Yet Blizzard is intentionally [supposedly, at their own word] building a methodology by which they can “pull the ripcord” and open the Covenant system up into a freer iteration of itself.
So… Shadowlands plays by picking a Covenant and praying your fun doesn’t get nerfed, until Blizzard realizes that’s a problem.
No one asked blizzard to make the game this way but I very much prefer to try their way than the way of the people on this forum. Most of the suggestions on here, in my opinion, are bad and don’t improve the game at all for everyone.
Not really. Classes are the first and most permanent choice you make for each character. No matter how else you put it, Covenants are secondary to classes, and the abilities of said Covenants should be detached from Covenants themselves.
I might agree more if this Covenant would carry forward into following expansions and have a permanent impact on the game until it dies in the form of the Covenant abilities.
No, people recognize a flaw in a system. When Blizzard has to tell the playerbase they’ve “got a backdoor ready” in case a system doesn’t pan out, maybe they should consider why that system might receive poor feedback.
Like we said before if this goes; what happens next? We should be able to have class changes then, right? Like paying 20 bucks for a class change to go from Paladin to Rogue, same item level and all, just different armor set going from plate to leather.
How about we also ask for the ability to change our spell sets on our Warrior to Mage spells, too, right? So we can be a Warrior with Mage spells like Blink and Frost Nova.
I don’t mean swapping characters, but the same character. If they keep caving and keep caving, could be next expansion after Shadowlands, or 50 expansions down the line even, but there will, at some point, be class change and spell change thing too. Because why not?
Why are you even playing this game? It’s CONSTANTLY changing. That’s the name of the game in MMOs. If more choices were permanent you get stagnation and loss of interest.
Yes it is, and that is 110% of the problem with Covenant abilities. I would not care if they were ACTUALLY permanent, if they were reasonably balanced. I’m not talking “every ability is 0.1% +/- from the next”, I’m talking reasonably balanced against damage and utility factors.
That’s my point. Either balance the abilities properly and make it a TRULY permanent choice… or just don’t even bother with this crap to begin with.
Never said permanence itself is a garbage idea. Reread my statement. If we’re going to go with permanence, make the permanence believable and reasonable. Covenant abilities wildly varying in effectiveness across all content is not reasonable.
To which I told you, you can pick whatever covenant you want and stick with it. That way it really would be your choice. You don’t have the willpower to do that? You have to have it forced on you?
You only see it as a flaw because you don’t like it. I don’t feel a dandy lion is a weed but many others do.
They’ve gotten poor feedback on how flying has been handled for years now but yet, we still have pathfinder.
So like many others, your choices are to if SL hits don’t keep playing because of the covenant systems or make multiple of your main to be the best of the best.
Get your thoughts out there, let your complaints known, I’m not trying to stop you, persuade you or w/e but if you and anyone else continues to play despite your dislike of the system you’re telling blizzard you’re fine with how it works.
Call me names all you want, but you can’t come to terms with the fact that some of us who want locked covenants aren’t doing so out of selfishness or spite. The concept is alien to you it seems.
I didn’t call you any names. I said you have a selfish stance. You want things to be less fun for people just so you can go “yay covenant team!”. There is no logical reasoning in your stance.
Call it a rose by any other name, but the Covenant abilities [in relation to their balance and the semi-permanence of the choice] are flawed. That’s not me saying “wwaaaaaahaahahahahah I don’t like it”, that’s me saying “This issue is a core problem for the Covenants and should be addressed”.
That you don’t see it as a problem is of no relevance to me.
Okay. And… that has what to do with this conversation? I can only vocalize my dissent if I’m going to quit playing, and if I’m going to keep playing then I should just shut up and sit in the corner and take my punishment like people seem to think is necessary?