To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

Buying good shoes in general is just a massive PITA. You get practicability, durability or price. And you can only pick two.

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Wait, it’s a meaningful choice!

Nah, it’s just P2W like most things in real life.

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I mean, is that a bad thing? I dont want to sound rude, but once Shadowlands ends and Blizz inevitably tosses out all the borrowed power, the “choice” you make is going to be cosmetic only.

Does Soulbind progress stay even if you switch covenants? If not, the design may actually be terrible.

Not even close. Azurite abilities are multiple tinychoices. Covenants are one huge choice that gates an entire system of of abilities. Much more like a class but to a smaller degree

Not only is that not true (soulbinds/covenant wide abilities) even if it was true it wouldn’t defeat my argument. It’s still no different in the respect that they are whole systems of abilities locked behind 1 meaningful choice. Just like how specs are entire systems of abilities locked behind 1 meaningful choice. Ill grant you that its a much smaller system but its more than just 1 or 2 abilities. Its multiple talent trees of soulbinds and who know what else down the road in later patches

It’s an additional layer. That’s the issue.

If the game had a different format and covenants WERE the classes. Then ok.

But the restrictions are covenants ON TOP of the already existing class/race restrictions.

There’s a difference between abilities that are Warlock exclusive, and abilities Warlocks are allowed to have.

Warlocks are not being granted other class abilities like a Rogue’s Stealth or a Mage’s Time Warp, just because we have access to all the Warlock exclusive stuff, as well as the more generalist neutral stuff like Door of Shadows, with unlocked Covenants.

And I’m not arguing I should be able to have access to all four of the Covenants toolkits at once.

Just that the limitation for swapping them, should be like specs, and relatively minor.

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I know but that’s still the same problem I mentioned in my original point. Why not just have all classes swapable at the push of a button? Not every class toolkit at once but why not remove the limitation of swapping class?

Because that’s not how WoW has ever worked.

FF does that IIRC. Works alright for them, but it’s just not how WoW has ever worked and probably will ever work.

At the end of the day, a Necrolord Warlock is still going to be a Warlock. If they swapped to Venthyr, they’d still be a Warlock. Nothing that character can change about themselves will change the fact they’re a Warlock, and no-one is asking for that change either.

There are reasons for that and those very same reasons apply to covenants. Meaningful choice adds an interesting dynamic that creates diversity

They don’t, because there’s no historical precedent for anything like Covenants.

There’s as much meaningful choice in your Azerite Gear, Essences and Corruptions, if not more, if you’re talking in raw combination numbers.

But you’re making the mistake of thinking that a lack of diversity in talent choices and whatnot exists because they’re easy to swap, and not because Blizzard are incompetent at balancing.

If anything, having locked covenants will make it even worse, since you’re locked in, there will be no reason to pick anything but the most generically good option.

Self-imposed rules and restrictions feel very different than the absolute rules and restrictions of a game. It doesn’t take a degree in psychology to understand that.

For many people the restriction makes the choice itself more interesting and informs many other decisions in ways that would evaporate if covenants became nothing more than hot-swap loadout options or cosmetic only. (I would also add that I enjoy both hot-swap systems and cosmetic only systems, but I enjoy covenants being specifically their own thing.)

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I’m just starting to become anti #pulltheripcord because these threads and the people are starting to get annoying.

I didn’t really care before, I’m capable of sticking with the covenant choice I want, but they just keep posting, and posting, and I just want to strangle them through the internet.

Well, I don’t agree with most of the rhetoric and the conclusions drawn, but people are people and have a right to their opinions. The relentless (and openly admitted!) spamming by a relative few people is tedious but it is what it is- if Blizzard does not want to enforce their own guidelines and code of conduct then its not really up to me to be judge and jury. All in all I still scan the threads for interesting points of discussion but by and large the well dried up weeks (months?) ago. :woman_shrugging:

We just need one megathread and the rest can be deleted and we can all be happier lol.

How? Just how? You 100% get to pick whatever you want and stick with it. You never have to change. There’s no enjoyment lost.

No it doesn’t. The lore still exists. Still very interesting. You still chose to pick one and stick to it. Nothing is lost.

Maybe for some. For a lot of people it just forces even more cookie cutter restrictions.

Whoa there beefcake. Do you need a Snicker’s? Don’t read them all. I never open the high elf threads!

There’s so many though! they’re getting in the way of my memes!