To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

I say double down and make respecs take 1 week between, and talents not changeable in arenas.

They only want to do it if they’re forced

Just lore weirdos that would rather have their game cater to the minority (themselves) for their immersion, than the majority.

There won’t be many people denying you because of your covenant. They will 100% always be looking at your raider io score. if you’ve got high io score, you get in. If not, you get declined. Same stuff as with Legion Legendaries when there was a 40% damage difference from best to worst legendary and people STILL didn’t care about that. Same thing with BFA azerite traits and essences. Raider IO score will determine everything, 100%.

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The majority of what? Because considering blizzard themselves is in this group, I would not say the majority want pull the ripcord. I’d really say most people just don’t give a crap at this point about it.

Personally, I would rather not have the system at all, but if I gotta deal with this system then I want it perma, not easily swap-able. Sorry that you guys cannot adjust and want things easier. I’m not in that minority. You got talents, gear, specs that are swap-able. You do not need anything more than that already.

Personally I see it as more of a commitment when you have other options and don’t choose them.

I had a girl ask me out while I was in a relationship but said no because I was commited to the person I was with. Choosing to stay when you have an option is the commitment. Not having an option isn’t being commited.


If the only counter argument against #pulltheripcord is due to lore reason, then yes, you are a weirdo.

Not many people worry about lore. It’s different reasons for everyone. For me, I want a perma system, one that does not change. Pick something you like and stick to it. Yes, people play diff specs or multiple specs or roles, pick the one you like the most and stick to that, etc. There’s reasons for both sides. I just want a system that isn’t able to be swapped at all, but they came up with a middleground instead so be happy you can even swap at all.

Yes, people want to maximize, in that case make multiple toons of the same class with different covenants. It will be ez and fast to level up in SL, so very alt friendly in that regard.

You want a permanent system, where once you are locked to it and then Blizzard decides to nerf the one you are locked into or buff another one in the future to make someone elses better where you can then not switch to it due to be permanently locked in based on a decision from the past…Yea checks out, weirdo.

You realize there’s more to this game than just living by only the numbers, right? Do you live only for money and nothing more?

What a weird off topic question to ask someone, weirdo.

That’s fair, though there’s more to it.

Going by the relationship example, one you get to change weekly consequence free.

Another you can change at a whim and while you’re still committed you’re leaving yourself open to the perks (maybe you’ve got three really good girls all with their own charm vying for your affection).

When push comes to shove your family/friends or the company you associate yourself with are going to want you to take advantage of those perks (they’re consequence free after all). You still love your family and friends and this decision will help you both.

That relationship you’ve decided doesn’t have any value at that point, it’d be just a choice with all the pain that comes with it.

You put the weird in weirdo for that one. :joy:

You not wrong. Admittedly I am pretty weird, and most of my opinions are in the very minority of things and what people do NOT like/want to hear/think about.

Just remember this is the WOW forums, not your subreddit. :wink:

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Nah, this is OUR subreddit.

Counterpoint corruptions

Cool, but that is corruptions vs not using corruption at all. I’m not asking players to not choose a covenant.

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No it’s not. A tank using TD vs stat stacking will do literally double the damage assuming they can live. A mage stacking mastery will absolutely massacre one stacking haste and vice versa for a destro lock. Corruptions aren’t balanced in the slightest.


I’m not getting you, I’m not an advocate for not using corruptions nor is that pertinent to this discussion. You’re fighting against yourself here.

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