Today I decided to try LFR raz

i blame blitz for making every other boss a joke then you hit raz and it seems like such a brick wall i mean i like it but for most players its 0 to 1000

People stereotype LFR way too much.

I killed raz lfr. First pull they dropped static wherever. We steadily made it further and further. In the more pulls we did it.


Congratulations! Glad yours went well.

I chased an incentive bag into an LFR where no one could survive P1 except me and two DPS for five pulls in a row. Almost like different groups of players will have different levels of success? :thinking:

Anyway I wasn’t even specifying LFR, that’s any raid group, guild or otherwise. I’ll find a polite excuse to leave before I’ll watch people make absolutely zero progress for 30+ pulls in a row. At some point, people are either learning or they’re not.

I keep saying this and no one seems to wanna get it.

Not saying bad groups don’t exist. Just saying folks act like every single person in LFR is the worst possible person in existence, and it is through the glory of their presence anything ever gets done.


Happens every lfr tier, end boss wrecks face

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A “Hot Mess” is an understatement. I did Wing 3 yesterday and the 1st 2 times I was in there I got disconnected while flying to the platform to kill Raz. I got the disconnect problem sorted out and decided to try one last time to get the achievement, wasn’t concerned about anything else at that point.

It took over an hour and multiple wipes to get her down, but I will say the tanks and healers were amazing (Will not name because I know better).

Both tanks were awesome, both were very patient and after having some people leave and others come in, we finally got her down.

As much as I would like to keep trying for the skin, I am not sure I want to go through that mess again.

This must be a joke, because both NZoth and Sylvanas were also LFR hell.

Do you even remember LFR NZoth? You didn’t even need the cloak to enter when it was released…

LFR can’t be bothered to watch a 3 min video, would rather wipe for hours.

It took me and my lfr group about 10 tries, with 6 stacks of determination. I would say it’s easy once it’s figured out but… Then you got that talkative healer, that tank who doesn’t know what agro is, people dropping after each wipe and having to wait for tedtalks again and again…
Not as bad as N’zoth though, N’zoth LFR was horrendous, but the teams were always a hilarious bunch of sarcastics, pervs, jokers, angsty-ones, and hot-blooded fools I’ll never forget!

We had a warrior tank basically lead the raid like you would a heroic/mythic group. Took 5 attempts.

It was tough, but satisfying in the end. Like Elden Ring, to an extent.

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Everyone doing it this week is going to feel dumb when the encounter is nerfed by 60% across the board.

As is tradition.

As a LFR Archimonde and G’huun veteran, I quite expected a rough experience on this boss too.

LFR raid leads are the tanks, and one other random person.

It’s a bunch of people most who have never done the fight, and couldn’t be bothered to do the journal.

I wiped twice on it (with my priest), than we downed it with out issue.

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As a tank that’s regularly in LFR, trusting us is a big risk lol. Half the time one or the other isn’t even doing the one mechanic we have to manage.

The last time that I did LFR, the co tank was competent, but sometimes forgot to taunt, especially when I had 19 stacks.

I did it for the first time in LFR on warlock, thought it was easiest thing ever, this new raid is 1/20th the difficulty of SL raids.
We wiped once , I saw how to do it, we conquered, I collected the quest reward, easy peasy, everyone was probably geared up I guess.

I beat Raz on my third pull in LFR. It’s not that bad. Peeps just have to actually try.


You can still get 10 determination stacks right? I remember in previous expansions, some of the final bosses pretty much required 10 stacks for an average LFR raid to kill the boss.

I can only hope that just like Shadowlands most of the terrible casual players all quit after the first patch. LFR is just plagued with people who are total dog water at the game thats what makes this fight horrible.

Its got more one shot mechanics than any other raid boss we’ve had because WoW wanted Esports content that 90% of the playerbase doesn’t watch or care about. So go figure all these terrible casuals can’t do it.