Today I decided to try LFR raz

Yeah wipes are normal, I suppose the biggest problem is wow still does not have a universal translator for groups. If I type something an english, it should translate to Spanish for well Spanish speaking servers.

Raz is over all a tight fight, one or two people mess up its a wipe, heck anything beyond that jump off a cliff. The problem is in LFR you are hand tied trying to explain a complex (ish) fight to part of the group that just does not care, the other part that does, and the part of the group has NO idea what this english speaking person is rambling about.

Short take: wow needs a universal translator.


Yes, please!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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I think the biggest issue is the only dangerous phase is phase 1, as long as you have enough damage alive after p1 to complete the intermission you will clear the fight.

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Wasn’t too bad at all! The best wipe though was the final lightning storm throw back onto platform thing. Nobody knew it would throw us back into the center, except maybe 2 people, so we all got shot in random directions. After some clarification on the orbs, to stun, interrupt, purge, and then a mark for positioning on the final knockback, to remind us, it went well. Fun fight. Good stuff.


They’ll run Raz for the skin. Brilliant move on Blizz’s part.


Agreed, yes it is a tough fight on LFR no question but it is not impossible. You go in with a sense of humor, be willing to laugh at how many stacks of determination your raid will get and you will get through it.


I still haven’t had the courage to try LFR on this raid yet, especially Raz xD

I usually only pug stuff which is why I tend to either be late for such content or not do it altogether, but this time I was lucky to get a spot on a friend’s guild from the Vulpera community on twitter and Discord (yes that’s a thing and the people there are awesome) and I even started heroic already.

But even with an organized team using voice and all, N Raz was hell, we actually got to 6/8H BEFORE we actually got to kill N Raz last week, the entire raid on heroic feels easier than just Raz on N, so I am not excited to try LFR Raz yet xD

People thinking Raz LFR is bad

laughs in Garalon, Durumu, General Nazgrim, Garrosh

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Somebody needs to take the lead and explain mechanics, and even then that’s not always the answer, as quick mutinies form for no other reason besides those who dislike leaders. LFR is just a clown show. It’s a joke, and embarrassing.

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Blizzard leaves in too many insta kill mechanics in lfr period. No wonder they trend for raiding is going down it just isn’t worth the time to participate nor is it fun. I asked myself that the last time i did lfr–“is this fun?”–I answer “NOPE” and left.

Of course, you didn’t help the group with any advice, did you?

Then it wasn’t meant for you. There wouldn’t be any raids if it wasn’t for the introduction of LFR, because Blizzard stated during Cataclysm, that too few people participated in raids to justify the costs of development. Remember, this game was, and still remains a business first, and foremost.


It’s too bad there’s no way for the game to reward the raid lead, might get people to start giving advice before 2-3 wipes


Yeah the assumption there is that your raid group is making progress though. If you’re in a raid group that is wiping thirty seconds into the boss every single time without making any progress, you are all just wasting your time.

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Raz fight went well but during the last wipe one priest healer had the guts to talk down on 3 of us other heals to heal more. Thing is that priest was stupid enough to constantly stand in breath and die every single attempt. While the rest of us heals were staying alive not getting hit by stupid. I wanted to say so badly, “Maybe don’t die to a stupid easy mechanic that’s avoidable”

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I’m wondering if PL will make a comeback.

I’ve been gone for a few years, so I’m not sure how the conversation went from PL bad, group loot = good and why the change was made.

LFR is a crazy time sink it is so bad, and 9/10 times I’ve gotten into a run that wasn’t fresh, which means wasting more time. I just won’t do it until something changes to make the reward worth my time.

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Did it on my rogue, only had 3 stacks of determination when we got him. wasn’t that bad once the core group that was willing to stay had the mechanics down we were gold. The trick was just making it past that first phase.

I’ve tried once. On beam 10 people died. Then 10 more got kicked from the platform.

LFR is too hard, i’ll stick to normal with my guild.

How would PL fix this?