To the players that are quick to kick

Based on this along with various previous posts of yours, you are probably a very kickable kind of person. :cowboy_hat_face:

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PvE is a toxicity in BFA. Join PvP, we have cookies :cookie:


Sounds to me like you weren’t doing what you needed to do. Were holding the group up. And based on the fact your first instinct was to come to the forums and create a passive aggressive post, you were likely being argumentative in chat.


If you dont learn, and die to mechanics, thats a problem.
If you are of an appropriate iLevel, and your DPS or healing is too low, thats a problem.
If you cannot tank swap, or dont know when to use defensive CD’s, thats a problem.
If you show up to a raid without gems, enchants, buff foods and such, thats a problem.

If you fall into any of these categories, and do so repeatedly when coming to raids or M+ runs, then, obviously you will be replaced by someone else whom shows up prepared and can do their job adequately to progress through the content.


LOL ! I understand your frustration Op and find myself @ the same situation almost daily. If people disconnect or have a situation, just communicate and if its a reasonable response most people understand. Empathy, understanding and communication is a key and goes a long way. Cheers all :heart:

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They have far more progress as a PvP’r it seems than a PvE’r anyway, so it might be better for them to stick to their strong suit.

That being said, if you will read the thread, the only person who is being toxic is the OP, especially when people try to get to the bottom of the issue, and all OP can do is come back with insults and evasion. :woman_shrugging:


lol Have you read OP’s responses? Far from reasonable. lol More like bratty, entitled and down right rude. lol


My advice to you OP, since this is a public forum and you brought your problem here and made it ours to comment on…

Straighten up your attitude. It sucks. Look inward, and really evaluate why you’re always being kicked. If it’s a lot, odds are it isn’t the groups you’ve joined. Given the responses you’ve put in this thread, you need to look to yourself to be the one to change, stop blaming others and making yourself out to be the victim.


Look, I get it. You got kicked and you’re bothered by it. Coming to the forums and spouting hate doesn’t solve anything though, other than put more hate into an already bad enough place filled with actual complaints.

To kick someone is a universally agreed thing within LFG. So if you got kicked in LFR or LFG, it was because other people determined it was also the right course of action. Breathe, take a break, come back later. This? Solves nothing.


As a mage main, this hurts to read.

Even with the absolute worst proc luck as orb frost, I could pull 35k single target on a high movement fight when I was 443.

You’re right, you shouldn’t be too quick to kick.

Kick near the END of the cast time, wastes more of the target’s time.


FTFY. Its everywhere.

I give my the best I can, my all, and that doesn’t seem good enough for people.

I am 57 years old and I don’t hold back on giving my all to help others but that is not good enough for anyone. This is the reason why I started hating humanity. Because no matter how much I give, it just isn’t good enough for people.

I do not believe in being deceptive. I’ve never been capable of it it. Do not judge me by what others do.

There are too many deceptive judgmental people in this world and I refuse to be one of them.

hadn’t seen a game where players are so fast with the kicks since the NES

Is somebody supposed to be on anti psychotics and they are off them at the moment? You arent making any sense.


I swear every time I read " that’s a problem " I read it in my head like " that’s a paddlin " :grin: I’m tired,forgive me.


welcome to the internet where logic doesn’t always seem to apply


How hard is it to understand that soneone can be totally honest and upfront with what they they are saying?

Oh man, I miss that show…


So what were you kicked for exactly? Low dps, dying to mechanics or other reason?