Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

Anyone can type WTS into the search bar and get the same results, interesting how the search bar is hidden

I dunno where you guys are looking to see much advertisement. Right now, I’m in game and I see only 2 ads, which I reported.

edit : oh wait hold on, I may have an addon that disrupted those, let me turn it off just in case, brb

edit 2 : yeah an addon for world quest group forming was tempering with the group finder, cutting advertisement. i removed it just to see, reported like 15 groups, one of which was twitch stream advertisement… anyway, blizzard don’t seem in a hurry to take real actions so in the meantime, you have ways to deal with it yourself. Addons are your friends.

no! they’re cheating and anybody who uses them will be banned!

Imo if they are going to allow boosts/carries they should embrace it and make a chat channel for it with no boost adverts allowed on other channels, and also make a way to say that one’s party listing is for a paid carry

Axing boosting is one of the few things I agree with the career detractors with. It’s ridiculous it has been allowed to bloat to this degree.

It’s an extremely embarrassing look for the game, comes across as awkward and cheap to see menus FILLED with spam style advertisements, directing people to shady sites.

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They most likely ended multi-boxing because computer power is so cheap that multiboxer numbers exploded and they were lagging zones and taxing resources. Not because they really thought it was bad for the game. They didn’t want to have to spend more money on infrastructure. Also people were using it to game the covenant system.

Sounds like that’s the main reason you’re against it. If it were properly controlled by the entire 3 GMs that Blizz has left, would you really care? What would be the main argument then, game integrity? That’s been long gone ever since you were able to get gear at a much higher ilvl than the difficulty of content you’re doing.

If anything I think it points to a much larger problem of how awful this self-policing system is that’s been implemented. The fact that there’s boosting ads up for over a day at a time is just pathetic.

this is not what i see when i look at the group finder, at all.

the vast majority of listings are sales groups.

it’s even worse when playing alts between 50-60

we don’t all see the same listings when looking at the group finder… i don’t think anyone has bothered to establish why, but i’d go with the theory that it works in a similar way to how battlegrounds fill… and the longer a group is listed, the further from “home” the listing extends.

Depends on your faction apparently, the alliance guy had like 28 sales and 9 legit groups on horde I had 25 real groups, 4 sales and a guild recruitment ad

well… yes, they’re going to be different between factions, that’s a given :stuck_out_tongue:

but even with same faction, we don’t see all of the listings

I mean, you don’t see listings that your ilvl doesn’t let you see, but beyond that i don’t think there’s some conspiracy to hide listings.

if ilvl had anything to do with listings, people wouldn’t need to specify preferred ilvl in their listings.

You can actually select ilvl when you make a listing and it won’t show to people under that ilvl

HOWEVER, it can’t be higher then you have equipped, so often times those listings are people straight up trying to be carried.

that’s just silly and restrictive.

people may be playing one character, and not have the ability to see a group which would be perfect for one of their other characters.

Honestly? If I didn’t see it, hear it, or otherwise know about it, no I probably would care a lot less about it. I just don’t want it to disrupt other parts of the game.

Personally I think boosting is bad for the game and only just reinforces the need for god awful systems like Raider IO (a thing I personally hate and wish would go away… but begrudgingly acknowledge why people need it)

But… I also get why it’s legal and not actionable. It’s trading an ingame currency for an ingame commodity. Nothing wrong with that at all. I dislike the act of boosting but it’s a perfectly legal trade between players.

Besides, let’s be real here. The world already runs on buying prestige as it is, anyway.


No, I have gold and cash. I am upset because it takes away from the purity or “realness” of accomplishing something. I get it you think cheating is okay, just come out and say it, just don’t make fun of others cause they have a different opinion than yours.

Go and read what you just posted, the fact that we have to even compare boosters to people creating groups says a lot about the current situation.

So you think it is okay if for example:

Someone pugs their way to KSM, goes through days of pugging and wiping, learn the affixes and routes vs

Someone who paid and pretty much did nothing yet got the same KSM chieve?

Yes. I do. Because one person having the achievement does not negatively impact another person who has the achievement in any way at all.

I have no objection to people using different means to get the same thing, since it means more people get to have fun.