Yeah they’re a troll. Don’t waste your time.
Why do you people want to condemn me for expressing how I feel?
I agree in fact when I see threads started by people like the OP and the comments they keep adding defending their own jerk like behavior I only have one response to it
Really proud of the community for kicking you out, i would vote yes in a heartbeat.
This is why I am a solo player.
Cheers to you too .
Because I don’t like feelings.
Tact. Not mind games.
If you can’t pull your weight in a given situation, you get kicked. It’s simple really.
If your feelings can’t handle it make some friends who won’t kick you when you’re bad.
Coming to the forums to look for sympathy is never a good move, you’re not likely to find any here.
I think we ought to be supportive and cordial to our fellow players. Why not?
So, if you’re getting kicked frequently, look at details/skada/logs of some sort, and be honest with yourself. Is the dps you’re doing what you should be doing with the gear you have?
You don’t have to answer me, or anyone here, I’m just encouraging you to do some introspection (and log analysis) to see if there isn’t something you could change to lower the frequency of kicks.
I don’t get kicked frequently. You guys don’t know how to read well. I am not bad at dps, and I am tired of you guys assuming things that are not there.
Point is that you guys are so dam judgmental and assuming that you make assuptions from what you read.
Seriously, your reading skills are atrocious.
frequently enough that you’re here making posts about it.
or did it happen just once, and this is a giant overreaction?
because from an outsider’s point of view, if it’s a rare occurrence, just… brush it off and move on. Why get all bent over something that happened once? If it’s a frequent occurrence, look at the common denominator.
if its a hot girl i dont kick them
but what if she’s not clean?
Point is, that when people point out your judgmental attitudes, you get defensive about it and try to defend your judgmental attitudes.
No, I’m totally ok being judgemental.
Honestly I have a lot of xp leading or being in raids from LFR to Mythic and people are toxic in this game at every level. I wouldn’t get upset over it when I see people act like jerks and kick like that I’m not even surprised.
It’s not nice or fair but like you said it will come back at them eventually. Not sure if WoW is even the problem or if people are just super toxic in general.
I’ve been kicked from M+ keys at the end of the dungeon, messed up while tanking or somehow wiping the raid got cussed out at all through out the years these things just happen ig lol
Post of the year, +1
No, it is not WoW related, it is prevalent in life period. People want to be judgmental but don’ like being called on for their judgmental attitudes.
They want to want to judge others but not be be judged by their own standards.
Those kinds of people are self-righteous hypocrites. They are not just in churches.
I was told recently that a lot of people on these forums, and wow in general expect you to have thick skin while having very thin skin themselves so the lack of empathy you’re seeing doesn’t surprise me.