Today, automation. Tomorrow, boosting?

Cheating is against the rules, see, that’s where it comes into play.

You can’t use an aimbot in a multiplayer game because it’s against the rules.

Boosting is not against the rules. Your moral stance on it nonwithstanding.

Can we please get rid of the boosting websites in the dungeon and raid finder please!!!


But it is, when I used to play soccer I would take a dive to get a penalty kick, the ref didn’t see it so I got the shot and scored, was still cheating.

See, that’s still against the rules.

I can buy guild from a third party and get away with it, still against the rules though and wrong to do.

Boosting is not against the rules, when it is I will change my stance.

Pretty sure no one ever argued that boosting is against the rules, just that it should be.

By who’s standard?

It doesn’t even affect most of the player base if it’s not pvp boosting.

Boosting is no different than the AH. You’re paying other players for goods and services.

The AH is killing the open world because people aren’t forced to go out and gather mats instead of just buying off the AH.

You can’t call it killing when it’s always been like that, if the added the AH later on then you could say that.

I’m mocking the idea that boosting is somehow killing guilds and groups forming organically.

It’s not. Server spread and faction balance is a LOT more to blame for lack of raiders in guilds.

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A majority of folks who buy boosts in a PvE sense are already-accomplished players who are gearing alts, other accounts, etc. -

Removing boosting doesn’t cause added cooperation and meshing between players, the boosters will continue to play just as much or little as they did, and the boostees will go back to doing practically nothing with their limited time to play, not join guilds to raid on a schedule or form a multitude of key groups. Their inability or disinterest in doing so is another reason just to buy a boost in the first place.

Sorry, hard to detect sarcasm on the forums.

how? good groups aren’t magically incentivized to let bad players join them, and bad players don’t want to put in the effort to get better.

Fair and accurate statement amigo!

I don’t buy that at all, if they are already accomplished then why would you have to pay for a boost, that makes no sense.

if you read the rest of that same piece of info: to gear alts / other accounts. Pretty simple concept.


You like raiding or M+ or pvping? You want to play a different class but don’t want to go through the gear grind? What do you do? Buy a boost of course.

Boosting forces Blizzard to make content that is “too hard”, The gap between fresh level 60 and the top is getting wider and wider. Without Boosting I think we would have a better balanced middle ground/average progression for more people. Blizz wouldn’t have to make the extreme so hard to balance.

They could make the game more alt friendly. Bring the player not the class.

In no way shape or form does boosting of all things influence game balance.

I will, however, have whatever you’re smoking.

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