Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

I will never disagree with this lol

or 218 ilvl in Shadowlands :+1:

ah yes, the old “everyone who has ever cleared mythic bought a carry” argument that somehow never explains who they all bought those carries from

You haven’t looked at that tab for a while, have you?

That seems to be all I see posted on it anymore.

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Its in majority 14-15+ carries. I doubt there are lots of people(or can afford) buying mythic raiding carry.

It’s important to differentiate PvE boosts from PvP boosts.

PvE boosts are harmless since it’s just killing NPCs, and the buyer is probably never gonna step foot in those dungeons/that raid ever again once they get what they were after (mount, AOTC title, etc). No one is “hurt” by a PvE boost.

PvP boosts happen “at the expense” of other players, you move up by stepping on someone else in a “rigged” manner - you gain rating, the opposing players lose rating.

PvP boosting also creates a rather unfriendly/unwelcoming environment for new/returning players and alts since the boosters are all max-geared, glads, etc.

Ideally rated PvP would be a fair playing-field decided by skill rather than gear, but that gets thrown out the window whenever boosters are involved. Boosters have both way more gear and way more skill.

Then there is also the issue of the boostees/customers “sneaking into” unsuspecting LFG pugs (with their paid-for rating), not performing accordingly, and causing issues or losses there. For example, a player that got boosted/carried to 1800, but actually performs like a 1400 player.

PvE boost compared to PvP boost is just apples to oranges, they couldn’t be anymore different.

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Do you not want to see that :smiley: ?

is here to save the day :+1:

so you’re assuming the number of sellers and the number of buyers are correlated?

who’s selling those carries, if the only way to complete the too-difficult content is to buy one?

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Blizz profits from boosting i.e. token sales, so why would they get rid of it? Also it keeps boosters playing so that boosts their “engagement” stats, so again they won’t curtail it.

That’s not my point. My focus is on the middle people who have less people to play with because around them are boosters and boostee everywhere. People with fake undeserved achievements taking a place ahead of you in your progression path.

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for the most part, boostees are by definition not part of the progression path

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Not really, why not just gear your alts the same way if you are that good, makes no sense.

Sorry but if you choose to make an alt that is your problem, shouldn’t be able to pay for a boost cause you are to lazy to do the chores even if you did them before.

We all have our opinions on things

Automation has always been banned in the game.


PvE boost ruins the experience for future runs. When a party leader invites them thinking they are competent, but far from it. You now wasted the key holders time. Not only with the key they ran, but the time it took to rank it up to that.

If affects pvp for sure, but don’t be dismissive and say it doesn’t impact pve.

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I mean, if you’re just looking at score that’s on you.

If someone has only run 8 15s and nothing else… there’s something fishy in them there woods.

Most boosters aren’t doing it to sneak into other players keys though.

“Automation” is what bots do. But you’re apparently not opposed to bots.

What multiboxers were doing wasn’t “automation”. A lot of players with only one account use hardware that can qualify as “automation”. They can and do occasionally get banned for this. But you’re okay with that, too.

You are however in favor of people with connections getting free carries that leapfrog them to a position they haven’t earned, because cronyism is great for the game?

If you think choosing to make an alt is a personal character flaw, perhaps you should be playing a single player game where you don’t have to worry about being exposed to people who might refuse to play according to the restrictions you have chosen to apply to your own gameplay.

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They should make it simple and just say one box one mac id.

Do you think that everyone who has multiple paid accounts should have all but one canceled? That johnny and joey shouldn’t be able to play their own accounts on dad’s computer, and dad wouldn’t quit over this?

I have two alts and rather than pay for a boost, I do mythic or pvp to gear them. I am not saying having an alt is bad, I am saying it is no excuse to boost or pay for a carry!