xūyào xiàng zuǒ yídòng.

Or, simple translator turns: Do not stand in the fire, you need to move left when it spawns. into everything i just posted below it depending on sever/region/etc.

You don’t need to die on the hill, the hill is a good one. There is no reason LFR needs carrys to get through; it literally has a mechanic to carry people. Eventually, failstacks make it hard to fail that much that you can’t kill the boss anyway.

I did Rasz on my war today, used raid warnings for move out of breath, line up with pools, interrupt adds, and we won on attempt 4. Mostly because people didn’t leave after 1 attempt. Not leaving after a single fail is a good thing to teach people.


Yeah, after god knows how many attempts and 90% dying before stage 2,I gave up as well.