Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

Yes it does, if that person one day applies for a 15 he or she will get accepted because they have KSM, and because that person was carried they will wipe the whole group.

So you are basically saying that if I paid my son’s professor money, that my son earned an A?

More people get to have fun? LOL, so being AFK and letting others do a 15 key for you is fun?

If all you’re looking for is KSM you’re doing it wrong.

When did I say that? I simply used that as an example.

You’re real fun at parties aren’t you?

Boosting != cheating. Once again, good for you in doing everything yourself. Doesn’t mean boosting should be banned. Oh, and I certainly will poke fun at anyone with the same opinion as yours.

…it takes mere seconds to maybe a full minute to differentiate carries from actual players on an IO profile.

I didn’t mean specifically you, just a generalized you.

If someone starts up a 15 and goes to the applicants they’re going to see that that person only has 8 dungeons done. No one gets KSM with 8 dungeons.

I actually am, have a blast! Personal insults aside, it is cheating plain and simple. It simply isn’t fair that other people “work” for a piece of gear and a title or mount. While others can pay someone to do it for them. Like if that doesn’t bother you, then maybe you pay for boosts?

Oh no, a group gets wiped. Such consequence. Such horrific consequences.

I mean real consequences not ‘a group might wipe’.

Thanks for reminding me why I should avoid real world analogies. They never work. Grades have real consequences. Grades impact scholarship eligibility, they impact job placements, they impact school acceptance. These are real consequences that can impact someone’s life forever. So no, I don’t consider this equivalent.

Getting loot, getting to experience end-game content, having an achievement. Those are all things that can be fun for a person. It is not for me to judge what someone find’s fun. If a person has gold and chooses to spend that gold to experience things in the game they’re not normally skilled enough to experience, I see no problem with this. Nobody is hurt. The person gets to have fun, the people who are selling the run get to make some gold which they can use to have fun. Everyone wins.

Nope, i’m broke as hell lol, i won our guild lotto last week so i have like 70k and feel rich!

I just don’t care what other people do with their time, it doesn’t affect me.

If someone pays for 8 15’s and they are all the different ones, then yes you get KSM.

What i meant was, no one gets KSM doing only 8 dungeons without paying.

It’s pretty obvious to see who paid for it. Most boosters aren’t trying to get into 15s after that honestly, they just by for the achievement and maybe the ability to upgrade gear to 220 now.

Oh no a group wipes? Stop being condescending, some people don’t have time to play 24/7 and unlike you perhaps their time is valuable. Cheating or paying for something is the same thing, be it IRL or a video game.

I get it you think it is okay to not “earn” things in life. If that is you, then go with it, more power to you I guess.

I bet you are one of those that thinks everyone in life should get a 1st play trophy even though they finished last?

Stop changing the narrative man, god you remind me of a guy named Juan Williams.

I’m not changing anything, you said someone would get KSM and just get accepted into a 15, which isn’t true if the leader isn’t just accepting everyone.

Juan, stop moving the goal post! If someone applies on LFG and links KSM more than likely they will be accepted into that group!

So if you go to the store and buy a loaf of bread you’re cheating? That’s a pretty big reach there.

Uh… wow that’s a stretch. Okay. Now we’re going with ad hominem and bad faith arguments rather than discussing the actual points. Fair enough. I don’t know that there’s much I can say in response to this, so I guess the discussion’s over but… fine. Fair enough.

Uh… I don’t see how this is relevant to the discussion. But no, I think that if you opt into a tournament where there is a defined structure, then only the actual best person should get the first place trophy. However, that’s not really comparable to what we’re discussing here, so it’s kind of a pointless distinction.

And if they do, that’s the leaders probably for not doing a simple check.

OMG, are you comparing buying food to paying someone to carry you? Tisk Tisk you know better than that, come on man.

I get it, I apologize if I offended you, if you want to pay someone in a game made of pixels more power to you.
But it ruins the game and your title or gear no longer means anything.

Back in the day people would link me their Glad title, and I would be like this person knows what they are talking about. Because of people like yourself, titles are now meaningless.

Just stop please, I don’t know what world you live in, but 99% of the time all that person needs to do is link KSM and they get in.

You specifically stated, and I quote, ‘cheating or paying for something is the same thing, be it IRL or a video game’. Which means that you genuinely believe that paying for ANYTHING is cheating. Sorry if you don’t like the reality of what you said. Perhaps you need to be more specific about your points if you want to avoid people picking those points apart with logical arguments.

I’m not offended at all. Your arguments just don’t have any point to them.

However, if the only reason your title/achievement/gear means something is because other people can’t have it, that makes me question whether you actually wanted it in the first place… or is your self confidence just in such a poor place that you’re desperate for validation and are seeking it through being able to look down on others in a video game?

Oh no, I don’t buy carries. I prefer to experience content on my own. But that’s just my preference, and I don’t see why people who have different preferences than me can’t have what they want too?

I would barely call those personal insults, rather light jests.


Completely subjective, also “work” is an interesting word there and I’m sure you know that too since you put it in quotes.

If they have the gold to spend, and the players are there to offer it, why should they not be allowed to spend it? I really think you just have a pride issue when it comes to gearing. Which for the third time, is fine - but doesn’t warrant the practice being banned for everyone else.

I have advertised for boosting communities, been the booster myself on numerous occasions, and I also boost my own alts with the gold I make from those ventures when I don’t have the time or care to pug on them.

This was not in response to me, but is precisely the reason why some people pay for boosts. To not waste their time. They don’t care about gearing the completely subjective “right way,” they just want to hop into the endgame without dragging along first.