To the players, It is YOUR Choice

This post is to anyone visiting the forums for the first time or for those who do not know what path they will take in regard to this game.

Now we have seen people saying they are leaving, saying they are staying, saying that FFXIV is the GOD among MMORPGs, Saying that FFXIV is utter trash. saying that a streamer they liked left so we should all follow them out the door, saying that this streamer was toxic and we should not follow him, and so forth. Each of these people trying to bandwagon or convince others to join their cause and march under their banner.

As for myself I say … what happened to our ability to think for ourselves?

We should decide whether we leave or stay depending on OUR personal experiences. For example I find some things in the game I enjoy enough that I am willing to STAY if that CHANGES I will leave, but you will not see me post here. Because just because I like or dislike some things does not mean everyone else has those same likes and dislikes because we are all different in the end.

So I ask you If you are new to the game and wish to see for yourself PLAY THE FREE TRIAL and make your opinion there.

If you unsure of whether you should stay or leave ask yourself “Are there things in the game I still enjoy?” If so STAY if not LEAVE!

Do not let others influence your opinion one way or another, do not make decisions just because someone else wants you do or a popular person has made that same decision.

Instead Make your OWN opinions form your OWN experiences and use THAT to to weigh your options for that is the ONLY way to be content with your decision whatever it may be.


LiveJournal still exists if you want a diary.


I just do not think one should make a decision based solely upon what others what them to.

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I do think for myself like most do here. The forums are just posts to rile people up over stuff they know works.


Well they are some who believe the forums represent the community. Or want others to believe the same things they do.

All the threads Talking about FFXIV or WoW, or “I am unsubbing” or “I am staying” in the end they are all just to influence the choices of others to align with theirs.

To paraphrase a quote from Star Wars.
" WoW General Discussion. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

I would definitely not recommend people try free trial level 20 bgs since the lowkey exploiting there would turn any legitimate new player away

I hardly think that the forums represents the community.

But I do believe that there is a mass-exodus of WoW, thousands of people leaving at the same time, more so than what was experienced up until now.

People have always left WoW, albeit gradually. This time around it have just been one massive group.

I think you described ANY forum in a nutshell.

Forums tend to attract the most polarizing groups.

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And I would remind those folks that the “forums” have been negative since day one. Yes, even back in the glory days when the game had 12 million subscribers there was plenty of negativity towards WOW both in the old forums and others such as MMORPG.COM. Forums should be taken in the same vain as a push poll; lightly and with a very heavy grain of salt.

Where is your source. If you cannot back it up with facts and all you have is opinion does not means it is fact.

And even that what you say is true that does not mean that those thousands of people will eventually be replaced by new people.

People leave new people come in …sometimes people return that is a fact and those new people should see for THEMSELVES how a game is and NOT from the possibly biased opinions of others.

Thank you it is rare to see another forum poster willing to make their own decision and let others do the same.

But people tend to follow the heard even though we are humans not sheep and have the mental ability to think for ourselves and form our own opinions.

While I am not a fan of MHA you have a point.

In the end we all the power to form our OWN decisions and we should start using it.

I think a better question to ask is: “Is the enjoyment I get from playing the game worth the cost?”

The cost is not just $15/month (not to mention tokens or the cash shop at all), but the time investment and the emotional investment as well.


This is just a game …you are treating it like a sport or a job.

Believe me I have no issue dropping this game if it no longer becomes fun.

You play a game to have fun in the end.


You obviously don’t understand what I was saying. With literally anything you do, you are investing your time and emotions into it.


It’s worth noting you should never really play a game just because someone you idolize or watch plays it, because that will be a superficial experience. Once that person quits or leaves, you’ll feel empty.

A lot of people have suddenly looked at Asmongold as a “Wow he’s playing this game and going ham at it, it must be really good I’ll play it too!” but chances are he’ll never do content with you, he’s got his mods and subs to do things with. Especially since raids are a much smaller size in the game you don’t need to wrangle up 40 people or anything.
It’s also worth noting he’s tweeted “I hate this f’ing game.” and “I’m only in it for the boss fights.” so who really knows how long he’s gonna be “in it” for.

I’d also highly advise against trying out the game on your own, and only going into it if you have a group of friends that will join you, even FF14 players tell you “ARR is the great filter, the game gets good after.” but, why should a game be awful for 60+ hours and only then get interesting and/or fun?

You might be able to get out of ARR during your first free month when you buy the game, or hell, using the Trial but that’s a lot of time commitment into something that’s garbage for hours and you might not even like how it is later.

Edit: Did not mean to reply to that comment, I just scroll down and click the reply button on the last post, should have scrolled further to comment in general and not as a reply.


If you cannot find time for this game I doubt you would be able to find time for any other MMORPG.

If people leave because they can’t think for themselves, I say good riddance. We need less drone like minds around here so Developers can get real feedback on the game.


What are you even talking about? People are leaving in droves because they’re actually thinking for themselves.

People have been giving real feedback on the game since it came out, Blizzard just doesn’t care to listen.