To Tinker H8ters

To Tinker Shippers

What’s your deal? Seriously?

Obligatory /s.

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Feel free to read through the thread.

It’s a unique class concept that fills an otherwise empty niche. But mostly, it’d be dope and well supported by WoW’s prior lore.


Meanwhile mechagnome exist. You’ve said nothing in your rant. You literally have no understanding of Wow If you think steampunk = cyberpunk or that the tech in WoW isn’t a focus. Have you paid attention at all to the Titans in this game? lmao.


Tinkers in WoW really doesn’t contribute to cyber punk (assuming you actually mean sci-fi in general).

Literal Space Ships exist in WoW. Legion was filled with them.
Legion wasn’t sci-fi. It was fantasy.

Mechagnomes and Gnomeran exist, but that patch didn’t feel like a sci-fi patch.


Food for though, both the Warcraft - The Roleplaying Game and World of Warcraft - The Roleplaying Game back in 2003 and 2005 included Tinker as a core class.

Officially, neither of these sources are cannon but there’s no doubt that the Tinker is part of Warcraft’s core identity.


You know, I’ve always wondered why the whole Tinker debate even began. We spent years with this never being an issue, and suddenly tons of posts churlishly arguing on a complete non-issue that barely, if at all, had even the slightest inkling of being a potential thing in the first place.


For the record, I generally support the idea of a Tinker class, albeit through ulterior motives as I really like Steam Warriors and assume they’d be incorporated into the class were it to become a playable thing. I simply don’t understand where the discussion came from and, like some others who’ve posted here, am generally weary of class-based discourse, especially pertaining to suggestions/desires.

Also, for the record I find the whole argument of Tinker=Engineering to be shallow and reductive.

I do hate that so many Tinker discussions devolve into rude/aggressive repartee.

I’d suggest reading through the thread, some passionate people talking as to why they’re invested in to topic.

A personal example - playing Warcraft 3 as a pre teen, I’d rush to the tavern specifically for the Tinker hero ha. Was he any good? I didn’t know then and don’t know now, but i simply enjoyed the mechanical mayhem I could impart with the “Tinker”.

That to say, it shouldn’t be outrageous that there are people out there that enjoy the tech aesthetic present in WoW and want a class to represent that POV.

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How can I hate something that doesn’t exist and will never exist?

I’d still take your imaginary idea instead of the low quality fetish lizard we got, if it makes you happy OP.

do you want to be a tinkler

Eh, it could be a fun starting quest line to roll a tinker but honestly, I would rather it be a surprise and fit the expansion than something that randomly came up.

I agree with a lot of people the last time I made a post about tinkers. Wait until a lot of the classes are fixed, then make tinkers or some new class.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love the concept but really there are still complaints from classes that have yet been fixed. At least they’re trying every reset instead of every expansion as before.

Tinker is already a fully fleshed out class, with prestige classes to focus on different specializations of it such as Steam Knight, in the Warcraft Tabletop RPG.

Go to page 88.

“Waiting until other classes are fixed” will never happen.

“Competitive” games are always in a constant state of flux and balance, especially when every expansion shakes things up with new abilities/talents/power etc.

Blizzard is doing some interesting things with Evokers/Dracthyr, makes me hopeful, but we’ll see!!

A bit tinfoilly but maybe Evokers are an ideal ‘beta’ test for tinkers, trying new things like cast range changes and dynamic model changes mid combat, like flying and shifting forms.


are tinklers powerful and what do tinklers do?

They play kind of like a mage / rogue hybrid.

Lots of skill points to play with and lots of spellcasting potential through their ability to craft devices which work similar to magic devices. It’s similar in a lot of ways to artificers from Dungeons and Dragons. You can build them into pretty much anything you want, with prestige classes for healing, tanking, focusing on bombs, etc.

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I don’t dislike Tinkers and that’s why I’m glad that anyone can be one with the engineering profession.

One of those things I’ve heard just as many times as “WoW is dying” and for just as long as well.


Why do you people hate me?

what races can do this

That said, I would be between 2 specs like a Mage Rogue but rocket dash better than a DH’s Fel Rush, or a Hunter Survivor in the use of turrets, Azeroth drones and explosive traps.

Next to a Tank that would look like something between Gazlowe and D.Va in Heroes of the Storm.

And the healers would be between alchemists who use healing potions and grenades, as well as the use of healing shots, something that a sniper healer would also be seen in Overwatch, and speaking of the fact that a spec support for the Evokers seems to be coming, it would be excellent if their Use make flashbangs, buffs, and smoke grenades that will help the raid avoid damage or buff it against a boss.

Of all the Tinker is the best option, something that cannot be compared between the professions of alchemy and Engineering, something that will take in mind the magic technology that actually is already seen from Ulduar as if it were a JRPG.

At least it wouldn’t be the crap of one only class stupid evoker not dragon, and it would be like the monk a friendly class for all available races, except Nelfs, Taurens and Vulperas.

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Ooh this post is about me.

Tinker is the worst idea ever. They cannot function in wow at all. Any and all ideas ive seen about how a tinker would work has been downright awful, from mechanical pet hunters 2.0 to mechanical summon warlocks 2.0, to a robot suit aka druid form and DH meta form. Nothing new, it steals from every class idea.

Tinkers are glorified engineers.