To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

And can’t swap back easily. So if you play multi-spec. You might be out an ability you like.

I agree with them. Because I see some situations where condemn would be useful. But other times that spear would be as well.

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all the more reason your argument is invalid, you dont care about the content where min/maxing matters but still want to punish the people who do.

The same people who test on the beta were the ones who predicted Legiondaries, Azerite Gear and Corruptions all being disasters.

So y’know, they’ve got a better track record than Blizzard going “nah guys, we don’t need a failsafe. It’ll be perfectly fine”, and then needing to implement a failsafe a couple weeks/months later.

It was you, Sarama of Firetree, who was personally responsible for making that decision and as such, the burden of it sucking lies on you alone.

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That’s called an adaptive decision. You adapt with what you have, unless you earnestly want to change it, but still have that strength until you swap over.

The ‘time gate’ is the most milk-toast barrier to entry WoW has ever had and will probably be shortened to two or three days.

I’m a tank, I’m used to it.

Cries behind shield

Class is something that has always existed. Permanent. These covenants are a temporary borrowed power system that will be trashed at the end of one expansion. Apples and oranges.

Two talents don’t make a sub-class…

It can ONLY be negatively impactful. There’s no positives in this kind of restriction.

Sims are straight numbers. Sims will tell you what is best in any given situation. There will be no situation where ability A is simmed better then all of a sudden ability B starts doing better because someone just pushed the button harder…

All the more reason people like you are invalid too? I can play this game as well. Just accept that the fact is; not everyone cares about this system. You want to try to change it, keep trying to change it. I’m going to keep trying to keep it the same, we will see who wins.

Ezdone, winner will be whoever gets it either fully unlocked or not fully unlocked.

What if I stand up while using ability B? Will that help?

Yes, and people see that as crap design and don’t like it.

So what I see happening is the same as BFA. People come back for a month out of curiosity, then leave again for other games. Then my guild is dead again.

It doesn’t matter to most people what excuse Blizz uses for their systems. If people don’t like it, they go play one of the many other options out there.

Waiting to fix it will just kill the expac.

Nah, it’s an apathetic decision because you just pick the one that is best in the content you do mostly. Then you are just objectively worse in other content you used to enjoy for no reason, so some people will just give up doing that content, or have to roll alts for specific content.

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That’s what you do because that’s your impulse. Most people can actually work with what they’re given an still do the content they want without losing their minds.

Except what we propose legit has no effect on you. You can pick your crappy convene t and go do your easy content. All your doing it making it harder for other to play their class optimally. That’s called being selfish for no reason

Only if you’re standing on one foot. Then it should sim better.

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And you’re trying to make the game easier by asking the Developers to make everything accessible. I mean, pot-calling-to-kettle over here.

Because I want to see Blizzards vision of how things should be. I want to see it succeed or fail before I tell Blizzard that they’ve failed.

Yes, people who beta test predicted stuff, because players just cannot seem to relax. It’s kind of like a mass hysteria effect, imo. Someone says the world is going to die, and happens to be a renowned person or famous. People listen and start panicking.

Extreme example, yeah, but basically that’s how youtubers/twitch streamers/etc usually are. Their opnions matter to a much bigger audience than someone who is not one, and to a much bigger audience if they’re really famous. They don’t like it, then announce they do not like it, then people begin not liking it.

Were they correct? Depends on who you ask ? If you ask a heroic casual player who doesn’t care, they would say ehh or prob nah. If you ask a mythic raider, then of course they’re gonna say yes.

Sure that works at the Heroic raid, +15 key, and 1800 arena levels. But if you venture past that you’ll run in to issues.

I didn’t need a streamer to tell me that legiondaries sucked, or that Corruptions suck, or early Azerite armour sucked.

And it’s not just some “well, that’s your opinion man” scenario. Blizzard actively had to fix these systems because they sucked that hard.

Blizzard knows that Covenants are going to suck, that’s why the Ripcord exists in the first place.


It’s convenience not ease. Again this will only impact me as far as being able to get into groups sooner rather then later. More specifically raids since I’ll have to start with the optimal covenant for mythic+. And I’m not being selfish by telling you you can’t pick a convent. You can and it legit has no affect on you cause you don’t do the content I do. So no mr.pot Mr.kettle ain’t taking your bs today

For us casuals, it’s not about numbers though. It’s just about having the freedom to try and experiment with new combinations of things. It’s about having the flexibility to try things on our own without having to worry about numbers, or guides, or sims.

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