Smartest thing you’ve said up to that point. Exact reason why PREMADES shouldn’t exist. The system is designed to reward 1 persons effort the grand prize of HWL / GM for accomplishments on the battlefield against the horde and also against their own faction on their server. Premading in no way awards that 1 person its 10 people thwarting the system to benefit all 10. Think about it.
Thats a faction problem feeling its a requirement to break a system to be effective. Get it right.
You’d rather not have any BGs at all than have to face premades? Talk about priorities.
Look at the system by design, it doesn’t take into account premades. I mean its blatently obvious. Same way twinks destroy bgs for levelers to chill out and enjoy some p vp with random levels ect. Look at what makes sense based on design / expectation of the system as is. This stuff was fixed because it became a very large problem.
Woa hold your horses, trying harder? Excuse me, premades are in fact doing everything they can, including exploiting, to not have to try.
That’s not even close to accurate. The ranking system itself was designed in a way that it was nigh impossible to hit the top rank without having a guild behind you. It allows premades, and the premade complaints started as soon as Vanilla had BGs.
Frankly it was always the top complaint, especially in Vanilla where servers were often smaller enough that before xrealm BGs you could often face nothing but the same premade, with the same result, all day every day.
Getting destroyed by premades is not only part of Vanilla, if anything I’d consider it the staple pvp experience in Vanilla. If anything it’s lazy pugs that are the problem, and most people aren’t interested in carrying them to gear.
I disagree, maybe your realm had a small community but I pugged a lot in vanilla and premades were not nearly as prevalent then. Especially after CRBG’s.
Funny you are trying to use a retail feature, commenting from a retail toon to talk about classic pvp.
Grats, they’re still part of the experience, they still were allowed in Vanilla, and in both cases it’s on the community to premade or pug and guess what the community has chosen here.
And even if they did get rid of premades, what do you think the result will be? Like AV, Horde will have 99% win rates, and four hour queues because Alliance aren’t interested in pugging?
Perhaps you think you’ll start winning games as Alliance pugs, much like people thought for AV. How did that work out again?
This community and Blizz both seem absolutely driven to ruin this game. There were 10s of thousands of players doing BGs for the first month- Blizz makes some changes to punish Alliance for not losing all their matches, now there’s never over a thousand.
Was it worth it to Alliance pugs, going to not winning a game in weeks? Or Horde, going from half hour queues to 4+?
Every time Blizz makes a change it is an absolute disaster. Yet every time they make a change, it’s at the behest of players that think they can make Vanilla better.
Perhaps we should just go ahead and get rid of premades, remove any reason to even make an Alliance for pvp, and just keep making change after change. It worked so well for retail.
‘You think you do, but you don’t.’
why does alliance think its ok that they win because that have a huge advantage in a premade?
Not even Naxx gear - AQ gear will be crazy also
The Conquerors set / Annihilation is on par with the Marshal and Field Marshal armor for Warriors
Bro you quit the game 4 months ago. Shtap it already.
Then everyone not in Naxx gear dies.
Just like in Vanilla
Yeap. But that won’t be fun to casuals who just want a balanced BG. I wonder what changes they will ask for next.
Lol. PvP skill is putting a good product on the field. PuGs are, almost by definition, unable to coordinate and should get less honor because of that.
If you both premade and pug you know that there is no way to argue that pugging takes the same individual skill, organization and effort as premaking does.
You can PREFER to play chaotic matches instead of putting a good group together, just as you can pug BWL instead of joining a guild. However, one gives better results and gears you up faster than the other and it should stay that way.
I did not have Naxx gear until vanilla was almost over
It was still fun
Same reason Horde thinks its ok that you win because of a huge numbers advantage in wpvp, and massive map advantage in AV.
Yet in WSG/AB there are no advantages. It’s 10 Horde, 10 Alliance, or 15/15. Both sides can premade, both sides do premade.
Yet only Horde whine about it.
Alliance pugs get just as wrecked by Horde premades, as Horde pugs by Ally premades.
Yet only Horde are crying.
Because really, Alliance got exactly what they wanted here- finally, a balanced, fair map. And Horde got their worst nightmare- a balanced, fair map.
Dude, this isn’t worth a response. Don’t go hard on the Kool Aid.
Complaints are from both sides. Players not accepting responsibility for their own play isn’t exclusive to the Horde.
sounds good to me