To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

Again you overestimate your importance. I take players on whatever adventure because we are a community of gamers.

In this community we are kind compassionate and love to adventure. Take the elitism somewhere else.

Safety First.


More casuals than top 1%ers get punished by the restrictions.

Blizzard wouldn’t be making things flexible for a minority - there are WAY MORE casuals that would enjoy the flexibility than there are top 1%ers.

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Currently at least I am anti “pulltheripcord”. But I do recognize and agree with this concern.
For outdoors content I think it would be really cool if we can choose to use the covenant abilities of the zone we are currently in.
For instanced content I have two ideas:

  1. In the exploration mode of Torghast we are able to use whatever covenant abilities we want.
  2. On an extensive cooldown we have the ability to switch to a different covenants abilities for a 24 hour period.

I’m not certain this really addresses or fixes the concern but I think it might.

We’ll find out when they actually get to play the game then, won’t we?

I could’ve phrased that better, here goes.

Nobody should feel entitled to enter a keystone at a threshold where they lack relevant experience. People either need to pay, or develop that experience.

The implication here seems to be that detaching Covenant abilities would only happen for Mythic raiders. Which, if you actually believe people are advocating for that, you’re just delusional.

There is no good reason to have abilities with such disparities tied to what should be a choice made for other reasons. If Covenants feel like meaningless choices without abilities, maybe Covenants themselves should be revisited.

No, Blizzard decided that your average rate of gear acquisition should be lower. The change to M+ loot is not an isolated incident.

You can already see some impacts before SL releases.

I’ve had a lot of friends interested in coming back to WoW when I told them about SL. But as soon as I mentioned the restrictions with conduits and covenants they decided not to even bother.

When your systems and strategy is built with restrictions at it’s core - you’re going to turn a lot of people away before they even get in the door. Especially in a subscription based game. I think people would be more open to that strategy if WoW was free to play.

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no you overestimate your importence cause i have no problems getting into keys and raids, you im not so sure about.

We get that you have no issues speaking for people on their behalf.

and i get your a less then casual who wants to force their way of play on everyone else but like i said this change will affect me far less then it will affect you. of course you cant get into high keys anyway so i dont even know why im taking you even semi-seriously

Same. My friends say it sounds like crap. And I was hoping maybe they’d want to come back. People don’t want to be locked into specs, locked into only playing part of the story.

They read up on Shadowlands and see it as the same stuff that pushed them away from the game.

Says the guy that needs four mains when I only need one, but whatever fondles your numbers, I guess.

When I asked them why they had an issue with the restrictions, they said it was like buying a sampler pack because of all the flavors available. But then you find out you have to go back to the store each time you want to eat/drink a different flavor.

I couldn’t really argue with them and had no retort, so now at least 10 friends won’t be touching Shadowlands because of the biggest thing current players are voicing concerns about.

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four mains, all different classes i like varity too you know, and covenants just give me a reason to make four different classes. when i play i game i play to beat it, and ill beat SL just like every other game ive beat, with their own system

Because then they become like talents. Anti-Pulltheripcord people don’t want another system that’s a talent system all over again. Yes, having more choices is more fun, except when people like you, who want to go balls deep on 100% character potential end up telling people who want to have fun and not care about dps how to play your dps toon , what talents, gear, etc. to take.

Yes, we can just ignore it, but it ends up becoming unsolicited to the point where you get whispers without ever asking for help. You also get whispered getting called stupid or dumb for trying to have fun. That’s fine, people have their own opinions, it just gets annoying.

Dunno about others on this point, but I also do not find players wanting to literally do every single piece of content and be awesome at every single piece, to be a good thing for the game. Yes, this is a minority viewpoint and the majority will be like “no, player choices is always a good thing.” No, it isn’t. Why? Just ask mythic raiders why they feel a need to grind 10000 hours a week to get .00000001 DPS point more on their toon instead of just letting it go and getting the boss down next week, next month even? Why do you have to finish in the first week. Why can people just NOT rush things and be like “We will get it down when we get it down. Work on your mechanics, skills, etc and we will get it.”

Something to that effect. It also is dumb, players always 100% overreact if you take something away from them. People didn’t even know about the hardcap at 20+ targets, but the moment they announced it the first time they did, people got outraged by it just because they don’t like things being taken away. Now, I understand from a balancing/tuning perspective that people do not trust blizz to balance it. That’s fair, but, why do you have to care about it? Why do you have to feel bad for choosing the one you like the most, or why not choose the things that seem the most fun.

On to the next point; they also gave you the option to swap covenants, they just do not have the ability to swap back for a bit, which is fair imo. It’s a good compromise. No, you honestly should NOT be swapping them as quickly/often as talents.

The game needs to evolve, but Blizzard has the unenviable position of making sure that the game makes sense from a stability standpoint.

I would expect them to need to make continuing adjustments even if those adjustments aren’t always popular.

The entirety of your post boils down to this:

“I don’t understand why you enjoy playing the way you play, and I don’t care if this system impacts your enjoyment negatively, because my [false] presumption is that it will impact you and not impact me.”


The same could be said about any viewpoints, literally.

your right and when blizzard lets us freely swap covenants in 2.0 ill be happy to know its negitivly impacting you since your so gleeful about negitivly impacting me

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Sure, but also no. I don’t see the merit in offhandedly disregarding the problems the Covenant abilities have already presented and will continue to present overall. The difference between the Kyrian Covenant ability and the other Covenant abilities for DKs is not small, nor is it even moderate. The difference is absolutely stupid. Examples of disparities like this exist for multiple classes.

So, either

  1. They need to be balanced properly
  2. Abilities need to be interchangeable between Covenants