To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

We have aleady seen beta groups with things like Kyrian only for last spot. It might be less so after tuning the dungeon abilities.

I’d go even further that those particular people are used to having everything at their finger tips from the word go.

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They nerfed the necro dungeon buff in Necrotic Wake by 80%.

Dunno how they’re gunna nerf the Night Fae Graveyard in MoTS by 80%.

Yeah, it will.

That’s fine, if you want to be that person then be that person. But the majority of the pugging community will not do that much work unless it’s a mega high keystone level. Mega high for the casual pugging community is higher than 15, which unless there’s a reward for going beyond 15, is going to be the same way now.

If they cannot get into your group then there’s always 5000 more groups they could get into. If not today, then tomorrow, the next day or the day after that. Monday nights are filled with people just looking to complete keystones, not time them so that’s an easy night for things too.

I don’t really play the meta. My concern is a few classes I enjoy I play multi-spec and some covenant abilities just aren’t as fun on some specs. Others seem like they’ll be great. Also swapping with conduits is a pita. So I have to pick one spec and stick with that.

That’s beta groups, not live. How many people are on the beta? Hardly any at all.

That’s the problem, fun is subjective. Blizzard can’t identify the universal fun thing because it doesn’t exist. I play Feral and I plan on going Venthyr because a Vampire Cat bleeding everything is just fantastic.

lol your a monday night key runner? oh i feel sorry for you but it makes sense

Honestly, where are all these boogeymen? I don’t think I’ve ever even been told why I got a group decline, let alone had someone tell me I was playing wrong because I’m not done up optimally. Obviously anecdotal, but if it’s so rampant, it seems unlikely that I’d have never experienced it after all the years I’ve played. Seems like the only place this is a problem is the forums…

That’s their fun, it’s not my place to question it, and it in no way affects those of us who don’t do that.

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The GY buff could only move you up to the first boss spot lol

You’re getting less Mythic + loot because of them…

They figured out before what made a lot of people want to play before. And my friends were interested with the unpruning stuff. They aren’t too keen on covenants and see them as a worse version of class halls.

I’m not a self indulgent cry baby that demands to get my way or throw a tantrum? Adapt, overcome and improvise.

How? Class Halls were completely fixed in?

Am I? Or did Blizz want to slow down gearing like they’re trying to slow everything else down?

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Because you each have a hall like experience with covenants. It’s just some abilities are locked away in other “halls.”

Actually, when I got my first few keys yeah. This expansion I did not like a single dungeon, but I do literally only Temple of Sethralis because I get amused by the eyeball thing and watching groups when I’m either tanking or DPSing them. But, I will do only one keystone a week, just to get that chest. After that, I’m done for the week unless a friend/guildie wants/needs me to help them get theirs done and I’m in a good mood to help them. Outside of that, it’s just the one dungeon a week per toon then Idc bout mythic+s til the next week.

That you can swap to… and edit…

You can’t swap to other covenant abilities.

You can swap to other covenants with no penalties.