To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

Do you think your opinion matters to me? No, it actually doesn’t. I play the way I play, you play the way you play. We will see who is correct when the expansion comes out. If you do not like it, quit. Not gonna impact me whether you play this game or not. I also do not care whether the covenants are 40% difference or 5%. I play for me, not for you. I enjoy what I will play, and as long as spec designs are fun, that’s all that matters to me. They are more fun than BFA, so with that it’s a win already.

The game hasn’t been balanced in fifteen years, but guess we have to do it now because the elitists said so.

Calling me an elitist is rich.

Okay, so I guess it shouldn’t matter to you either way if Covenants are entirely unlocked, right? Why not just throw the gates open to begin with if there’s no capability to reasonably design the Covenant abilities on Blizzard’s end?

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I didn’t say they won’t bring problems. What I’m saying is, I don’t mind the problems. The balance is always a thing and balance is always on going, eventually.

What people seem to fail to realize is; they’re trying to get some perfect system. No system is perfect, ever. Not classic, not BC, WotLK, cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA. None of them had perfect systems. Nor will SL, nor any future expansion.

oh this wont negitivly impact me as much as you hope it will, meta will still be meta, ill still get into keys and raids if only at a slight inconvince. and then when they fix the broken system in 9.2 i fully expect you to follow your own words and quit btw

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So if you don’t mind the problems and don’t care, why would it matter to you if the system had options for freely transitioning between abilities?

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like he said he doesint care about our experince he only cares about his and he wont be sweyed even if the suggestions that would benifit everyone dont affect him

I’m indifferent about it, like most people. It’s just really amusing trying to watch progressive players try to use the casual player base as their shields for their own demands.

I won’t quit, cause I’m not worried about it. The ones who are are the #pulltheripcord players. IF the system went live the way it is right now I still would play it and be good. Good players adapt, and it’s not my fault if you cannot adapt to things. If they unlocked them, yeah I’ll be mad but I will still play, have fun with my spec the way it is. I’ll just end up getting unsolicited whispers from people for picking a covenant that isn’t 100% the best in the content I’m doing, unless it ends up being that way.

I’m super casual and so are my friends. This system has convinced them not to come back. I plan on playing, but it likely will be alone.

I’m hoping it doesn’t kill the game like BFA and Legion killed my guild.

But they ARE like talents. They’re not even close to a sub-class in function and dont’ even make sense from a role-playing perspective.

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we dont need to it doesint hurt us as much as the casual. im not gonna be the one with a sub otimal covenant not getting into keys and raids. but you will, and you wont be able to change to optimal one for a week. meaning no keys for you for at least a week. but yeah we totally need to use casuals as our defense

How many people do you play with cares about RP perspective? I do not, as a person. I care about how fun the talents are to use, and the spells and how well they draw my attention or not. If they’re designed to be cool, cool. I get it though, some stuff sucks. Don’t pick it. Pick the covenant you like, not worry about the one who gives you more numbers unless you’re doing world first.

I get it, though, most players are driven by the numbers. I’m not. I don’t care whether I’m doing 10k DPS, 100k, or a million. Numbers chasing isn’t my thing.

The casual players are ALSO speaking up about it. We just don’t have youtube creators to do that for us. But we still speak up about the issues and punishments we’re going to face.

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Eh, I think the casual players just buy in to the Blizzard propaganda more than higher end players. In BFA Beta there were players on this forum defending Azerite armor saying they agree with Blizzard that you shouldn’t be able to trade it and you shouldn’t be able to change the traits ever since they were replacing 5 Legion systems. But those of us who got to play with it in the Beta knew these things needed to be changed for the system to even be playable.

Once people see how inflexible covenants are they will come around. The restrictions currently hurt casual players far more than high end players.

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Not. A . Single. Person. Will. Care. About. Your. Covenant. For. Keys.

They did not for legendaries in Legion, for the azerite in BFA. They absolutely will not care about your covenant in SL. What will they care about? The only thing that matters, your raider IO score. LIterally it.

Spoiler alert: That’s still going to happen.

If you’re min-maxing to the point where you’re stacking Expedients, you’re probably going to succumb to the community pressure, or even just the pressure from yourself, to pick the best Covenant anyway.

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Well, they actually do, but because of the way Blizzard writes their NPC’s its not as prominent.

Much like any other faction or organization, they usually posses a unique and particular skills and abilities that they can teach the player which the player can add to his skillset.

they dont care about your azerite because they couldint check it without going to the rmory which was a bit of a hassle, io was good enough. this they can check and if i see you as a lock with Arendwald covenant, you aint coming to my group

A. Don’t want to hear about how you have to leave the raid every boss in order to swap covenants.
B. Hear you complain about having to grind up multiple covenants because you need to in order to stay competitive.
C. Don’t want the burden of swapping covenants myself if indeed it got to the point where one was significantly better than the other.

People who don’t want them swappable are people who want to play the game every day, and adapt to situations. Ironically, the people who want to swap them, don’t know how to play without playing the meta, and can’t deal with a slight disadvantage in some situations, and an advantage in others. And personally, I’d prefer if we had less flavor of the month players personally.