I get what are saying meaningful choice ect. But how does other players choosing to swap affect your decision to stick to what you picked and make it more meaningful? I married my wife, I could go dating other women but I don’t and that makes my choice of her more meaningful
Balance is not solely numbers/tuning. I made that crystal clear.
Neither, I mean, what I’m saying is choose, then it’s done? Just that. You literally choose whatever you choose, and then it’s over with. You’re with them on that character, for good.
What I got from that was that they’re probably someone who tries their best to do the best they can, including changing stuff around for the task needed. Like changing talents, swapping specs, etc.
I might be wrong, though, but that is usually the viewpoint of a lot of mythic raiders I hang out with. “For the guild” “For the group” to succeed.
The same applies to religion.
You can pick, choose and change whatever religion you want.
That doesn’t make your choice to remain loyal to one less meaningful - it actually makes it more meaningful when you freely choose to stay.
Since I see you’re typing, allow me to clarify-
I’m flexible enough of an individual that the Covenant system being unaltered going into Shadowlands is not a dealbreaker for me. I can deal with it, and will. That is what it is. I’ve never told anyone I would unsubscribe over it, I’ve never implied that, I’ve only implied that it is flawed. I can recognize flaws in a system without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.
Get off my back.
Yeah I am one of those people and follow that mentality. That is now being restricted and for what purpose? How does players wanting to do that have a negative impact on those who don’t?
It doesn’t. We lose nothing for others having the flexibility to switch freely.
Marriage, is meant to be or traditionally meant to be a permanent thing is it not? I know there’s divorce etc, but traditionally speaking, it is a permanent thing. You are saying you accept that person fully, and want to stay 100% committed to that single person. The covenants, I feel, should be the same way. Ya sleep around with them, pick one, marry em, you accept the good and the bad that comes with it.
Oh I’ll stop then. It appears that I’ve upset you, My apologies. So I’ll leave you alone but just to be sure you should just go ahead and block me that way in the future I am unable to do so by disagreeing with you.
Exactly so why are so many people fighting it
Disregarding an entire argument with “you’ll still play anyways so why bother voicing your opinion” is stopping a conversation. You obviously do not want a conversation on the issue and refuse to acknowledge I might actually see a flaw, and instead just wish to disregard my viewpoint entirely.
I don’t deal in absolutes. You either can or cannot discuss something. If you cannot, then the door’s on the right. Don’t try to put that on me.
But at any point I can leave. Im also given the chance to decide if that person is the one I want to commit too based on experience. Covenants don’t allow that, arena and raiding are things done at cap after you make that commitment to a covenant so the game is asking you to choose blindly
I’m not the one who said:
You’re the one constantly ending it because I’m disagree with you. Which is fine, I’m done and the last time responding to you. Have a nice day.
Good. Do as you will, but don’t misrepresent what I’m saying and then refuse to even acknowledge the argument I have [rather clearly] made. I’m not down for that kind of foolishness from you, and I responded in kind.
Nobody is disagreeing that it has flaws. Regardless of whether it has flaws or not, it should be permanent. If you do not like it, make a new character. That’s your new you. Also, I would like to ask; how would your wife feel if she found you messing around with other girls? She would be very mad at you if she found out you cheated on her right?
Because they don’t like it when others play the game a different way than how they prefer.
That’s how the system is designed - if you deviate from how they want you to play, you get punished.
You either suffer in terms of performance or you have to waste time by making multiples of the same class in order to play across covenants without penalty.
I would end our relationship before doing so. As I have with many an ex no hard feelings
Yes, but I’m asking what would she do if she found out you did that? The answer is; most likely divorce you or get back at you in some way or both.
Why would the covenants want you joining other covenants, when it’s not theirs?
Same concept applies here. Yes, they’re NPCs or not trying to end the world/universer/w.e lore, and main goal is the jailer, but, why would they be alright if you said
“Well Necrolords, it was fun hanging out with you but I’m gonna go join the Night Faes.” etc. Ya think they would be like “Alright, well, good luck! It was fun knowing ya, hero.” No, they’d be pissed at you for doing so. You’ve betrayed their faction, regardless of the same goal or not, they’re all different factions.
People are WAY to sensitive, why so many messages are been flagged when the content totally fine?
Do people flag others because you disagree with said point of view or something? If you’re talking to someone it’s for the better that the other person has a opposite point of view than yours…
Yeah, I agree. I’m usually told my viewpoint sucks, is childish, terrible, stupid etc. Don’t matter to me, it’s my own viewpoint. I like the discussions more because I have a different viewpoint, but yeahhhh.