This games an RPG. God forbid we have a roleplaying choice thats meaningful to the gameplay
Agreed and I understand your view. I wish they could do both to make everyone happy and we should come up with the best compromise to get there.
Not being locked into a covenant you can’t.
That’s fine, in preachers discussion I think Ion said it himself that they would talk about a thing they could add so players could test out abilities regularly before going to a diff covenant. Preach brought that point up, and Ion respected it, acknowledged it. I’m fine with that, too, but I will still say nah. I do enjoy that though, and with the way leveling is it’s not difficult to level up four of the same class if you wanna try different stuff that way as well.
Currently, it’s around 12 hours to go from 1-50. That’s a mega quick leveling experience.
Also if all you care about is maxing numbers and being efficient in all aspects of game then maybe RPGs are not for you.
Or maybe you should go back to FF? If you like it more, then go back to it and play it more.
Holy crap, I thought people against #pulltheripcord was a myth, since it makes no sense. You don’t get a choice under the current situation (have to pick what mythic raiders tell you or you never get into groups, much less high end raids), and it removes the ability to play other specs and other modes of play since you need different coventants for pvp, raiding, mythic+, and each spec therein.
Again ffxiv you can be every optimal class with every optimal gear on one toon. It is the second best mmorpg next to wow only being held back by wows classic subs. Don’t give me “of you like min/maxing rpgs aren’t for you” because ffxiv players don’t care about min maxers
FF is way more laid back than WoW, so he’d probably not fit in telling people how to play their jobs.
Ahhh the Strawman “if you don’t like don’t play” heaven forbid I should
Like both games and just want one to improve
They added target dummies in the place where you choose your covenant in Oribos. This isn’t a solution at all.
That is just bad game design. Just like it was bad game design to level multiple of the same class in Legion to try to fight RNG.
Heaven forbid if you cannot accept that they both have very different philosophies and gotta change them into the same game. Yeah, god forbid that crap. They’re two different games, enjoy the differences or go to the one you like better. Acting like a spoiled brat.
Oh shut up the only spoiled brat here is you because you want everyone to conform to your way of play you even admitted it yourself.
Says the ‘pulltheripcord’ person… Self-awareness at zero here.
Man this thread is flying by too fast for me to even keep up with.
Can’t say I care either way.
However, the “Pulltheripcord” spam gets old and could easily convince me to hope they don’t change things. If it hurts people, then I wouldn’t care about that either. If the game dies, I’ll just play a different game.
Lamo says the person with zero credibility on how the game actually functions and works
I never said I wasn’t spoiled. I said you’re acting like one. You’re getting mighty defensive though, so it really is quite true.
The issue is that the restrictions make the choice punishing, not meaningful.
Meaningful choices would be enabled with the flexibility being requested.
In a single player RPG - sure, restrict away. It adds to the replayability.
But in an MMORPG that’s subscription based - it just ends up being way more negative than positive.
Calling me a spoiled brat with no actual evidence to support yeah it might make me a little ticked. You restore Ted to name calling because your actual argument failed.