To those that want to see an end to premades

At this point- there’s really no Alliance left. A hand full of puggers still getting AV rep, but what do they have to complain about, they’re not there to win.

There’s a reason now all the complaints are coming from Horde- the Alliance that complained about phase 2, or the destruction of AV months ago are just gone, hence the long queues.

Leaving just a bunch of Horde puggers that aren’t realizing the only reason their AB/WSG queues aren’t several hours is solely because of the couple hundred Alliance premaders remaining. Without them, you’d be lucky to get more than a dozen games going across all BGs combined.

Pretty sure the alliance have taken responsibility for their own play- the players that said they’d leave due to phase 2 making the game unplayable did so, leaving most servers massively lopsided. The players that said AV would be void of Alliance after the changes were right- Alliance did stop playing AV, to the point where 10s of thousands of players in AV turned to a few hundred.

That’s how you take responsibility for a complaint, you actually follow through when something doesn’t change.

Meanwhile- WSG/AB queues aren’t going down for Horde, despite all their complaints. Shows they aren’t willing to follow through. If it’s truly an unbearable situation, take action.

Oh, so you’re the one complaining after all? Alliance have a very healthy PVP scene on my realm. I’d argue even better then us Horde.

No. They’re just tired of your premades farming them in the graveyard instead of an occasional chance at a fair fight.

Yes, the ever elusive “fair fight” statement once again. Sorry my friend but after 15 years of tinkering they still couldn’t master that in retail. I don’t think it’s going to magically fix itself this time.

It does kind of come down to “what is fair and to whom?” now doesn’t it?

Clearly the undergeared players you expect blizzard to provide to you for an effortless honor farm weren’t actually queuing up with being your victims in mind. Unless, of course, you were paying them, which I doubt.

Obviously, unlike retail, no one really needs to worry about the long-term health of the game, since classic is a game with built in obsolescence. So what would you do if all your hapless victims decided to stop playing? Why should they queue at all if they never actually get to do any pvp?

When BGs came out, there were 500-600 AV going at a time, and 100s of WSG.

Now, there’s never more than a dozen AV, and a few dozen WSG/AB.

That’s a massive drop, and from the horde queues it’s definitely a far bigger drop in Alliance participation.

That’s an observation- a stating the obvious one really, but sure, call it a complaint if that’s what you need to do. I’d hardly call having tens of thousands of players in BGs going to having a few hundred ‘healthy’.

AV meta was an abomination that should never have existed in the first place. It made both WSG and AB obsolete.

You don’t think that the rush to AV exalted has anything to do with the drop of participation? I know many raiders who hit exalted and haven’t entered a BG since.

i came back and i cant even stay log on to the server to many disconnects.

classic wow got worse since i was gone.

but thats not cheating like being on coms in a premade…there is a big difference.

Both teams would have good gear in this case, it wouldn’t be an unplayable waste of time and a spawn point camp for either team like the pre-made versus pug stomps are now. People are asking for separate queues so pre-mades can play each other, not getting rid of group queues altogether.

That is a very optimistic outlook. I will wait to see if actually plays out that way but I get the feeling we will be seeing these threads all over again about BG’s being lopsided still.

People are different now, they have memory to reflect on… and knowledge on the internet to work with.

Incorrect. MANY people have solo ranked to 14 and is not difficult just time consuming. There is no mmr to balance out the system so what makes you think that it’s ok? This is a known flaw in the system allowing it to be exploited and was not only fixed next expansion to an extent but other games have used it as an ex. of what simply doesnt work.

You know what the ‘MMR’ or ranking of later WoW did right? It made it so you literally could not achieve top gear without making premades, whether to arena or rbg you need a group. So I assume you mean that solo players are exploiting in Classic by getting gear that in later xpacs and most games they’d never have a shot at?

If Classic were a later xpac- you’d be limited to the blue pvp sets as a solo pvper in comparison, always a tier below the premades.

As you say- it’s not ok that solo pvpers even can get past rank 10 to begin with, but as this is a game that’s solely time and not skill based- they can.