Yeah, kinda doesn’t work when you join a Covenant and the first thing they do is send you out to go help another Covenant.
Absolutely the same concept. Lets just swap everything at a whim.
I don’t feel like being a panda today. Let me become an orc at the nearest inn. You’re being selfish by not allowing me my choices and freedom.
Seems like you have a bigger issue with people unwilling to play with others for the choices they made.
Every heard of the straw man fallacy?
No im perfectly fine with the idea of people excluding other players. Why should someone who puts in time and effort be forced to play with someone who does not? I do it all the time. Do I have any interest in playing with someone who enjoys rp or plays at an lfr/normal or heroic only level. Nope none at all I don’t look down on them but I don’t want to play with them
I never said it was compelling. I basically said I value permanence and not wishy washy stuff. That’s it in its entirety. I just get annoyed at change, I guess, if I had to say anything and when something is literally constantly changing every fight, every patch, tier, etc. There is no room for permanence then. Yeah, I guess that could be viewed as childish, or as something else entirely. I’m not saying it’s not. Just saying that for me, I like things to remain as they are; a constant.
If you choose something, then you stick with it all the way through, the good the bad you take everything that goes along with it. Being able to swap freely negates this effect nearly entirely.
No, you’ve just claimed that people who are against Covenant-locked abilities are refusing to adapt. Like I said, this isn’t going to hurt people who actually min-max; this will be a more painful choice for other players.
This is the problem with the Covenants as a whole. Why are abilities the focus?
You don’t care about balance, only permanence, which implies you only care about your fun. I want both of us to have fun, the way we want to have fun, within the reasonable bounds of the game.
You don’t have to “like” freedom of choice. The fact is, enjoying the concept of permanence without regard for balance, to me, indicates that you’re putting a focus on the pain of a decision over being duly rewarded for making that decision. There’s no reason for the gulf between a Kyrian DK and Night Fae DK being as severe as it will be, barring the Kyrian ability being completely reconstructed.
So, go ahead and lock the Covenants completely, but detach abilities from Covenants themselves, or actually balance the abilities. Works for me, I’m fine with having all of my Soulbinds/cosmetics/etc locked to one faction. Don’t care.
Just don’t try to excuse the garbage idea of holding player power ransom behind this system.
What makes my request any less legitimate than yours?
To never change is to enter into stagnation. To enter into stagnation is to never move forward, and to never move forward is to move backward.
There’s nothing about Heroic raiding that requires you to perfectly tailor your character for each individual fight, hate to break it to you. The choices you’re talking about disliking don’t meaningfully impact you at that level.
If I were to say that free swapping with no recompense would be killing my fun though?
Did you… like… not read the rest of my post, or something?
Didn’t say you or anyone should be forced. However one of the big worry is not being able to get groups because of the covenant you picked. You can make a group of your own and avoid those people. Or that not being/having the right covenant for the current content is some how making it impossible to do. (Which it wont)
If being the best of the best is really what you want then you have two choices if Sl hits with the covenant system you don’t like. Quit until they change it, or level 3more characters of your chosen class to be a main that you can be the best of the best.
I’m not even a stout defender of it being difficult to change or would care if they made it easy. I just don’t see how something isnt changing and something you don’t like is going to ruin the game for everyone else.
Seems pretty selfish to me that some thing you don’t like needs to be changed because you don’t like it.
Because I am sure you also want your main character to get automatically deleted if you log into any other characters. Otherwise we can all just play every class and nothing really matters.
See? I can do it too.
Their request doesn’t prevent us from playing the game how we enjoy - picking a covenant and remaining loyal to it.
Your request does prevent them from playing the game how they enjoy.
What is “her ip cord” and why did you pullt it?
Sounds technical, is that where ip addresses are?
But I would enjoy the game more if I could transform into a rogue when the alliance has more numbers in a warmode zone.
You’re now equating the concepts of min-maxing [and the freedom to pursue that] with absurd concepts of uprooting how the game itself plays.
I’d be minmaxing as well, but on a different level. Why cant I be allowed to swap for the sake of such?
And atm shadowlands the game plays by picking a covenant.
You can - you hit “log out” and then double click on a rogue you’ve already created.
And when you do that, you’re not time gated and you pick up right where you left off in terms of progress you’ve made on that rogue.