To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

I agree, that and the meta slaves will def feel it the most. But, in reality it comes down to a few things;

  1. Just stop being so hardcore-ish and play more casually, you’ll learn to enjoy the game more. You can mythic raid casually, as a lot of guilds do it now, but I would probably guess this is where people differentiate as to one person hardcore can mean something and to another it’s entirely a different meaning.

  2. We don’t know their balance yet, as once again people are just speculating and balance tuning does happen. Just look at the last few builds already, they’ve adjusted talents, spells, etc. They’re still balancing stuff and will still be balancing things even through SL expansion.

I disagree, as hunter/rogue are most often sought out for the threat affix week, but during the other weeks usually what determines whether you get in to a group is literally just your raider io score and this will carry on through SL too, just like it was originally sought after in Legion and then in BFA entirely.

Oh like the artifact weapons? When every player had the same legendary weapon. That wasn’t a problem for you lore fans

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I’m literally done with you after this post, regardless of whether you reply or not because I’m seriously tired of your wishy washy bs. The entire movement is literally based off of those 2 and just look at the replies/responses you get here for your proof.

The most sought after reason for this pulltheripcord is because people are afraid blizzard will not balance them out and they will go live with the 30-50% damage difference they are right now on beta. This is not the case, as even with corruptions they nerfed IS within the week, tops, after it was out. Same for TD, though I think that was like a month after instead. Point is; blizzard balances things still, whether it is for the better or worst is up to the individual to interpret.
Those who got IS were mad at the IS nerfs as it was big damage loss, those who did not have it were happy about it because it lessened the gap. This entire thing revolves around fear, fear of them not being balanced correctly, but fear nonetheless.

The second most sought after reasoning: I want to play the game I pay for in the way I want to play it; be it covenant swapping or not. This is an ego reason. " I want it my way and I want it now." “My way or the highway” kind of deals. Either way, the main culprit for this or the “why” behind this is for your sake. Again, an ego thing, not a logical argument for it and if that were the case as some would say, then that also pertains to the people who are “anti” as well, as they want to play it their way. Their way is more permanence, so any kind of change ruins their way.

I can name a few more but I’ve almost written a book here, so I’m calling it at that. Either way, I’m done with this as you will never understand the point I’m trying to make. I understand yours, though, and I disagree with it entirely. I do not think buying a child every single piece of candy in the candy store is good for your child, thus why you tell them no. They throw tantrums and fits, and you have to keep to your beliefs and convictions, regardless of how it looks to everyone else including the child. The players are the child in this case and blizz, as always, is a parent. Not always in the right with their decisions, but what parent is. I stand with them on this one, though.

you mean the lore where all the covenants are allied together against the MAW?

That’s good because you’ve not had a single argument in any of your posts.

The version in your own head might be but that’s not quite reality.

To be fair that is a significant and gameplay altering concern.

Except if you can freely swap, you have choice and doesn’t negatively impact anyone else’s gameplay.

Because you have no point.

See that’s where you couldn’t be more wrong. The players are PAYING for a service and Blizzard is the provider of that service. This is the adult world of meeting your customers expectations. The fact you resort to calling it a parent/child relationship just show how hopelessly clueless you are.


You said it.

Yes the key component to the developer/consumer relationship. Make a product people want to buy.

I’m sure the company that’s made billions appreciates your sage wisdom. It’s their game. They make the rules. We play within those rules. Some people don’t get what they want and whine in the forums. The vast majority adapt and move on. If you can’t handle it, don’t consume.

Quitting has always been an option. It’s a game.

This, right here. Also, developers have to understand that they aren’t going to be able to please everyone. Gotta pick who you want to please, then discard the fact that the ones you don’t are just gonna whine about it. That’s fair and fine. We play within their rules they set. If they decided to make it permanent, they make it permanent, that’s their right.

Because - when the choice of a covenant actually effects your gameplay - it is meaningful. When it does not - aka when its purely a cosmetic option and I am free to min max in every scenario - it is a useless talent tree.

They may as well scrap the covenants and replace them with standard reps .


Feedback =/= whining. Sorry you can’t see the difference.


No, we will have legendary items here too. Different system.

Yes they are allied against the maw. Your point being?

And it’s our right to post feedback and concerns about any systems they wish to implement. If nobody would post any feedback and just accept absolutely anything Blizzard makes, a lot of people would be left unhappy.

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because while i agree to the problems the covenant system brings, i dont agree with the solution… simple making talent swap easily just destroys the entire premise of CHOICE 100%.
I want a solution that tries to bring what the covenant system tried to create and failed, not something that will simple re-create all that we already had until now

Yes, nobody is saying you cannot. It honestly always seems to be the ones who are #pulltheripcord movement that is usually picking fights with people that are not for it. I understand your opinions, as does blizzard. I reject them still, but I’m fine with you guys giving your feedback. What I’m not fine with, is the movement and this mob mentality of “if you’re not for it, you’re dumb” kinda thing.

I do not call you guys dumb for being the way you are. I say brats, though, because it really is like a bunch of children who say they want everything in the candy store. The parents have to say “No, you can get something, but not everything.” That’s basically what this is to me, because players seem to think they’re these mega big stars or something and can get everything they want. No, you cannot. That’s not how the world works in any form or capacity.

You guys got a middleground of even being able to swap at all, and yet nobody is happy. They were going to be absolutely permanent, but yet blizzard put a middleground, but because people aren’t happy with said middleground they’re still up in arms about it.

Won’t be much of a choice when every class chooses their meta covenants. DKs with the night fae LOL…meaningful choice there. Not sure why ANY DK would choose night fae if they cared one bit about RP.

bad for them… my dk is maldraxxus, and im gonna be sure to remind all dks from the night fae covenant that they are a bunch of fairy kitties, im gonna be sure to remind them of this the entire expansion to the point they will get traumatized

You do that while the fat kitties will head and shoulders above you in terms of gameplay.

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I dont get why its such an issue- surely we just seperate abilities from covenants? like you’re still locked into the one covenant (which was the main selling point of them) for its armor and signature ability- but the class ones are like a talent row you can swap around.

Seems like a good middle ground, then you’ve got your conduits, soulbinds and dungeon buffs as perks but still have the freedom to not be disadvantaged in different areas of the game.

And my DK can actually go necrolord and not nightfae

im gonna laugh my butt off when i get 99% parse not being inside the night fae covenant, its gonna be so hilarious

This would definitely please the pulltheripcord group. At least from what I gather. It would 100% please me.

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Yea you do that Mr. +11 4/12M guy.

I’m gonna laugh when night fae is doing 20-40% more dps than necrolords