To the players, It is YOUR Choice

Because those people think the devs pay attention to their official forums.

The main reason people make posts about quitting is because they hope that the gaming company will take notice and make changes to the game. It is customer loyalty that drives the people to make the posts.

It’s your meaningful choice.

Yep, I’m totally a white knight. You caught me. I often complain about their changes (although the changes I hate are often pushed by streamers and their cultists fans) And don’t even pretend like it’s not a issue you see Asmonmold, and bailuliar all over the place on the forums.

No, I think it’s self-aggrandizement.

They know, in a game with millions of subscribers, their one sub doesn’t mean a damn. They hope to accrue meaning by recruiting others to their cause. And, in the process, they vent their spleen.

Yes it’s MY choice, and it’s also the choice of a NEW Generation!
/cracks open an ice cold Pepsi and drinks it in a manner that the Label is always clearly visible.

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I agree with 99% of what you posted, just one thing (and maybe this is a personal thing), but:

for me is more like:

For me, there still is in droves.

okay Jåmès from moonguard

You telling me if this game got the Kingdoms of Amalur treatment and was a game you could play offline and solo, you’d still be playing WoW? What would you be doing?

This game is a game meant to be played with others. The bigger your population the more alive your cities feel. The more people you interact with. The quicker you can find people for group content. The whole reason an MMO is unique and special.

Of course they want to go where the players are. That’s where the MMO experience is at its best.

tldr: dear diary.

nah reviews help me avoid things that are a waste of time and/or money and reviews are usually pretty accurate when viewed in aggregate

a ton of reviews can be found on the forums

Streamers for me are basically guys who give me an idea of the gameplay and if they actually help ppl are form of guides. Beyond that they are nothing to me other than ppl trying to make a living of it

As far as wow goes I’ll be here till Feb then moving to GW2 for sometime (excited for Cantha expansion), may or may not be back.