To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

Tbh I think there’s a major reason that they’re not been vocal about any of this, since it’s spread across the whole forum and we know the CM is reading the forum :slight_smile:

To pull the rip cord is a plan B and as such it has disadvantages that the plan A doesn’t have, one expansion is a WIP and it only ends when the expansion ends, and I kinda am hoping the reason they choose this game plan was because of the plot and something will happen besides the point we know or was hidden purposely so we didn’t know.

That’s the main reason I prefer for stuff to keep as it’s, everyone has access to create 4 characters, the only complain I’ve is that for some people the abilities locked behind the covenants might be the sole reason they choose it sadly.

One side involves everyone having a choice. The other doesn’t. Choice = not selfish, no choice = selfish.

So what you’re saying is one side is logical freedom and the other is illogical “I want my way just because”.

One side involves everyone having a choice. The other doesn’t. Choice = not selfish, no choice = selfish.

That’s not true, you had a choice on all scenarios it’s just in one you’ve to commit to it and the other you don’t.

If we play multiple classes then we do not have access to creating four of each class 1 for each covenant as the game doesn’t have enough character slots to support it

I din’t follow, could you please explain more to me ? xP

Both sides are selfish. One way just has a more heroic tale to tell, but, both ways actually are selfish. If you cater to side 1, without the ripcord being pulled then you mess over the ones who want it pulled. Selfish, yes. Who cares, that’s humanity.

If you cater to side 2, pulling the rip cord, you can paint it as the playerbase having a choice, but you’re technically not having a choice, because those in side 1 want it to remain. You are literally taking away that choice, thus taking away THEIR choice. Also, when you think about it, is ; “I want to play optimal in everything I do.” is the very driving factor behind pulling the rip cord. Selfish, no? If you say that is not selfish, I think you to be a fool who does not know what selfish means.

It is not logical, they are both still very selfish as they force their way on to the other. The only difference is that side 2 has a heroic tale they can spin whereas the other just merely has nothing but selfishness on it, but when you look at it both sides are entirely selfish.

They both want to play their own way, however, you literally cannot have it both ways like that. They go against one another, like telling someone to look both left and right at the same exact time. You cannot do so

They should have put more focus on story elements and non player power mechanics to make the choice meaningful. Instead of making the choice of what covenant you like the most, it’s now a choice of do you care about player power or not. That’s not really a meaningful choice for many players.

I’m hoping for some hidden plot not showed at beta of in a upcoming patch, that also justify the whole… not changing and helping the other covenants

I would be totally down for cool non power related buffs by staying loyal.

More gold from world quests.
Faster mount speed
Faster hearth.

But honestly my vision of it isn’t even a matter of not staying loyal. I just want the powers unlocked.

It was a terrible decision to make 4 new abilities that are all different in how they can be most beneficial but you can only use one.

Who thought people would be happy about this? All they saw was ‘haha we can make a system to get people to play more by having an alt for each cov to see the full story‘. And they didn’t think about what it meant for actually playing the game.

No. Objectively the people for freely swapping aren’t the selfish ones. We just want freedom in the fun we can have.

Those on side 1 can pick something and stick with it throughout the entire expansion. Funny how freedom of choice works.

Maybe there are some fun abilities I want to play around with in the open world that aren’t optimal at all in anything. That’s where choice comes in.

No having choices available is not selfish in ANY way. At all.

Having choices doesn’t force anything on anybody. That’s the very definition of choice.

You can absolutely play your way. You just wouldn’t be locking everyone else in with you. Thus taking away choice, taking away freedom…and ultimately being selfish.

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You want to play the game your way, no, not the other way? Selfish. You want to be able to compete and swap and try things out for yourself? Selfish. You want to not have a disadvantage in other content that isn’t the area you picked? Selfish. Again, all, selfish. You can try to deny it all you want, but there’s a lot of “I” in that and that is being selfish.

Yes, but it’s not about what can happen. The thing is; we want permanence. If you have the ability to swap, it’s not permanent, as permanent means you cannot change it. Thus, again, taking away the choice thus once more selfish of “my way and not yours.”

If it’s permanent it takes away choice, if there’s choice it takes away permanence. There is no equality there for that, those are very clearly black and white. You either have it or you do not.

Yeah, I would imagine there are. However, again that is being selfish. There’s an “I want to play around with.” in there, painting that in selfish colors.

Yes, it is being selfish because by definition more choices does not = permanence. Being permanent takes away choice. They are yin and yang, heads and tails.

IT does if you don’t want the choice to have a choice?

You cannot play thinking it’s permanent or believing it is when you see people swapping covenants all of the time. Also, you cannot have it both ways because they are philosophically different in every aspect. If you’ve got one, then you cannot have the other.

Spoken in the best most confusing and trollish way possible.

I don’t know about this. Objectively these artificial restrictions on past borrowed power systems has failed miserably. I don’t think it’s selfish to want the gameplay to be good at launch and not 6-12 months after.

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I don’t see how you’re confused on that. You literally are trying to be the best you can be. You’re thinking like or believing that everyone wants to be 1000% optimal in their regard, some do not want this way. Some of you do, cool. The world is different.

Only 1 of these groups is affected by locked covenants.

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Nobody said they’ve passed.

Yes, and in both regards you’re still selfish, on both sides. I can explain it better in a discord where I can talk, however, again, while the mentality of “I want to be useful and the best I can be.” is noble, but, it is still selfish. You still see the I in there, right? “The team needs me.” Still has a “me.” - " I want to be useful. I want to not be hampered." Still got an I in there.

How is giving you choices forcing you to play the game my way. You would have the freedom to lock yourself into one covenant for the entire expansion. Your CHOICE.

I want to have the freedom to play the way I find most enjoyable. I want to experiment with different builds and abilities. I’m about as casual as they come so how would being optimal benefit me that much?

Having choices isn’t selfish. It’s literally the opposite of selfish.

For no reason. It just feels like you have a spiteful resentment and don’t want choice. Talking to you is like asking a child “why” and their only reply is screaming “BECAUSE!!!”

There is no talking to you. You’ve twisted the ability to have choice into that some how being selfish…its the most ridiculous thing I’ve read on this forum in a long time.

Again the logic of a child.

You have literally (yes I’m using literally liberally) have no argument.

I don’t know how else to explain that permanence does not = choice. Maybe others aren’t like me, but you are literally, 100% taking away my permanence if it’s a choice. If it’s permanent it is NOT a choice. No, that’s not trolling, that is 100% being real. You are taking away my decision for it to be permanent if it can change.

This. Right here. is the very concept and driving factor behind it. This, right here, is selfish, too. Both sides are selfish. That’s all there is to it.

No, your idea takes mine away, thus not giving me a choice because they cannot coincide with each other.

If it’s permanent, it cannot be changed. It is picked, done, like your class. You pick your class, that’s all there is to it, right? You can choose a specialization, but you cannot go from Paladin to Rogue on the same exact character. That is how permanence is. There is no option there for any kind of change, at all.

Does not matter how childish it sounds to you, as it is my belief and my decision, regardless of whether you like it and accept it or not.

Because you cannot, I mean you literally cannot have permanence in choice. At this point I’m starting to wonder. It’s not ridiculous, what I’ve done is taken your reason for wanting it and literally broken it down to the very core thing that drives you. You want change. I do not. They cannot coincide with one another because if there is change, then there is not permanence. If there is permanence, there cannot be change.

I have my argument. I’m being selfish and I want them to remain permanent. You guys keep trying to spin this side into a heroic tale and aren’t owning up to your selfish desires. That’s on you, not on me. You’re in denial of what you even want and people like this are exactly why blizzard says things like “you think you do, but you don’t.” to players. You don’t even know how selfish you are.

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That’s not even true.

Min maxers may want this, but casuals want the flexibility su they can have fun. They like testing testing things for themselves.

This isn’t just about the top 1 % and people like you - it’s simply about having meaningful choices instead of one punishing choice.

As other role players have noted, if commitment is something you value, you can still play that way in a flexible system.

This is what trolls do best.

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