Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

How will it do that? Ratings will still exist in all the gearing paths.


Did you even read my post? One box one mac id. Means u can have multiple accounts for your family. Just one game running at a time per computer.

And I would add that you would see players rating for what they really are.

I always liked running into multiboxers. It was fun trying to kill them

Which is why you won’t be able to buy bags off the auction house. Remember, we’re getting rid of the auction house and trade window. If you want bags, you better level your Tailoring.

It’s all moot, because even if you think…

  • boosting is destroying the game on principle (or in the case of PvP, fact that it appears to have for most players either rated or unrated)
  • if you think it’s morally wrong and the game should be used to advance your own moral principles rather than being an entertainment product
  • if you think the fact that anyone has ever paid for a boost invalidates everything you have ever done in the game:

The fact is that the sale of tokens to pay for boosting is incredibly profitable for blizzard. They have modified the game to make it harder for average (or less than average) players to break into end game. They leave up ads in the group finder, even those linking to RMT websites, which leads to normalization of paid carry sales => profits.

It’s not going anywhere. If anything we should expect to see increasing boost sales in the future.

We would see even more stratification.

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Time restraints? Guild not doing alt runs anymore? Disinterest in pugging? Extra gold to spend on whatever? Other completely subjective reasons?

This reads as if you are upset that others have the gold to spend on it and you don’t. If this isn’t the case, and you’re just obnoxiously proud (??) of gearing yourself, good for you. Doesn’t mean boosting for gold should be banned.


By looking through LFG it would appear that the boosters are the majority of the player base now. By reading the trade chat one would think the boosters are the majority. The game should be renamed world of boosters. Looking for an MMO that you have to pay people to play with you, this game is for you.


in some categories, not so much in others. If you only look at M+ yea its probably 60:40 in favour of actual players. but look at raids its like 30 ads to 1-5 actual groups.

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Still legit groups winning there too.

On horde anyway, can’t speak for alliance.

I doubt it’s that close of a split. People that are buying ksm probably aren’t que’ing up for 15’s. They’re probably grinding valor in the keys where they belong.

There was this Prince named . . . uh . . . I don’t remember, who hired and army to help him attack another country. How many times has that scenario played itself out throughout history and fantasy fiction?

Semper Fi! :us:

9 Real groups. 28 sales ads.

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Horde side was 25 real groups
4 sale groups
1 guild recruitment advertisement.

alliance has it rough man >.>

i counted the guild recruitments as a real group there like 4 of them.

technically i think you can report those for spam, but i never do.

I would say players offering a service that allows other players to exchange in-game currency in exchange for the opportunity to get loot and experience content they wouldn’t otherwise get to sounds like a positive to me.

Ah, the ol nothin button.

yea depends on my mood, technically its spam but its not usually enough to bother me, unlike the sales ads i need to report to even look for a group efficiently.

Yeah I spend more time reporting people for Advertising, than I do, actually finding a Group to run with.