To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

You seem like a well adjusted peach of a person. But by all means, keep blaming Blizzard for what the game has become instead of people like yourself. You would not believe the number of WoW ex-pats in other MMOs who say they quit playing, not because of the game, but because of the community.

blizz is busy going after casuals/solos rather then the people who are the lifeblood of the game. we’re the ones who make guides we are the ones who livestream on twitch and we are the ones who make videos for youtube.

maybe you should think twice before upsetting us. look at what happen to the tortanic when they removed raiding. dead game.

So you are a mythic raider/streamer/guide maker/Horde champion player who role plays Alliance on Moonguard. Seems 100% Legit. Don’t let me get in the way of your head canon there, Warchief.

It becomes just another optimisation selection. Like a talent.

It’s not a decision that defines your character. You can stick to suboptimal talents, gear and stats too but that’s just negligence.

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I’d argue that a necrolord warlock is a fundamentally different creature from a venthyr warlock, when you account for the soulbinds and whatnot. And if the two ever fought in PvP you would see different playstyles and spell effects coming out of both.

That’s what I’m looking forward to with the covenant system, a real sense of character identity.

im sorry, man

We could have that with talents if Blizzard would stop letting bad talents fester through multiple expansions.

They share watchers view on the system , duh!! how much more clearer you want it ?

You still take this is as anti vs pro where the pro can somehow magically lift this restriction rather than choice vs options or Blizzard vs you guys.

Or maybe its just because you can’t get BLizzard to do what you want and want some sort of consolation

Then you should find a team who doesn’t have requirements for it’s members. There’s plenty of them out there.

You didn’t play during Legion, then, as that was literally the point of contention between every single top end player, especially during the NH raid. Every single top end raider who played during this time will 100% tell you otherwise. I am on the same side in that I feel it did not and was entirely optional, but, I am also one able to control myself and say when I want to stop. Most people cannot, which is why the infinite AP grind was a good idea. It showed players that 100% of top end raiders cannot control themselves, at all, and that blizzard needs to step in to create a stopping point or end point so people do not keep going overboard.

Yes, ask every top end raider about their contention with Legion’s infinite AP system and if they played and raided high end they will all tell you the same line.

False, again, but I will say a scenario to you;

Imagine that you have a destination you need to go to. This destination is 100 miles away. Your options are: Get in a transportation vehicle or walk/run on foot; bike, car, plane, etc any mode of transportation that is not foot would be considered in the first option here. Your last option there is walking/running. Less than 1% of the population on earth would choose to walk/run and the other 99-99.9% of the population would choose a vehicle.

You have the options there, but you will not choose the harder route, only the fastest and easiest route to get to your destination. The top end player’s destination was defeating that final boss in the current raid; their choices were: grind out the AP or don’t do it. 99.9% of them will choose the fastest/easiest way to their goal/destination and thus feel forced into grinding out the AP.

Yes, a weird example, but this is basically how humans are. We choose the easiest and fastest route possible because it is the most efficient route possible. That’s why vehicles were created. That’s why wells were created, why every single item we created was created, too.

Same thing for the covenants; if they are able to be swapped freely without any restrictions, more people will swap them than not because it is there. If they cannot be swapped at all or have big repercussions, it stops us from taking the easy route and forces us to think of what we want to do. If you want to be that top end min/maxer, then go for it with 4 characters of the same spec one for each covenant, and then 12 characters or so in total so you have each spec covered and each covenant for each spec covered. If not, then do not.

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Just wait for the same people who are screaming to not pull the ripcord start getting denied groups and raid spots because they chose the wrong covenant and then have to wait a week or two to change. They are gonna be yelling from the rooftops about how it’s so unfair when it all could have been negated if they had a bit of foresight and learned from past mistakes that blizzard is horrible at balancing anything.

It’s just ignorance and stupidity at it’s finest.


The % of the population that values each will pick accordingly. There’s nothing wrong with that.

If you value loyalty, then stick with your first choice. That’s what I’ll do. I don’t need or want the system to restrict everyone into doing that.

In real life, the same happens. Some people really enjoy and value honing, stropping , and maintaining straight edge razors . They don’t have to, but they choose to. There’s nothing wrong with that and they still enjoy their choice even though everyone is free to choose a more convenient option.

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I like that it’s an actual hard choice you have to make. Changing it like a talent is stupid and ruins the whole point of it. I hope they never “pull the rip cord”. I’m excited that i’ll have to choose between the covenants and accept I won’t have the other abilities because of that choice.

We can do that freely in a flexible system.

With or without restrictions, I’ll be sticking with one for the whole expansion.

Nothing would be different for us if they #pulltheripcord. Nothing.

Please explain how you are stopped from doing this if they pull the ripcord?

You guys are so blocked to understanding in such a way it’s funny to even observe.

I don’t care about covenants either way but I’m against the hashtag itself.

It’s really confusing, doesn’t click with the subject, and comes off like it’s trying too hard to be catchy while being anything but. You really should have workshopped it more if you wanted to get your point across.

Your lack of understanding, insistence on resorting to ad-hominem attacks and straw manning my position is truly frustrating.

For these reason I don’t see any reason to continue discourse with you. I will entreat you though, that in future discourse with others, stop trying to “win” and instead try to understand. For your own sake if no one else’s.

Yes, it absolutely did. It has been a constant and intense complaint (on the forums, youtube, and in-game) since the launch of Legion. One that I happened to disagree with but I suppose that is neither here nor there. Denying this is a simple denial of reality, regardless of your personal experience with your guild.

You use the word “We” as if you speak for the vast majority of the playerbase. Why? You also mention (what is likely some super top end guild) 18 manning Mythic N’zoth. How is that relevant?

Please keep in mind, the OP specifically asked anti “pulltheripcord” people to give their reasons. I gave my personal reasons.
We can argue about what percentage of the player base may share my personal concerns or not but the reality is neither of us can really say. Millions of people play this game and our personal experiences amongst those we play with is not necessarily reflective of the whole.

i agree. i have often thought the same way about anti-flyers. why do people have to worry about what other people do?