To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

People defending this system are some of the most toxic, hateful and spiteful people I’ve seen in this game yet. I’ve had barely a couple civil discussions that lasted more than a few post before they resorted to calling me names, accusing me of things I don’t do, putting words in my mouth and eventually admitting to just wanting their way to spite me and players who care even slightly about their character power. Looking at your posts, you are no different.

I’ve seen many reasons from very different types of players voicing their reasons why they don’t like the current system, while the defending side mostly had two reason to defend it, one being “to spite the minmaxers” and the other being some version of believing in a promise they’ve heard from Blizzard that is not being delivered, which they don’t know since they haven’t played beta or researched the topic enough.


Whos actually getting asked to change specs for low level content though? Unless it’s a role change like swapping to heals/tank it’s not going to matter in a +3. And if by some freakish occurrence every pug on your lfg is demanding switching, you can always hit the start a group button.

I agree, it cheapens everything. Choice should matter and ultimately homogenization shouldn’t be happening.

PvE wise the talents should have a more varied experience, In PvP just homogenize it because in the end that’s where these things affect others. So when you go into a BG or Arena these skills scale to just be mirrors of one another and merely flavor.


Maybe it’s a sign that this kind of system has no place in a MMORPG where playing with other people making demands of you is a real thing.

Sure, there’s the elite players doing the bleeding edge of content, but let’s face it, a large part of the WoW community likes to play the min/max game at this point even if they don’t understand it. Feeling like you will be less useful if you make a choice you want to make instead of what’s best for your class/spec isn’t a great thing.

Awesome, I can find 4 times more hours to play just to keep progression close across 4 characters!

That’s fair. I can see how busted say on demand teleportation can be in PvP.

I will miss Fallen Order pretty bad on my Monk though. It’s been fun to pop before Xuen since he encompasses the ToD effect from BfA now.

because i’m tired of playing a game with so little meaningful choices.

Now Blizzard have finally returned to that. It’s a great idea, and i fully support the difficulty in changing covenants.

pulltheripcord are nothing but a bunch of pathetic min/maxers who have steadily tried to ruin every choice you can make in the game if it doesn’t suit there personally power delusions of being able to do everything.

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  1. What has Blizzard returned to? When has a choice of such magnitude even been in the game?
  2. Are you willing to accept literally any choice as long as it has a huge impact on any part of the game, even if that choice makes no sense from any point of view, the consequences are very subjective, potentially very negative as well and completely out of proportion to the choice itself on top of it?
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stop whining.

So many years of tryhards telling the rest of us to get gud, and they wonder why we are glad they are not being catered to? Its a big shock I know, but when you spit in someones face, they tend to spit back.

I believe you.

We’re so lucky you’re in the minority then. God knows what a mess this game would be if you weren’t.

I more than you are currently expected to have every corruption on a set of gear ready to go. You would be fine.

That was easy though, at least for me. I just needed to stack mastery corruptions.

Even had an opportunity to see how effective a ton of leech would actually be even if the results were disappointing.

The whole ripcord pulling thing genuinely worries me though.

yeah, really un fair players are not allowed to have citizenship with every major country and play all 4 sides on a fence in a conflict. why would any side have an issue with their Ace in the hole being helpful one hour and being an obstacle the next?

see why letting people swap freely is an issue? it breaks common sense laws. if it was a peaceful time in the Shadowlands, and all you were doing was helping each with non conflict of interest issues then there would not be such a big problem.

Covenants should not be so easy to swap. However, the player power should not have been tied to it. but it is. so game play wise there should be an underground of sorts. maybe the shady dealers that set up shop could sell you soul binds from the other covenants.

then you could build up the “talent tree” but NEVER have to swap Covenants. game mechanic wise, any unlocks related to Anima would just be based off the Covenant you are in.
Your Chosen Covenant would not be aware that you gathered other powers from the shady vendors.

Yeah, imagine making a military alliance and sharing military assets and whatnot with your close allies.

That’s just stupid.

What conflicts of interest are in Shadowlands? You can point to the Houses of Maldraxxus that are fighting against the Kyrians, or the part of the Venthyr that are allied with the Jailer, but we’re not allied with either of those parties.

We’re allied with the factions within those groups that actively want to work with the other Covenants. We don’t fight against the Necrolord invasion to help the Kyrians and then immediately side with those same Necrolords.

We murder the crap out of those guys regardless of what Covenant we pick.


Except that is exactly the case. Covenants aren’t at war and you constantly help different covenants, no matter which one you’re in. There is no conflict of interest.

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IDK, maybe i haven’t played through the unreleased game and so things like
" The Necrotic Wake is an upcoming dungeon in Shadowlands located in Bastion. The forces of Maldraxxus, thirsty for Anima, invaded Bastion and ransacked the Temple of Courage." seem more of a conflict of interest than it really is.

It’s not.

There’s 5 houses in Maldraxxus. A couple of them are bad guys who sided with the Jailer or whatever.

They are the guys attacking Bastion.

We do not side with them, even if we choose Necrolord. We murder the crap out of them regardless of what Covenant we pick.

BFA was catered to hardcore players more than any other group. Players were given a new thing to min/max on top of everything else, on a per character basis just about every patch. I still think it’s funny hardcore players see themselves as victims of casuals. you guys got your way more than anyone else the whole freaking expansion and still think you’re victims lol. Also AP was more of a grind because it wasn’t so free, you had to farm it explicitly. Like seriously.

Also the removal of WF/TF was a hardcore player friendly thing. it’s only HC players who complained about having to keep playing to get that perfect piece of gear. No casual was complaining about accidentally getting a piece of Heroic gear from just playing an emissary. It’s only hardcore players that had this OCD desire to just KEEP grinding.

Edit 2: Almost forgot. Raid finder gear was nerfed into oblivion, on the same level as M0. In Legion is was like M5 level. That’s the closest thing to it only being for story that’s possible without actually doing that. Something I’ve been hearing from HC players all the time: Delete RF. LIke a TF’d RF gear piece was the end of their world.

The irony though is blizz may have killed casuals off of the game. i didn’t feel like I had time to do any random exploratory stuff on any of my characters. And messing around in other games I’m noticing this word call fun that’s completely lost to Ion and WoW developers as a whole. The community is disintegrating. There’s been a ton of churn this expansion. Some of the damage may be irreparable.