mocking me for being +11 4/12M nyalotha? mr.6/9 dazar’alor normal guy?
and in fact i know i can get 99% parse outside of the night fae, i got 99% without having the bis corruption on every piece of my gear and im sure many others of my ilv did and somehow did not get 99%parse
ps:also, you´re a night fae dk? just a daily reminder that you are a fairy pus** hahahaha
Players who can get a 99% parse aren’t stuck at 4/12 or stuck at a +11.
Just spittin facts
oh really? let me spit another fact to you then, if you put the best player on the
world inside a bad raid team of a nonsense guild will he get 12/12M? no he wont
Im not preach, i also play this game for fun, im not entering a guild core raid team where they decide slots for what next class/spec you can play, swap between slighty stuff for trash mobs and a whole different things just so i can prove how good i am
Guild holding you back. Gotcha.
to be fair its the realm… im got inside another realm guild because somehow it showed up on the general chat, even then both my realm and that guild realm did not managed a single guild yet that killed M nzoth.
I dont think its a good metric for comparison, but at least i can say i took part on the second best raid guild of a realm that didnt killed m nzoth…which is not saying much for many harcore players on the world, but hey…i like those guys
That’s fair enough. Personally (and I’ve been there), I choose people over progress. I stuck with my BC guild (we were all bad) because I could get drunk and shoot the breeze on vent for hours with those guys. They’re all gone now though…
No, there would be just as many ppl complaining about it still.
Covenant ability will not make or break your class. Everyone…Stop crying.
just seemed like the best of both worlds, a nice easy compromise that preserves covenant identity and limits swapping, but still lets us play with some versatility.
No you wont you might choose to but you don’t have too
I will enjoy my meaningful choice based on what I like for my character. If I get kicked from groups so be it. I will still enjoy playing the way I want be it class, spec, covenant, or anything else. I refuse to let someone tell me how I should play and enjoy the content
thats good for you but that doesnt make a good argument against letting the rest of us change at will
Oh, I would have to if there are performance issues.
tldr, but covenant class abilities need to be unlocked.
Why? Class abilities are too impactful whether you are casual, average or min/maxer. The builds you can create and play with using them can revolve around your class abilities. Also balancing happens frequently and if your chosen class ability is nerfed to the ground at least you aren’t stuck with it.
Example : Affliction Warlocks decimating bolt w/ soul drain combo is an entire build in itself that no other covenant could possibly match for them.
Solution: #PULLTHERIPCORD . However, leave utility abilities to covenants to retain flavor. If min/maxers wana suck eggs and let their eyes bleed over a utility let them, because they will do it anyway. Also rework soulbinds in some way where class abilities can still retain benefits of their original design.
I fully agree with you. I see both points of it. Honestly I support being able to change at will. For those like me we don’t have to change the f we don’t want. But there are those that would
Need to be able. I see how that would gimp progression as well. Unfortunately I don’t see any way to make everyone happy so I stick with free will. (IE change at will)
10/10 best solution.
My point being if they are all allies what’s the lore reason for making a choice between them
What really baffles me is that people keep saying something like “just join who you like, the class abilities don’t matter”, but at the same time they will say that without the class abilities, the choice would suddenly be meaningless, as if the class ability was the main building block of the covenant. If there’s one thing that wouldn’t take away from the choice of a covenant, it’s the class ability, because they are CLASS abilities. We would still have the signature ability that actually has a connection to the covenant, unlike the glorified talents in form of class abilities.
So, do they matter or do they not? You can’t have it both ways.
Just a heads up that I’m no longer arguing for a change at this point. It’s way too late and the entire system is so tangled up it would require a complete revamp to change anything. So now I’m just going around pointing out contradictions and misinformation.
It’s an mmo not a single player game. How many times does this have to be said. You also aren’t making this choice at character creation you make it after finishing the story.
You are 433 there are no groups that you would get kicked from because you are literally too low ilvl to get picked for any. You are lower ilvl than what world quests give.
Same reason you make a choice of class or faction. Bastion and Necrolord have their own identities.