Maybe because I wasn’t acting as stupid as they are?
If you refuse to talk to the group and are standing in fire or something equally useless, I’ll kick you without regrets.
Assuming this is “competitive” play, that is. Random LFG stuff doesn’t matter enough to kick anyone unless they’re AFKing or toxic.
sadly most people that initiate a vote kick are incapable of acting like a mature adult and they often lose control due to inability to handle a little stress and they tend to turn into this
Hmm okay then. Super informative.
@Mythicdruid, do you by chance own a level 11 troll mage in Classic WoW?
No I don’t. I don’t play Classic
I got kicked from a Heroic Raid today because i DARED question why we were sitting around for 20 minutes passing up well geared tanks in LFR on Prophet, an easy fight. Even if the tank was bad we could have pulled, wiped, kicked the tank, and been no worse off but actually have DONE SOMETHING.
No, instead sitting around for 20 minutes was a much better use of everyones time.
And right there is your problem and it is a YOU problem.
If you got kicked for low DPS, someone could’ve helped you figure it out.
If you died to a mechanic, someone could’ve given you some tips/provided resources to help.
If it was because of any number of problems, this community could’ve and, in most cases, WOULD’VE actually helped/comisserated.
But it’s your attitude; WE’RE the “stupid ones”. We’re neglecting “your help”. Well, I got news for you, friend. With an attitude like yours, no one NEEDS your kind of help.
was probably waiting for a tank they knew to take the RL spot so they could loot funnel and then boot the seat fillers
No one even said anything about low dps, Nothing was said at all. No one told me anything.
yeah like so many others that got “unjustly” kicked were only hearing their side of events and of course theyd NEVER fudge the details to make it seem like they were the innocent person in all of that
sorry OP but you cant expect the forums to simply buy the old well they did this and theyre the bad guys story its been used so much its an even more dead horse than ol blanchy
Sorry for kicking you OP. I hope you’re doing alright.
All you have stated for fact is this…
You’re 57 years old
You’re being kicked
You feel YOU are not the issue
You are repeatedly asked “what was going on when you were kicked” and you come off with this snark, this entitled attitude to those who are asking you, trying to get to the bottom of what is going on…you are name calling and insulting people, and acting like WE are the problem.
You give absolutely NO SUBSTANCE to your complaint other than woe is me mean people suck…yes they suck, but to get to the bottom of the issue all information is needed. Not “mean people kicked me.”
I will repeat to you what I said before because it’s obvious we are not going to get anything straight from you…
I say what I mean and mean what I say. I don’t play mind games. Like a lot of you young people do. I am open and upfront with what I think. I DO NOT play mind games.
VKing is not a democracy and sadly players can and will kick for any reason heck ive had kicks on me simply for being a “space goat” or “loser you got ugly hooves” and once the VK reason simply said “cheese lover” because the pug leader was lactose intolerant and did it cause I used my common catch phrase macro right before the first pull and yelled “for the cheese!!!”
people don’t always need an excuse they do it because they can
That has absolutely NO bearing on what your thread is about. I can be a lot more blunt if you like because I too tell it like it is and atm I’m being nice.
Oh and btw … no one said you were playing mind games dear, I told you for fact you’re acting like an entitled 57 year old brat.
If this is just a venting post, fine go for it … but you have repeatedly insulted people in this thread and had a seriously LOUSY attitude towards people trying to help you, who have been quite respectable and showing an attempt to be empathetic, but with every response, much like the one you gave me here, this thread will get flagged and removed.
It probably should if you aren’t going to see people are trying to help out.
OP wouldn’t last long on classic because they don’t have nor do they need VKing because if you act like a prima donna there youll soon end up blacklisted and wont find anyone to pug with because they dont have Xrealm grouping and eventually word gets around and youll find yourself turned away by everyone
You have deliberatly misunderstand what I I have been saying because you refuse to underhand the issue here
Oh I understand completely now.
You’re a troll. Slither back under your rock, I for one and done with you.
I assume there’s a very hard standing reason as to why you’re posting on a character that has literally zero experience of any kind and a mythic+ score of literally zero.
Terrible player gets kicked from group on main because they’re not only dead weight but literally a detriment just by existing in the run, proceeds to make wow forum post about how “NoNe Of YoU DeSeRvE My ExPErTIsE oR HeLP!!!111”