To the players, It is YOUR Choice

What I am saying is if they are on FFXIV as well then the their experience in the FFXIV free trial Bgs will be just as bad.

I see them …then tend to be quickly badgered into submission but I see them.

? i’m talking about wow, which has far more exploitable xp on/off and gear discrepancy systems to abuse than ff does

some things are good to try for yourself
other things its good to read reviews on

wow free trial bgs is definitely one of those

Actually no. In all likelihood the only difference between forumgoers and non forumgoers is the forumgoers like to discuss things on the internet with strangers. The opinions you see stated here you will see in trade chat and in the game.

The idea that the forums are only visited by a minority of players does not support the idea that they are different from the overall wow community.

Which is not their right, to hold their own opinions?

Yeah. You found a long-term blizzard supporter who believes that people only hold opinions opposed to the game or blizzard because they’re gullible. And so you said to yourself, “If everybody is so gullible, I should be able to convince them of the righteousness of my opinion and bring them to the side of good.”

Nah. How about not being so gullible as to believe everybody is a sheep who disagrees with you?

Which streamer? I’m confused. They speak for themselves. What does “toxic” even mean in this context? Usually it is used by pro blizzard trolls to mean “This streamer voiced an opinion about blizzard games I don’t like, therefore he is toxic. All streamers should stream content and opinions that sound like they were written by a blizzard PR department.”

C’mon. Show me the “toxic streamer”. Was it Taliesen and Evitel? I’ve seen them in the “toxic streamers for dummies” list that you blizz supporters who don’t understand the issues and have zero familiarity with subjects post off. They are the most supportive and upbeat streamers online. But hey, somebody decided you were a sheep and told you to post that streamers are toxic, and so you did, because you have no mind of your own. I mean, being a sheep like the rest of us, you had to be spoonfed your opinion, right?

A starter account will have very little to do in the game. The content they can access does not in any way resemble end game. They cannot speak with the people they run into.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all month. Keep defending blizzards trash xpac, white knight.

I don’t know if I will stay with wow or leave, but the forums here have some very smart people who played mmorpgs longer then I have, so I will probably just do whatever they recommend.

I have made my own choice and for the most part I don’t enjoy FFXIV. I played through the old ARR up through Shadowbringers and thought the story was cheesy and okayish. It took me ages to get through all of it too.

Maybe their offices/HQ.

Depends on the server and trade chat …on one sever I play see a lot of the same but the other I see a lot of people defending the game.

That they can but they are not fact.

Where does it mention Blizzard or anything pro WoW?

I said right here that we should listen to those who hate the streamer as much we should the streamers themselves.

They upset me as much as those who want people to leave out the door with them just to stoke their own ego.

You are trying to think this thread is pro WoW but it is not it is pro Free Will and the freedom to chose to stay or leave without fear of peer pressure or bandwagoning.

Where does he mention Blizzard in that ENTIRE sentence?

I am not even saying ANYTHING pro WoW and Pro blizzard and I am being attacked.

You’re joking, right?

He mentioned Streamers not Blizzard.

Am I on Pranked?

We don’t have a choice in our daily lives over many things going on so I agree with sentiment.

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You could easily argue that comment was to show people were leaving BECAUSE of streamers so it is arguable that the comment was meant to be pro free will and Not Pro WoW.

The vast majority of people have been. They’ve come to the conclusion that the game is trash and it’s time to unsubscribe and quit based on their experience with the company and the game.

Then explain the purpose of the I Quit threads, the I Stay Threads and all the pro and anit FFXIV threads other than to influence other players?

Good post :+1::+1:

When you unsubscribe blizzards automated system tells you to go to these forums and explain why you’re unsubscribing.

Players are giving their feedback, which is encouraged by blizzard. The I stay posts are by people who like the game and are giving their feedback. The I quit and FFXIV threads are made by players giving feedback as to why they are unsatisfied with Systemlands.

But people are saying Blizzard does not listen to the forums so if so what is the point other than what I said before?

To give feedback.

But if none of the devs listen to the feedback why give any.