To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

I understand that that is the goal but I haven’t seen that to be the reality. Do you currently have a corruption and gear set for every corruption there is? If not why not? Just go get them. That’s the same argument. Do you inspect your group in pug keys and demand they change a talent if you don’t like it? Same thing again.

That doesn’t tend to be how raiding works. Stacking classed for late bosses is usually the way to go. Why would this be different? It would be like having 7 mages on nzoth or whatever…

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That wasn’t my experience at all. I would take my alt monk for example and mess around with kick weaving (before it was op) or a hybrid build (which was never op) and no none even noticed. As long as I was healing they were fine with it in heroic raids and weekly 15s. No one cared.

Sunk cost fallacy is a terrible reason for them no launch a bad product.

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And then those of us with friends and guilds don’t have to be worried about being denied at all.

I can actually agree on that one. They should never have mentioned a ripcord in the first place.

Still I’m a fan of the system as-is and hope it goes through, at least for a patch or two.

Freedom of choice means you’ll be expected to be min/max’ing more and more frequently. Expectations set for a M+7, for example, having M+20 levels of competitiveness are–to put it bluntly–stupid. The culture of min/max is kinda dumb at times – regurgitating information without knowing its context feeds into a bad mindset.

It’s totally acceptable to expect players to share/know game knowledge and have expertise at a certain level (and of a certain level).

There are some things I’d like to see changed, but to make everything unlocked at all times is not something I’d want just yet. I’d prefer to start with 1 Covenant unlocked, then have 1 additional Covenant unlocked by the end of the first raid tier/patch. The idea is that I’d be able to experience their stories and give a bit more meaning to unlocking the other abilities.

Generally, it’s because they like the IDEA of the game having more meaningful choices like a proper traditional RPG.

But I feel like the thought process stops there, which is why they fail to realize how it just doesn’t work well within the context of what WoW is.

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If they made the covenant abilities into a talent row, the expectations for min/maxing would have literally been the same as they have been in the previous expansions. Locking these abilites behind semi-permanent covenants won’t solve the problem, but only create new problems for players who actually want and like to optimize or just want to play as best as they can (not only min/maxers and mythic raiders).


No more so than people in m7 are expected to have the right corruptions stacked. Now maybe it’s changed drastically since I stopped a few months ago but last time I was doing 7s it seemed people didn’t even have all their spells keybound nevermind inspecting and kicking a player for not having the right corruptions stacked high enough.

You are right that min maxing is silly at times. In a 7 for example where it isn’t needed and people are still learning their class and the content.

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The people against it are parroting back almost word for word what Ion said. They obviously were taken in by his sales pitch.

As for your first point, this is an alt. I actually was building a particular set for raiding on my mage while I was active, so yes, that happens, and even if it’s not direct, there’s still social pressure. And yes, people use raider Io and other add ons to inspect gear. You never know if you’ve been denied for being sub-optimal.

That doesn’t tend to be how raiding works. Stacking classed for late bosses is usually the way to go. Why would this be different? It would be like having 7 mages on nzoth or whatever

I’m not sure what you’re saying here. I’m saying that encouraged diversity, especially as it relates to cocenants would be a good thing. Why would you disagree?

Of course you never really know why you get declined. I just know that I have done a lot of keys with wonky builds that I’m messing with or with my straight up raid talents on and no one has said anything and I never struggle to get into pugs.

I don’t disagree that it’s a noble intention I just doubt that it will actually happen. Too many bosses have something that can be cheesed and that trumps all. For example if we had venthir on nzoth then the matching with your buddies would have been a non issue. That would have counted for probably 30 pulls minimum on progress. The other abilities just don’t compete with that.

What would be so bad about changing? If it can be freely swapped then they can just easily switch back to their preferred covenant after they run some dungeons.

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But diversity is fine as it stands you point put one of these so called sub optimal specs/classes and I will you many of that spec/class with cutting edge and keystone master. If you are refering to the pug world that’s an issue of the player not the game. Nobody is forced into the pug world and can easily leave it and do guild content.

So if the ripcord is pulled, would I also be expected to memorize all of the combinations of soulbinds and conduits for four whole covenants?

It worries me because that sounds extremely overwhelming. I feel like it would be easier to memorize the RL periodic table of the elements.

Just roll a new character and try another covenant. Leveling will be much faster this time around, so you can roll four of your favorite class, one for each covenant if you wish. Choosing a covenant should be a commitment you make, not just a casual friend you kick to the curb as soon as he or she becomes a bit inconvenient.
Choosing a covenant is MEANT to be a commitment. The choice is MEANT to have consequences. Choose carefully, choose wisely.

I can’t change my class, waaagh! I should be able to change my class anytime I want according to the raid and the situation I’m in. So unfair that I can’t change my class when the situation calls for it. Why should you wanting to commit to your class have an impact on my wanting to change mine? No fair, waaaagh!

Not everyone plays this game for maximum efficiency. When people make choices in a game, they want them to mean something. It makes the world feel more real and impactful.

Doing whatever the hell you want just so a few min/maxers can feel the most powerful does detract from the game for the rest of us.

The only thing I agree with you on is if Blizzard makes the content so hard like BFA that you do need the best covenants to succeed that would be a dumb idea. But if Blizzard makes it so that you can still beat the best content no matter what covenant you take it will be fine.

I am also fine with covenant abilities all being quality of life and not dps increases. I just want the decision to pick a covenant to mean something. It makes you feel more apart of the game.

Also truth be told I am tired of a certain player being catered to in this game. It chases away the majority. I want them to be less catered to, and I want them to leave and go play something else. They are not in the majority, and I think it will be better for the game and Blizzard’s pocketbook if they stop making this game about min/maxing (they can still have it, but don’t make it a core part of the game).

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. Apart from the fact that who you’re referring to is the people against #PullTheRipcord.

Yeah, it’s only civil if we agree with you. Disagreeing is violence, and we should be able to defend ourselves from different opinions!

Don’t do things you don’t want to just because people expect it. It’s a video game, play it the way you have fun.

People are just going to look for the right class/spec/covenant combo. Not a night fae DK? Kick rocks.