Who’s? Describe your fun.
Not everything is about META gaming.
The lore and story has some sway in the game. Changing loyalties is frowned upon.
You will have to make a choice and take the good and the bad.
Otherwise as others have said, Covenants are just transmog sources and completely irrelevant for any other game aspect.
Some like you would change Talents PER FIGHT if they could. Hell some would even change SPEC per fight, or even mid-fight if they could do so.
Min-maxxing needs limits.
To everyone who keeps saying meaningful choice I can’t wait to roll a class and have the objectively better option be fairys so I can reroll something else or pick the worse choice out of spite. Seriously covenants as they are now make the game worse.
I would fully support #pulltheripcord if the idea came with anything at all to mitigate the inevitable “clone wars” effect that covenant locking is supposed to address, but I’ve seen very little discussion about that at all. Instead of finding ways to create specialized suitable sub-builds for each spec, players seem perfectly happy to relegate entire specs to certain content which seems crazy to me. I want to see “PvE Arms” and “PvP Arms” as well as “PvE Fury” and “PvP Fury”, not “PvE warrior” and “PvP warrior”, and that extends to covenants too.
I want to pick the mount I go for and have the ability to choose what ability suits the situation at hand rather than settling for one or the other and hoping to blizzard that my ability doesn’t get crushed to dirt.
Fun is flexibility.
You’re talking about spec specific azerite traits, that’s a completely different world than a single ability that is supposed to be used for every spec of a class.
And you’re again acting as if all abilities were just direct damage without any other effect that might also affect other abilities and provide synergies. I really want to know where you’re getting this absolute confidence that you know exactly how to balance abilities in this game.
Speaking as a web dev, you remind me of the client who tries to tell me how easy the thing he’s asking for is while he has never even seen a bit of code himself nor does he know how the system is designed internally.
I’d be fine with you being flexible if there was a real benefit to sticking with one.
Give me a stronger Venthyr ability and maybe give me access to the VIP lounge in their party hall for staying loyal to them.
I’d get what I want (team pride) and you get what you want (free swapping). Everyone wins.
Yes they do. A lot of them just aren’t comfortable expressing that they enjoy seeing other people be punished needlessly.
It’s that simple.
The covenants fail to meet the points of the “meaningful” choice and “RP” arguments. In the end they’re just an arbitrary restriction for players that influences them to make more characters and waste more time if they want to play beyond a specific specialization.
It’s not that complicated.
Then it isnt an RPG.
Yep, sadists.
Because there isn’t one outside of spite:
Some of us just want the feeling of team pride.
Team pride doesn’t happen when you force and restrict people.
True pride in your tea comes when you choose to stay freely.
The covenant system fails.
Yes but if there is switching, everyone is just going to be all teams and no one is going to care. That feeling will be lost.
Why do you need to be forced into your choice in order to feel pride?
Not at all true.
Players who value loyalty WILL pick one team and stick with it.
That’s what I and all the players in my guild and communities plan on doing because we value that style of play.
At the same time, we don’t want to force others into that kind of decision if they don’t want to.
We gain NOTHING for forcing others to play how we want and we lose NOTHING for them having the flexibility to swap freely.
We choose to be loyal out of free choice, and it’s more valuable and meaningful to do so when we don’t have to.
You don’t.
It actually negates the “pride” when you remove the freedom to choose otherwise. Because you’re not really “choosing” to be loyal. You’re just stuck, so you deal with it. That’s not pride. That’s being controlled and restricted.
Not being forced into a choice when you pick one freely.
As I said, if we’re all just going to be all teams it just feels superficial.
But we won’t all be “all teams”. If we value loyalty - we’ll pick and stick with ONE covenant.
There would be no point if switching was the norm. We’d just be those weird kids in the corner no one wants to play with.
No one would respect my choice to stick with one for rp reasons.