That’s a pretty fair description of the covenants and not one I’d disagree with.
As to your description of the different Warlock specs. Most certainly it is nice to explore a class fully.
Outside of the class ability and mog there isn’t much different about the covenants. Even the soulbind progression is very similar.
So by all means you can have it delegated to talent status and I’ll play along but I won’t be anymore Venthyr as I would be Kyrian or any other covenant.
I said the logic that I quoted could be used against any idea and just used that as an example. You’ve strawmanned my strawman!
So if someone proposed freely swapping races to any class, people who responded against it could also be called ‘selfish and bitter’ for trying to maintain races as they are.
What a bunch of numties. I guess a civil discussion is a hard thing for some. You shouldn’t be flagged for the viewpoint you have.
I was just trying to point out that there were actually people using this argument with freely swappable classes to argue against #pulltheripcord, which I just find ricidulous. And I wasn’t exactly sure if you are just making an example or if you actually agree with the analogy. Didn’t mean to one up you in strawmaning.
And a single logic could be applied for a myriad of ideas, so I don’t really agree that it works here, because logic doesn’t care about context or consequences of the result.
Look man i get it, you are talking about you personally…but sadly we live in the TWITCH SHOOTER gotta go fast gotta be optimal mind set…
Look at any other game…Look at say Magic the Gathering…if you are not running top tier cards you are trash in the eyes of the community…That is not the way i want it for sure but its a sad truth…This blockage is a necessary evil to avoid the majority with this mentality .
Personally the solution for this should be to not implement this kind of stuff, Sadly the days of what a “true” MMORPG are long gone.
Wow has evolved in to a destiny clone…Sit in town…Que…at least for the META if you aint grinding them keys you are garbage.
Ugh sorry so many issues with this overall design. Let me circle back.
In my opinion what is good for you is not good for the gander. Just because YOU can get around the META Mind wall mentality doesnt mean the average player can. Sadly the Average are the majority .
It is late/early so sorry for the wall of text again. I dont want to say i disagree with you. I would love the Freedom to pick anything i want…but there is a REASON Skyrim doesnt work " online" haha if that makes any sense…When you can pick from everything you by choice or community pressure will be obligated at some point to use something you dont like because “its better for X”
But to end this rabble i do believe the ripcord will get pulled…and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I predict we will just get all the abilities by the end ha
If the same logic can be applied to several different options, then I don’t believe it means not one argument for any of the option is sound, but rather it should be evaluated what consequences the different options bring with them and then decide which works best. We can’t solve everything with logic. The world isn’t ones and zeros. There’s everything in between as well.
Herein lies a big part of the problem with these debates; the gross misunderstanding of what is being asked for.
The request here is not to make covenants themselves a meaningless swap when you want choice. It’s to make the covenant ability itself a talent row style choice.
The covenant you choose and its lore would not be affected in any way. It will still be your main hub, your cosmetic and RP choice the same way it would be now. Being in the Night Fae covenant but using the Venthyr ability would not change the lore feel.
Untying player power from covenants would have no negative impact on anyone, but a huge upside to some.
There’s enough accessibility in the game. It’s actually refreshing to see Blizzard attempt at making an obstacle in some regard to make the game seem less bland than it already is.
No one cares about rp. That’s why there are like 2 servers for it, and half the people there don’t do it.
Give us our talents, make the covenant rewards cosmetic. Just because the argument “mah lore!” Is made by a vocal few, my gameplay is more valuable, and also drives the reason I pay a sub, along with most of the players out there. Kill the gameplay, kill the game.
Can we at least watch it fail first before we go pulling ripcords. You pull it now you’re gonna be a stain on the hangar ceiling, if we wish to continue the metaphor.
Hey im all for pull the ripcord but lets not attack the lore fans or the rp players of the game we don’t like it when they attack us so lets not do the same. Remember your gameplay is no more important than thiers as they also pay a sub. We should be looking at a system together that benefits both styles of play. Don’t be that guy
Why taint an expansion with yet another bad system that they fix later. They should fix it in the beta, y’know where feed back is supposed to be taken into consideration so they can make the game better for the general public. Release day shouldn’t be open beta.
And this is why WoW will keep getting duller with every expansion. ‘Don’t mess with muh number fondling! Keep giving me everything! What is time invested?’
I feel the alpha and beta have been enough testing in order to make a decision about it. This is why we have these testing periods so the game can launch in a good state
Lots of people care about RP, and that’s fine. The aesthetic side of the game does not need to be diminished in order to improve the combat the gameplay; these two things are not mutually exclusive.
There is no need for a us vs them mentality in a situation where everyone can win with no downside.